Horary Readings Round 7 - Answers


Reading for SwordsQueen

Hi minderwiz. May I join - my question: Will I enter a committed, romantic relationship within the next 6 months? Thanks! :heart:

The chart cast has Scorpio rising making your significator Mars. Mars is currently in Virgo, where it is Peregrine, which is usually an indication that you have little or no control over your destiny by your own efforts. It's placed within 5 degrees of the eleventh cusp, so it's treated as being eleventh House. The eleventh house is the next best thing to being angular. so it's well positioned - you might not be able to influence much yourself but you are clearly visible! The eleventh is the House of the Good Spirit and is associated with hopes and aspirations, which suggests that you have hoes that this will come about. Mars is direct, and free from the Sun's beams so it's in fairly good circumstances. You may not be able to do much but if the opportunity arises you will be in the right place to take advantage.

The hoped for partner is signified by Venus. Now Mars is in the Triplicity of Venus and the Face of Venus, so 'he' is clearly the main object of those hopes. Venus is currently in Gemini, also ruled by Mercury but she is retrograde in the eight house. She You may be 'visible' but He cannot see you - he's 'looking the wrong way' (Venus retrograde) and his view is anyway obscured. Venus is in a dignity of Mars - its Face but that is unlikely enough to suggest the ability to look in the 'right direction'. From his point of view he's got other things on his mind at the moment (probably money or possessions) but 'love' is low down on the list. Given Venus' status as combust it's possible that you won't even notice him, despite your desire for a relationship, Again the 'blindness' isn't literal, he might be someone you work with but never for a moment think of him in that way.

By sign Venus and Mars are in a square aspect, given Venus is retrograde it's a separating square. So you might not like him, even if you did notice him or there might be significant obstacles to the relationship forming.

Neither is there a contact by antiscia, so the two main significators offer little hope. The next thing to look at is the Moon, as it might well effect the relationship, either as a second significator for you or for him. The Moon is angular in the fourth house and has some small dignity by Face The Moon makes no contact with either Mars or Venus but she does cast her antiscion onto the Ascendant, I don't think this is sufficient to effect the relationship but it is at least a positive indicator.

Traditionally the Sun is an indicator of a husband in a marriage chart (and Venus for a wife). I can't use Venus here (it's already taken) but the Sun is not, so I could look to see if there's any indication of contact between Sun and Mars. There is but it's a separating square (although a close one). This is again an indicator of obstacles and difficulties. If it was applying, I'd say there was an outside chance of success but that if you were successful you might not be content with the outcome. As it's separating, I can't even be that 'positive'

My final step is to look at the Lots of Marriage. There are three that are used for females. Of these one is ruled by Mars (it's in Scorpio) that of itself is not a major help because we know you want a relationship. However the alternative Lot of Marriage for women is in Taurus, ruled by Venus. The third is in Pisces ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is conjunct the alternative Part in Taurus. So there's a little hope here. He rules the Lot of Marriage for you so perhaps despite the obstacles he will see through to you.

Overall though, I don't see a great chance of success here. There are some things going for you but I don't think they are really enough to say that obstacles will be overcome and romance will follow, I'm not ruling it out but the chances are not good.

Given Mars Peregrine status there's not a lot you are able to do, apart from being seen and being willing to think about 'unlikely' people - but that comes down to how much you really want the relationship.

You didn't mention anybody in particular in your question so I'm assuming it's a start with a clean sheet, rather than having someone in mind in which case, how much you want it is likely to determine the outcome but there's no obvious Mr Right shown by the chart.


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I dont know much about horarys but the fact that mercury is in Cancer, which is ruled by the moon, could that have to do with my career too? Im opening my own beauty salon over there.

Again thank you!! Sorry if my feedback is not that detailed as this is something I myself dont know much about.

Well in this chart the tenth is ruled by Venus (just) and there is little of Cancer in the tenth house (plus it's the third sign along Gemini being totally intercepted). However Venus is a good indication of a career in beauty and Mercury rules the intercepted Gemini, so yes there could well be an indication of the desired career here.


The chart cast has Scorpio rising making your significator Mars. Mars is currently in Virgo, where it is Peregrine, which is usually an indication that you have little or no control over your destiny by your own efforts. It's placed within 5 degrees of the eleventh cusp, so it's treated as being eleventh House. The eleventh house is the next best thing to being angular. so it's well positioned - you might not be able to influence much yourself but you are clearly visible! The eleventh is the House of the Good Spirit and is associated with hopes and aspirations, which suggests that you have hoes that this will come about. Mars is direct, and free from the Sun's beams so it's in fairly good circumstances. You may not be able to do much but if the opportunity arises you will be in the right place to take advantage.

The hoped for partner is signified by Venus. Now Mars is in the Triplicity of Venus and the Face of Venus, so 'he' is clearly the main object of those hopes. Venus is currently in Gemini, also ruled by Mercury but she is retrograde in the eight house. She You may be 'visible' but He cannot see you - he's 'looking the wrong way' (Venus retrograde) and his view is anyway obscured. Venus is in a dignity of Mars - its Face but that is unlikely enough to suggest the ability to look in the 'right direction'. From his point of view he's got other things on his mind at the moment (probably money or possessions) but 'love' is low down on the list. Given Venus' status as combust it's possible that you won't even notice him, despite your desire for a relationship, Again the 'blindness' isn't literal, he might be someone you work with but never for a moment think of him in that way.

By sign Venus and Mars are in a square aspect, given Venus is retrograde it's a separating square. So you might not like him, even if you did notice him or there might be significant obstacles to the relationship forming.

Neither is there a contact by antiscia, so the two main significators offer little hope. The next thing to look at is the Moon, as it might well effect the relationship, either as a second significator for you or for him. The Moon is angular in the fourth house and has some small dignity by Face The Moon makes no contact with either Mars or Venus but she does cast her antiscion onto the Ascendant, I don't think this is sufficient to effect the relationship but it is at least a positive indicator.

Traditionally the Sun is an indicator of a husband in a marriage chart (and Venus for a wife). I can't use Venus here (it's already taken) but the Sun is not, so I could look to see if there's any indication of contact between Sun and Mars. There is but it's a separating square (although a close one). This is again an indicator of obstacles and difficulties. If it was applying, I'd say there was an outside chance of success but that if you were successful you might not be content with the outcome. As it's separating, I can't even be that 'positive'

My final step is to look at the Lots of Marriage. There are three that are used for females. Of these one is ruled by Mars (it's in Scorpio) that of itself is not a major help because we know you want a relationship. However the alternative Lot of Marriage for women is in Taurus, ruled by Venus. The third is in Pisces ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is conjunct the alternative Part in Taurus. So there's a little hope here. He rules the Lot of Marriage for you so perhaps despite the obstacles he will see through to you.

Overall though, I don't see a great chance of success here. There are some things going for you but I don't think they are really enough to say that obstacles will be overcome and romance will follow, I'm not ruling it out but the chances are not good.

Given Mars Peregrine status there's not a lot you are able to do, apart from being seen and being willing to think about 'unlikely' people - but that comes down to how much you really want the relationship.

You didn't mention anybody in particular in your question so I'm assuming it's a start with a clean sheet, rather than having someone in mind in which case, how much you want it is likely to determine the outcome but there's no obvious Mr Right shown by the chart.
Hi Minderwiz!

You're absolutely right. I didn't mention anyone because I am starting with a clean slate - but most of all, I just want to remain open to the person who is most right for me. I am looking for a relationship based on mutual affection and respect. Maybe it's better than that no obvious Mr. Right is shown because it reflects this?

I've definitely been feeling out of sorts lately, like I have no control over anything. But it's good to hear that regardless, I will be in the right place at the right time.

Lol, the reading sounded so positive at the get go! But it looks like it turns out there are not too many supporting energies for a relationship to develop.

I'll keep my eyes open for the 'unlikely' ones.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this reading.


Reading for EyeAmEye

Hello yet again Minderwiz!

.....for 6 months or a full year (whichever you feel might be more effective here), do I have any realistic romantic opportunites? I'm a male, btw.

Thanks again!

I''ll take it as six months.

This chart has Sagittarius rising, so you are signified by Jupiter and the possible partner by Mercury.

Jupiter is in Taurus in the fifth House of Romance, so it's clearly on your mind and Venus is a natural significator of women and romance. The fifth House is a good placement as it trines the Ascendant and is the 'House of Good Fortune'. Jupiter is direct and oriental (rising before the Sun, which is a good indicator) and as the Sun is setting and technically this is a night chart, Jupiter below the horizon is where it should be. That being said Jupiter is better in a day chart and in Taurus Jupiter is Peregrine, so whilst you are where you want to be in terms off being noticed you are going to struggle to make that placement work for you.

Mercury is in Cancer in the seventh House of the marriage partner. Now that does not mean she's going to fall into your lap....that would require Mercury to be in the first House and in reception to Jupiter. She's 'at home', However the good news is that Cancer is the sign of Jupiter's exaltation, so she certainly would not be averse to you in any way, quite the reverse, if you meet she will be very impressed. And here we have an odd situation. Jupiter (you) is not in any of the dignities of Mercury, so you would not have any positive feelings for her.

By sign Jupiter and Mercury are in sextile but they are at opposite ends of their respective signs, so by degree they are not in sextile, nor will they perfect any aspect to each other before they are aspected by other planets. So the meeting looks unlikely here.

There is no contact by antiscia between Mercury and Jupiter, nor does the Moon aspect either of these planets.

The Moon though does offer some hope. Using it as a second significator for you, it is currently in Cancer where it is ruled by Jupiter (and of course, the Moon rules Mercury). It's next aspect is to Mars in Virgo (ruled by Mercury) but by opposition. Mercury's next major aspect is a sextile to Mars, though again there is over 10 degrees separation between them, which is stretching the idea of collection of light (the Moon leaves her light with Mars and it is collected by the next planet aspecting Mars - Mercury This gives some hope that there will be a meeting but as the Moon is not in any dignity of Mercury, there;s still no indication that you will like her at all. Indeed the Moon is in the Sign, Terms and Face of Jupiter - it's concerned with you, not her.

I could use Venus as a second significator for her but Venus is retrograde in Gemini and makes no aspect to Jupiter and is in a separating conjunction with the Sun and a separating square with the Moon, so offers no promise.

Lastly I will look at the Lots relating to the marriage of Men. Of the three possibilities, two are in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the other is ruled by Venus These confirm that you have the relationship in mind but given that Jupiter is not in any dignity of Mercury, it seems that you are more interested in the idea than the person.

There's a chance that you may well meet someone but I think that she will be more impressed with you than you are with her and I don't see you wanting to start any relationship, even if you have the chance. If you do start one, I don't see it lasting - she just doesn't have what you are looking for.


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I''ll take it as six months.

This chart has Sagittarius rising, so you are signified by Jupiter and the possible partner by Mercury.

Jupiter is in Taurus in the fifth House of Romance, so it's clearly on your mind and Venus is a natural significator of women and romance. The fifth House is a good placement as it trines the Ascendant and is the 'House of Good Fortune'. Jupiter is direct and oriental (rising before the Sun, which is a good indicator) and as the Sun is setting and technically this is a night chart, Jupiter below the horizon is where it should be. That being said Jupiter is better in a day chart and in Taurus Jupiter is Peregrine, so whilst you are where you want to be in terms off being noticed you are going to struggle to make that placement work for you.

Mercury is in Cancer in the seventh House of the marriage partner. Now that does not mean she's going to fall into your lap....that would require Mercury to be in the first House and in reception to Jupiter. She's 'at home', However the good news is that Cancer is the sign of Jupiter's exaltation, so she certainly would not be averse to you in any way, quite the reverse, if you meet she will be very impressed. And here we have an odd situation. Jupiter (you) is not in any of the dignities of Mercury, so you would not have any positive feelings for her.

By sign Jupiter and Mercury are in sextile but they are at opposite ends of their respective signs, so by degree they are not in sextile, nor will they perfect any aspect to each other before they are aspected by other planets. So the meeting looks unlikely here.

There is no contact by antiscia between Mercury and Jupiter, nor does the Moon aspect either of these planets.

The Moon though does offer some hope. Using it as a second significator for you, it is currently in Cancer where it is ruled by Jupiter (and of course, the Moon rules Mercury). It's next aspect is to Mars in Virgo (ruled by Mercury) but by opposition. Mercury's next major aspect is a sextile to Mars, though again there is over 10 degrees separation between them, which is stretching the idea of collection of light (the Moon leaves her light with Mars and it is collected by the next planet aspecting Mars - Mercury This gives some hope that there will be a meeting but as the Moon is not in any dignity of Mercury, there;s still no indication that you will like her at all. Indeed the Moon is in the Sign, Terms and Face of Jupiter - it's concerned with you, not her.

I could use Venus as a second significator for her but Venus is retrograde in Gemini and makes no aspect to Jupiter and is in a separating conjunction with the Sun and a separating square with the Moon, so offers no promise.

Lastly I will look at the Lots relating to the marriage of Men. Of the three possibilities, two are in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the other is ruled by Venus These confirm that you have the relationship in mind but given that Jupiter is not in any dignity of Mercury, it seems that you are more interested in the idea than the person.

There's a chance that you may well meet someone but I think that she will be more impressed with you than you are with her and I don't see you wanting to start any relationship, even if you have the chance. If you do start one, I don't see it lasting - she just doesn't have what you are looking for.

Being a self-admittedly very picky person, this is an entirely plausible scenario! For all I know, I could have numerous interested people and I would never have the slightest clue.

I do also have to agree with your assessment that perhaps I am more interested in the idea than an actual relationship or person. While you are correct that it is very much on my mind and has been for a while, it could be more of the "want what you don't have" phenomena, since it is the only part of my life for many years that is not in the order I wish it to be. Maybe that part of the puzzle is meant to be unsolved, at least for now.

The scenario you lay out is interesting however and it makes me want to be extra observant. Just trying to gauge your own opinion on the matter, do you think someone's awareness of a particular situation changes the perception? Since you stated a meeting is possible but I wouldn't have any positive feelings, could the knowledge of that alter my perception, making me more open to the possibility than I would have been had I not been expecting it?

To sum it up, your reading suggests the next 6 months plays out the same as always. Can't say I was expecting anything different.

Thank you as always for your reading, it is much appreciated!


The scenario you lay out is interesting however and it makes me want to be extra observant. Just trying to gauge your own opinion on the matter, do you think someone's awareness of a particular situation changes the perception? Since you stated a meeting is possible but I wouldn't have any positive feelings, could the knowledge of that alter my perception, making me more open to the possibility than I would have been had I not been expecting it?

I don't think conscious awareness will alter the situation. You won't decide to have a romantic relationship with someone you're not attracted to simply to 'thwart' the prediction, nor will foreknowledge attract you to someone you don't find attractive.

However there is always the real chance that the prediction is wrong - let's hope so :)


I don't think conscious awareness will alter the situation. You won't decide to have a romantic relationship with someone you're not attracted to simply to 'thwart' the prediction, nor will foreknowledge attract you to someone you don't find attractive.

However there is always the real chance that the prediction is wrong - let's hope so :)

Hahaha...you don't know me...I might actually do something that stupid to prove someone wrong :)

You could be wrong, but you haven't been so far! Thanks again!


Reading for Daisychain

hi are you still doing readings : will i buy a new property is my question

i need to sell my other house

time: lets say the next six months to be generous i hope sooner

i am looking to renovate in order to increase my income :investment

i also have a partner c

I've cast a chart for this question and then checking your response to my request for clarification, I realise that I am confused. :(

The original question refers to buying a new property but the clarification refers to a need to sell! Is the aim to use the funds from that sale to buy and renovate a completely new property and if so is all this to be done within six months?

Also what if any role will your partner play and (is he/she a business partner or a marital partner?)

I'll make some comments on the chart, simply to try and show what clarifications I need to give you a precise answer.

The chart has Sagittarius rising which means that you are signified by Jupiter which has just entered Gemini and is in the sixth House, which is of itself not a good placement. Jupiter is not without some dignity - it's in it's own Face. However that's not a lot to shout about. The first degree of a sign suggests that a move is imminent or has just taken place, so a move is in the cards. However the sixth house is a weak placement, and together with Jupiter's low essential dignity this is more likely to be a move that is forced by circumstances rather than planned and controlled.

The House (either bought or sold) is/will be part of your fixed property - your real estate. This is signified by the ruler of the fourth House, which is Mars in Gemini.(Mars rules Aries on the IC). Mars in Gemini has no dignity of it's own and so there is some real doubt about the condition of the property. Placed in the ninth Mars is in a fairly good position, so the House is in a reasonably desirable location - not the best (Mars would need to be angular or even the second level (11th and 5th) but it is not in an undesirable location and so at the right price would probably sell Given doubts about the structural condition of the property, it either needs money spending on it or there has to be a hefty discount for a fast sale.

Now Saturn on the MC opposes the fourth cusp, and this suggests even more problems. Saturn can represent delays, it is a natural significator of time and hence delay and it's a natural significator of structure - which given that the structure is already in question is not good news.

Now we come to the difficult bit. If you are selling you have to decide on that price discount against the need to sell. If you are buying, then the price issue can work both ways. You might get a discount but if you need to move quickly then you might be faced with a price which is more than the property is worth.

The other person in the transaction would normally be given the seventh House, which would make Mercury their significator. But you have mentioned a partner - who would also normally be given the seventh. As it can't be shared, I'll use Mercury for the buyer/seller (depending on whether you are buying or selling) and the Sun for your partner. (the Sun being in the seventh and in it's own Face).

Mercury is better placed than Jupiter in the chart and also has some dignity by Face. In a negotiation they are likely to be the stronger - though both of you are not strong, they at least may not need the sale as much as you do.

Interestingly, Saturn rules the second house - your financial resources, and if these are to be taken into consideration, then a new dimension is added to Saturn's opposition to the IC - you may find that the house is not good for your money - it will cost you much more than you hope to benefit, whether that is getting ready to sell it, or ready to buy it. Your finances are though in good condition in terms of this sale so the decision is going to come down to your feelings about the additional costs.

However the over-riding problem is that Jupiter is not going to make any aspect to Mercury, so it's very unlikely that there will be a sale. So the provisional answer is No, you will not be able to buy a new property or sell the other house in the time frame that you have cited.

It's quite possible I've not fully understood your question, so if that is the case I'm, only too pleased to read following a further clarification.

Key things:

Is the question focused on the purchase of a new property or a sale of the existing property - even if the two are linked (you need to sell one to buy the other), the issue is whiere is the focus of the question.

The second issue is what role, if any, does your partner play. If they are not involved in the process, I can use the Sun to examine the financial resources of the other party to the transaction.


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daisy chain

I've cast a chart for this question and then checking your response to my request for clarification, I realise that I am confused. :(

The original question refers to buying a new property but the clarification refers to a need to sell! Is the aim to use the funds from that sale to buy and renovate a completely new property and if so is all this to be done within six months?

Also what if any role will your partner play and (is he/she a business partner or a marital partner?)

I'll make some comments on the chart, simply to try and show what clarifications I need to give you a precise answer.

The chart has Sagittarius rising which means that you are signified by Jupiter which has just entered Gemini and is in the sixth House, which is of itself not a good placement. Jupiter is not without some dignity - it's in it's own Face. However that's not a lot to shout about. The first degree of a sign suggests that a move is imminent or has just taken place, so a move is in the cards. However the sixth house is a weak placement, and together with Jupiter's low essential dignity this is more likely to be a move that is forced by circumstances rather than planned and controlled.

The House (either bought or sold) is/will be part of your fixed property - your real estate. This is signified by the ruler of the fourth House, which is Mars in Gemini.(Mars rules Aries on the IC). Mars in Gemini has no dignity of it's own and so there is some real doubt about the condition of the property. Placed in the ninth Mars is in a fairly good position, so the House is in a reasonably desirable location - not the best (Mars would need to be angular or even the second level (11th and 5th) but it is not in an undesirable location and so at the right price would probably sell Given doubts about the structural condition of the property, it either needs money spending on it or there has to be a hefty discount for a fast sale.

Now Saturn on the MC opposes the fourth cusp, and this suggests even more problems. Saturn can represent delays, it is a natural significator of time and hence delay and it's a natural significator of structure - which given that the structure is already in question is not good news.

Now we come to the difficult bit. If you are selling you have to decide on that price discount against the need to sell. If you are buying, then the price issue can work both ways. You might get a discount but if you need to move quickly then you might be faced with a price which is more than the property is worth.

The other person in the transaction would normally be given the seventh House, which would make Mercury their significator. But you have mentioned a partner - who would also normally be given the seventh. As it can't be shared, I'll use Mercury for the buyer/seller (depending on whether you are buying or selling) and the Sun for your partner. (the Sun being in the seventh and in it's own Face).

Mercury is better placed than Jupiter in the chart and also has some dignity by Face. In a negotiation they are likely to be the stronger - though both of you are not strong, they at least may not need the sale as much as you do.

Interestingly, Saturn rules the second house - your financial resources, and if these are to be taken into consideration, then a new dimension is added to Saturn's opposition to the IC - you may find that the house is not good for your money - it will cost you much more than you hope to benefit, whether that is getting ready to sell it, or ready to buy it. Your finances are though in good condition in terms of this sale so the decision is going to come down to your feelings about the additional costs.

However the over-riding problem is that Jupiter is not going to make any aspect to Mercury, so it's very unlikely that there will be a sale. So the provisional answer is No, you will not be able to buy a new property or sell the other house in the time frame that you have cited.

It's quite possible I've not fully understood your question, so if that is the case I'm, only too pleased to read following a further clarification.

Key things:

Is the question focused on the purchase of a new property or a sale of the existing property - even if the two are linked (you need to sell one to buy the other), the issue is whiere is the focus of the question.

The second issue is what role, if any, does your partner play. If they are not involved in the process, I can use the Sun to examine the financial resources of the other party to the transaction.

your assessment of the property was spot on : however the repairs will be affordible unless there are added cost ; and i want a quick sale so i expect to discount as for your assessment on location is excellent

but yes i was more wondering on the property that i would be buying ;

more then the disposal of my present property

although what you say make me pause:

also my partners financial contribution

we were romantically involved which does sometimes complicate our working relationship

he is to contribute with work helping with the renovations: an raising financing

we are both Pisces so Jupiter is in our house of property which may strengthen our position

thanks so much for the reading


Thanks for the feedback,

I can see that you have some positive feelings for him, but I don't think these are reciprocated to anything like the same extent. However time may well heal things in the longer term. I wish you all the best in your attempts to re-ignite things :)

Thought I would give you an update on the situation. He did get in contact with me again today. Apparently he was taking some time to himself to think things through, and neglected to inform me of this. He is coming back next week, and we did choose to rekindle things between the two of us.

I know that this month there are some major aspects going on in the skies, so I made a chart for the exact time that he contacted me today wanting to reunite. Can I read the chart like a synastry chart with my natal chart against it, and his natal chart against it? Also, since he sent the message from a different location than the one that I am currently at, would I put in the location the message was sent from and the time the message was sent to compare it? Rather than in the location I received the message?