Marseilles Reading... can I have your take?


I am trying out FantasyWorld's 'Capricorn Spread' with my Grimaud and a few cards into it I find I am being distracted by other things :) ... so as it seems to be taking me while, I thought maybe you would like to do it also. It would be interesting to compare readings on this spread.

The Spread is posted here in the first post:

Capricorn Spread

I am trying Lunalafey's spread which is also in the same thread (2nd post)

The cards I have drawn are:

C - Page of Disks
A - Four of Batons
P - Four of Swords
R - Ten of Swords
I - Two of Disks
C - Eight of Cups
O - Knight of Batons
R - Page of Cups
N - Ace of Swords


My Sun's not in Capricorn, but as my Moon and a few other major planets (which I won't name) share this sign with my MC, I suppose I'll give it a try...

Here is the spread (from the link above) with the cards:
C-larity-Insight into being a Capricorn - Page of Disks
  • As you very likely connect Coins with the element of Earth, I suspect that your own personal Capricornian energy is more situated in the first house. Capricorn certainly, but with an aspect that also has Arian qualities.

A-spire-What greatness can Capricorn bring you - Four of Batons
  • Organisational skills - of especially documents and those that have to deal with documents which pass through your hands.

P-sychism-What psychic gift does Capricorn give you - Four of Swords
  • Again I presume you tend to correlate Swords more with the intellect than I personally do, so here see two aspects. The first a clarity of cutting through the errrr.... how shall I put it... the crap, but the second of allowing insights to also be put through a process of 'cutting at the edges' in order for a certain succinct clarity to be beheld.

R-esist-How do you resist being a Capricorn - Ten of Swords
  • No resistance - just self criticism (which of course justifies the criticism of others)

I-f I fully embraced being a Capricorn... - Two of Disks
  • Weighing and balancing the societal expectations with those of one's one self... and seeing that they actually do meet.

C-anopy-What shelters you - Eight of Cups
  • Abundance of familial love and established social values

O-rbit-What's hidden from you - Knight of Batons
  • [that's hidden]

R-ender-What must you give up - Page of Cups
  • Offerings? Perhaps the bringing of desire.

N-avigation-Where being a Capricorn will lead you - Ace of Swords
  • To your own sense of inner self.

(as I wrote all this rather quickly, I'll probably would want to alter it somewhat - also, please do not take this as a reading, but rather some possible reflections given the cards in those specific locations)


Thanks jmd

I can go and read your post now, which I didn't do before I completed mine.

C - Page of Discs

In this instance I see the Valet De Deniers as a pupil, trying, with great effort and concentration to learn the qualities of the earthy Capricorn. I don't see any relation here to money or finances, but more the earthy side of the discs. Capricorns love nature, Mother Earth, the seasons, and there is so much to learn and enjoy, we just need to open ourselves up to what is right there in front of us.

A - Four of Batons

The energy in this card is in trying to bring back the drifting, cut flowers to the source - where they belong and will be nourished. Capricorns aspire to 'keeping it together'. Stability is where we get most comfort, and our power is fed by us being able to ground, take stock and organise.

P - Four of Swords

When I see this card, in this position, I see the bud of potential being protected by the swords of the mind, in the shape of the thrid eye. But four buds have already been discarded. Capricorns like solitude therefore are represented by the middle flower.

R - Ten of Swords

Is it time to start a new way of thinking and accepting what is important to us? The two central swords are actually saying 'resist' to me. To start a new cycle and resist Capricorn ways is completely alien to us but we know when it's time to move out of that rut and will do so when we need to.

I - Two of Discs

Knowing yourself and accepting yourself is important to Capricorns. We like rules and guidelines, we like to know where we stand and how far we can go. An unbalanced world to a Capricorn is one of confusion and new tasks.

C - Eight of Cups

Being part of a good team whether that is work. family or whatever aspect of life, gives Capricorns a feeling of belonging and therefore confidence. Although we enjoy our solitude, we also strive to keep everyone in our 'team' happy and love things to run smoothly. If we can surround ourselves with order we are content.

O - Knight of Batons

The knight of Batons is a go-getter and sometimes throws himself into a situation without thinking it through and this is definately not a Capricorn trait but, perhaps once in a while it would be good to let our hair down and throw caution to the wind. Capricorns keep this side of our personality well hidden - but it's there!

R - Page of Cups

The Page is not really looking where he is going. He concentrates far too much on his cup and his emotions and will lose his footing if he doesn't wake up! Capricorns have a tendancy to get totally engrossed and are not always aware of what is going on around them. This card is telling us to stop being so dreamy and open up our world a little.

N - Ace of Swords

Understanding our own Capricorn nature takes us on a direcct path to appreciating and therefore loving ourselves more. As this sword pierces the crown (of knowledge) a shower of celebration falls.


Moonbow* said:
I am trying out FantasyWorld's 'Capricorn Spread' with my Grimaud and a few cards into it I find I am being distracted by other things :) ... so as it seems to be taking me while, I thought maybe you would like to do it also. It would be interesting to compare readings on this spread.

The Spread is posted here in the first post:

Capricorn Spread

I am trying Lunalafey's spread which is also in the same thread (2nd post)

The cards I have drawn are:

C - Page of Disks-clarity-insight into being a Capricorn-I see your insight as good wine-great anytime but the longer it ages the better it gets.
A - Four of Batons-aspire-what greatness can Capricorn bring you-fredom,opening to new possibilities,letting go of limitations.
P - Four of Swords-psychism-what is your best psychic ability/skill-being able to find rest,,review where you are,relaxing body and soul,preparing for the future.
R - Ten of Swords-resist-how to you resist being a Capricorn-self-pity-why me,putting your interests last:remember everything happens for a reason we all have lessons to learn and then we are able to move on:)
I - Two of Disks-if I fully embraced being a Capricorn-I would have balance, fun,I would see the possibilties,cope with demands,take time to play. Capricorns are often too serious and forget to have fun.
C - Eight of Cups-canopy-what shelters you-finding out the facts,leaving the rat race,moving on.
O - Knight of Batons-orbit-what's hidden from you-your a go-getter, you have it in you to do what you want.
R - Page of Cups-render-what must you give up-childlike emotions,moodiness,an apology;I had a reading done me once where this card came up and he said I would spend my last dollar if I had it although it wasn't pentacles he got that feeling about me,LOL which is so true.
N - Ace of Swords-navigation-where being a Cparicorn will lead you-Justice,being objective,facing problems,righting a wrong
Here are my thoughts (above in the quote). I got some of my interpretations from "Learning the Tarot" Joan Bunning.


Thank you FantasyWorld

It seems we know a Cappy's traits quite well I think :) I don't know which deck you used but it's interesting to see that we came to the same or similar conclusion on some of the cards.

Thank you for your reading


Moonbow* said:
Thank you FantasyWorld

It seems we know a Cappy's traits quite well I think :) I don't know which deck you used but it's interesting to see that we came to the same or similar conclusion on some of the cards.

Thank you for your reading

Your welcome:)
I'm glad the spread worked out well and people have tried it!!
Blessed Be


I did my spread finally using the Fey Tarot:
C-larity-Insight into being a Capricorn
A-spire-What greatness can Capricorn bring you
P-sychism-What psychic gift does Capricorn give you
R-esist-How do you resist being a Capricorn
I-f I fully embraced being a Capricorn...
C-anopy-What shelters you
O-rbit-What's hidden from you
R-ender-What must you give up
N-avigation-Where being a Capricorn will lead you

Because my cat was laying on the bed with me I didn't have much room t lay the cards out so I laid them out as so:
Which is interesting because 258 spell AIR.
I had a hard time at 1st and got back t it today and looked at them as rows in addition to questions and such.

C-larity-Insight into being a Capricorn-3 pentacles
A-spire-What greatness can Capricorn bring you-5 wands-rx
P-sychism-What psychic gift does Capricorn give you-2 swords
R-esist-How do you resist being a Capricorn-6 wands
I-f I fully embraced being a Capricorn...-knave pentacles-rx
C-anopy-What shelters you-2 wands rx
O-rbit-What's hidden from you-ace pentacles
R-ender-What must you give up-the chariot-rx
N-avigation-Where being a Capricorn will lead you-3 chalices-rx

I noted 5 reversals, 1 major, 1 ace, 2 (3's), 2 (2's), 3 wands, 3 pentacles, 1 chalice and 1 sword.
3 chalices-rx- I noted as lonely or a lonely life, ace as security, 3 pentacles as craft work; we are what we do! I do nothing at this time but sit on my ass at the computer and sleep all day, sometimes.
I also noted that since my only major was the Chariot and reversed at that that I want to go go go but don't, I want to travel but don't (can't) so I feel restricted but this card is in the Render position so it's what I must give up.
Looking at cards 4,5,6 I see it as I am able to take off, set out, feel good but then feel like I am falling-I may not have seen it that way with another deck.

BTW-My 5 year son looked at the Chariot and said "oh a wagon" and I asked him what he thought about it-he said" the people in the card are Destiny and the bridge is ancient", thought that was interesting.

Opps: just realized I probably should have made my own thread for this, sorry.
I didn't pay attention to the title of the post, i just thought it was about my spread;)


Hi Moonbow ~

I have a Capricorn Ascendant and Venus in Capricorn. so your reading spoke to me. This is what I saw, without looking at the other interpretations and done quite quickly before work.

C - Page of Discs

In the New Year, looking at the world afresh and still seeing wonderful new things in it. You have curiosity and a youthful capacity and openness for learning.

A - Four of Batons

Four is an earthly number so your energy and your inspiration still comes from the earth – your spiritual essence of groundedness and harmony will still form the basis of your life in the coming year.

P - Four of Swords

I think this four and the preceding four speak of new things for you this coming year. – Perhaps a sharper more focused energy than in the past. Are you planning new things?

R - Ten of Swords

To me this builds on the previous two cards. You will start something new, challenging. focused and different and you will see it through to completion. 10 is the end of the cycle but also the beginning. A lot will be gained from this endeavour.

I - Two of Discs

This is such a joyful card. At this stage of your life, you do have self acceptance and are secure also in the love and regard of those most important to you.

C - Eight of Cups

This speaks to me again of the richness of love in your life. Relating to VIII Justice, the consequence of work well done, time well spent, balance with the things that are important in your life..

O - Knight of Batons

I was surprised to see the Cavalier here given the balance of the rest of the spread. Possibly he actually brings balance to the throw. Just a reminder that you do need the raw energy from time to time. You need to step out of the square – to surprise yourself and others.

R - Page of Cups

This speaks to me of young people and is related a little to the energy of the Cavalier de Baton. Possibly a new role with young people – your own kids, or other kids in some way.

N - Ace of Swords

It will be a great year for you, Moonbow*. New and focused endeavours will result in wonderful achievements.

Altogether, the entire throw is so interesting. It is almost completely balanced. 2 Batons, 2 Deniers, 2 Coupes, and 3 Epees, but the last Epee being one of crowning achievement. Such a Capricornian throw. :).

Thank you for the opportunity to read.

Edited to say that I have just gone over the other readings and missed an elementary part of the spread. I simply read the cards in a linear fashion. Still fun, and hope it offers you something.



Thank you for your interpretation of the cards I pulled. I hadn't intended giving feedback when I posted this, so I will be brief. I feel though, that I want to post a response because I do know that this year will be quite challenging for me, in many ways, and new things may be on the horizon also. Which path I decide to take is still uncertain, but your reading had a few points which immediately touched on things that are on my mind.

I was going to ask about the position of the cards when I noticed your edit. But infact, your reading seems more personal in some ways, so I think it has worked well being read in this way.
