My self understanding reading


Hi folks!
Just trying out Hanged Man's new spread - Self Understanding spread so I thought I'd share my results with folks.

Well, for this reading I decided I wanted a heavy deck. I picked up the Thoth and something me said too easy! I rummaged in my box and picked up the odd deck and it didn’t feel right. So I got out my Book of Kaos and it felt better than the other decks I picked up. I tried reading the cards separately, but I found that the spread worked better for using the two cards together.

This is what I am. – The 7 of wands
2. This is what I am not. – Ace of Pentacles.
I am full of energy of this burning and smouldering energy and that’s a very new and exciting thing for me. The card shows a strange man that wears his animal nature on the outside. Although there are some ‘conflict’ I don’t see it being too bad, because this person has the strength and connection to be who they are and use it to their adventure. Now is the time for action, not for the passive gentle working of the Ace of Pentacles. I am really reaping those rewards now so not the time to sit on my laurels and wait another cycle for things to happen. I am battle ready and full of the rewards of my efforts –self made and connected.

3. This is what I have. - Lovers
4. This is what I do not have – 5 of Swords
This is where I look at this and realise just how lucky I am. At the moment I am really working and connected to all these things in my life. I am very lucky to not only be able to work with all the different parts of myself but I can do this with people that I love and trust. This card really hits on some of the energy that is around.
And how part of me isn’t fully secure it in. I’m waiting for the penny to drop, for the proverbial sh** to hit the fan. The last time things felt this good I was betrayed and lied to, things went from very good to very bad very quickly and I’m being very tentative because I’m too scared to trust in this Lovers energy. The power of union and connection, of how this time its based on so many other things, things I have welcomed and chosen and worked for – things that people just cant easily take away like before.

5. This is what I think.- 9 of Cups
6. This is what I do not think. 5 of Wands
Ah the 9 of cups, I really do think I need to be in a pub with a pint like the dude in the card. To sit quietly with all of these things around me and to just be happy. To feel that content and restful, and I see that little smile on the dudes face, smiling to himself of the happiness he feels. But then another part of me things ‘Ha he’s waiting for it all to go horribly wrong, for the moment to pass and realise how bad his luck really is’.
Sometimes I’m just not my own best friend, and seeing that 5 of Wands all that competition and conflict with people. I’m expecting it but its not really there. Everything is feeling fairly peaceful and good – and again it unsettles me how good things are.

7. This is what I feel. – Ace of Wands
8. This is what I do not feel. 9 of Wands
With all these fire energy, this self belief and confidence and pride. An Ace of Wands is standing tall and proud, there is no seed of doubt in that card. It completely believes that it’s the space it has to – there isn’t much in the way of need or what, it just is. This is how I am starting to feel, and it really does surprises me. That I can feel this way, I can feel connected and belonging and independent.
I can stand proud during the good times, not just in a time of conflict a time, fire being just a last defensive manover to stop being dominated and controlled. Hmm lots of things to think about fire energy and how I want to start using it now that I am ‘plugged’ into it a lot more now.

9. Important issue.
This card really highlights the energy of the two 5 cards – of me looking to see for the worst to happen, being suspicious and waiting for the next sneaky trick that Fate is going to play on me. But looking at that stealthy warrior I can also see how its not just Fate I have to worry about, because with my own critical and cynical nature I am almost devaluing and attacking the situation I have.
But also he is a lone warrior. The ‘enemy’ are out there, trying to chop at the good things, his way of life, but he has the energy to fight for what he believes in, for is right. I had to admire the independence of this Rambo figure. I’ve never thought of the 7 of Swords as representing a sort of Robin Hood figure, someone that fights when things around him have gone bad. I’ve always thought of them working for themselves, being cruel and self absorbed, but this warrior shows that a warrior might start to fight for themselves at first but there’s all that responsibility that you bring on yourself, the principle- one that fights against the present regime.
Fire energy within me is something I learning to use a lot better. And I think this is why so many wands are coming up – that the raging fires don’t have to burn for me to be fiery. There is a very nurturing need in fire, to keep attending to it, keeping it fuelled and making sure that it has its uses.

Good spread and gave me an excuse to pick up this amazing deck again! Well done Hanged Man.


The Hanged Man

Hi Sezo,

Glad to see you found this layout so insightful. You got so much out of it! ;) I like to use this spread when I really need to obtain a true understanding of myself in the midst of a particular situation. The results can be very suprising, and causes to question how well we really actually know ourselves.
