Celestial Tarot - Five of Swords (Pegasus)


Five of Swords ~ Pegasus ~

Astrological harmonic/mode - Quintile
Constellation - Pegasus
Decanate - 2nd Aquarius
Ruler of decan - Mercury

Pegasus - Poseidon succeeded in seducing Medusa by taking the shape of a horse in the temple of Athene. Infuriated by this profanation, Athene turned Medusa's hair into snakes. When Perseus decapitated Medusa, the blood which escaped from the wound gave birth to Chrysaoar and the horse Pegasus.

Polydectes fell in love with Danae, but was embarrassed by the presence of Perseus who had become a robust young warrior. He pretended that he wished to marry Hippodaemia and asked his vassals to bring wedding gifts. Each did his best and Perseus, anxious to distinguish himself, promised to bring back the Gorgon's head. Perseus left Seriphos amd reached the abode of Graeae, frightening old shrews who among them had but on tooth and one eye which all three used in turn. Perseus stole their single tooth and only eye, and in the way persuaded them to tell them where the Gorgons lived. From them he also stole a magic wallet and a dark helmet which rendered its wearer invisible. Equipped, Perseus reached the westernmost extremities of the earth, where, says Aeschylus "dwell monsters abhorred by mortals with locs of serpents, whom none look upon without perishing." They were three sisters Stheno, Euryale and Medusa, daughters of Phorycus and Ceto. Instead of teeth they had the tusks of wild boars, their hands were bronze, golden wings were fixed to their shoulders, and whoever dared to look them in the face was instantly turned to stone. Medusa was the only one who was mortal, thus Perseus attacked her. Armed with a bronze harpe which Hermes had given him, he averted his eyes and, letting Athene guide his arm, he struck. Then he cut off Medusa's head with one stroke of the sickle. Perseus put the terrible head into the his wallet nad flet on Pegasus' back while t he other two Gorgon sisters pursued him in vain.