Online video readings-what does the client see?

Richard Steele

In doing readings for online querents, what do you display for your customers? I'm curious if you think it's important for the customer to see just the actual cards, or just your face, or see both you and your cards. Is this more like a phone call, or more like an actual virtual visit in person?

I ask because I've done reading by phone which were fine, although I much prefer being able to see the client, and for the client to be able to see the cards. I'm thinking of adding video as part of a Skype call, but am unsure of what to train the camera on. Wondering if you've found one approach to video to be significantly superior to others. Thanks...


I've thought of Skyping readings and videoing email reading with a private Youtube link for them to watch it on.

I would personally just shoot the cards and layout.