Spirit Guide Reading


I just tried this spread

Wild Unknown Deck with the following spread


-------4-------5-------6------- ---10---


1.What is your spirit guide like/their personality
The Devil -- This feels true that my guide is using temptations to teach me lessons

2.How is your spirit guide helping you right now
The Star -- Don't be afraid to dream

3.What would your spirit guide like you to do right now to help yourself
3 of Cups -- Connection with good friends with whom I can be myself will be very supportive

4.What they think your strengths are
Ace of Cups -- my ability to start fresh with a good attitude and excitement

5.What they think your weakness are/what you need to improve on
8 of Pentacles -- I often don't see projects to completion

6.What they hope to achieve from working with you right now
The Sun -- my success would mean a win-win, feel-good scenario

7.What is your partnership like in the spirit world
9 Swords -- Fits with the personality card of The Devil! This feels right that the nightmare card comes up here. what else needs to be said....

8.What your spirit guide wants you to be aware off right now
Magician -- manifestation can happen anytime and quickly; keep alert so as to not miss something good

9.Advice from your spirit guide
Emperor -- This is my 'personality' card so I always read this as 'me'. Therefore I see this as a heed to remain true to myself. I like that in the companion book for this deck it state the following for the Emperor card: " with help from the sun, the emperor can see for miles and miles". Appropriate because the Sun card lays right above in the position of what the guide hopes to achieve.

10.Message from your spirit guide
Judgement -- and a final message -- perfect card for this position. Also from the companion book "Expand your wings and be reborn". Good words for me right now....

I'd love to hear others' interpretations if you'd like to share. Thanks!