My self understanding reading: PixiLi


I did hanged Man’s spread last night and found it most insigtful
Bear with me as this is my first time to talk about a spread I did.
I used my RWS deck

1. This is what I am ~ Eight of Pentacles
2. This is what I am not ~ 10 of Cups
I’m a good worker who is rewarded for my efforts whether it be on a career level or a spiritual level. But I am still searching for ultimate fulfillment so I have a while to go yet before I achieve it.

3. This is what I have ~ King of Wands
4. This is what I do not have ~ Seven of Pentacles
The KoW I believe is my husband who is a great partner and lover of our children. But we still have to work hard to see any fruits of our labour

5. This is what I think ~ Judgement
6. This is what I do not think ~ Six of Wands
On a spiritual level my life is changing and I’m learning more and more everyday. But I think I really need to work harder to achieve my goals

7. This is what I feel ~ Queen of Swords
8. This is what I do not feel ~ Four of Cups
QoS is me. I have been through a lot to get to the place I am today. And I think I found my path and am really enjoying it.

9. Important issue ~ the Chariot
I love this card because if this is my important issue…I’m doing OK.

Thank you Hanged Man for a most wonderful spread. I really enjoyed it and will defiantly use it in the future