Reading AS the mentally ill

Michael Sternbach

Well, I am still in shock and re assessing after this ; it is Mental health Week here ... the announcement is - 1 in 4 people have a mental health issue ... :bugeyed:

1 in 4 !

Whatever that means :confused:

But it sure explains a LOT of what is going on.

It's more likely 3,99 in 4. LOL The question here is of course what you set as standard for mental health. "How can I prove that I'm not crazy to people who are?" It has been said that humanity at large is suffering from a collective psychosis. Now, in our modern materialistically minded societies, those who get a glimpse of what lies behind "Isis' veil" don't easily find a framework that would offer them orientation. So they exhibit confusion and become outcasts. Notwithstanding the efforts of great researchers like C.G.Jung, such individuals are generally seen as suffering from neurological imbalances to be treated by psychotropic medicines (sometimes for the rest of their lives) which however tend to suppress the natural balancing processes of the psyche. It's my conviction that only some kind of initiation could truly heal these hapless people, as shamanistic cultures exemplify since ancient times.

Studying the astrological charts of many mentally troubled individuals in my work together together with a psychiatrist, I have frequently seen the influences of the outer planets (beyond Saturn - which signifies the frontier of the collective belief system) as prevalent. Those planets at once stand for the psychic and mystical aspects of the mind. It is often difficult to find avenues of positive expression without proper guidance.

For what matters is to have some kind of mirror at hand. Tarot can be one as confirmed by several contributors to this thread. It can indeed be a very powerful psychotherapeutic tool that allows to access the roots of an inner conflict in no time. It's to be hoped that more and more therapists will come to see its potential in this regard.



We can't really talk about all of these things - and others - under teh general banner of "mental illness" and think that one answer is appropriate to all of them. It just isn't. Talking physical illness, someone with a head-cold can still go long-distance hiking, but someone with a compound fracture of the tibia can't. And mental illnesses are as different to each other as that.

10 / 10 !!! :) :thumbsup:

I have counselled 'psychics' (who had no idea that was their 'affliction') and were classified as mentally ill by their parents and doctors from an early age. Now their illness was due to that ... and all the medications that went with it.

Guess what her originating 'psychosis' was ? She used to rise out of her body at night and see herself asleep in the bed. Seven years later she first heard the term 'astral projection' after she read simple book I gave her. :mad:

I have had to nurse patients that were so far removed from reality ... I wouldnt even say "tarot cards" ... in their presence.

Great distinctions exist within the definition.


It's more likely 3,99 in 4. LOL The question here is of course what you set as standard for mental health. "How can I prove that I'm not crazy to people who are?" It has been said that humanity at large is suffering from a collective psychosis. Now, in our modern materialistically minded societies, those who get a glimpse of what lies behind "Isis' veil" don't easily find a framework that would offer them orientation. So they exhibit confusion and become outcasts. Notwithstanding the efforts of great researchers like C.G.Jung, such individuals are generally seen as suffering from neurological imbalances to be treated by psychotropic medicines (sometimes for the rest of their lives) which however tend to suppress the natural balancing processes of the psyche. It's my conviction that only some kind of initiation could truly heal these hapless people, as shamanistic cultures exemplify since ancient times.

Studying the astrological charts of many mentally troubled individuals in my work together together with a psychiatrist, I have frequently seen the influences of the outer planets (beyond Saturn - which signifies the frontier of the collective belief system) as prevalent. Those planets at once stand for the psychic and mystical aspects of the mind. It is often difficult to find avenues of positive expression without proper guidance.

With you here !

Thats why my astopsych chart is arranged the way it is ... so one can examine the weak links and forge strong ones via different routes that are more 'open' ... a good Neptune Moon Mercury aspect works wonders here !
For what matters is to have some kind of mirror at hand. Tarot can be one as confirmed by several contributors to this thread. It can indeed be a very powerful psychotherapeutic tool that allows to access the roots of an inner conflict in no time. It's to be hoped that more and more therapists will come to see its potential in this regard.



As an update to this thread, I have been feeling so droopy and un-alive for a couple of weeks, partway due to health and working with a horrible abusive person for a while (fortunately that ended), probably similar to many folks who have had a hard mercury retrograde/autumn transition/eclipses/whatever, and I find that if I don't have the interest or energy to get out of bed, I lose all interest in tarot, so I am glad that I have no paid readings booked for todAY. I figure I *may* do a little one-card stuff here to stay active and snap out of the droopiness, but will only do readings if I feel I can be with it enough to make it worthwhile for the people, and for me. I figured looking at the situation while being what people might call 'mentally ill', or technically depressed, is helpful!


In that spirit, and knowing exactly how that feels, I recommend you visit the Games section, the thread "Give me something to sing about." In fact, I think I will pay a visit there myself.


In that spirit, and knowing exactly how that feels, I recommend you visit the Games section, the thread "Give me something to sing about." In fact, I think I will pay a visit there myself.

Good idea--I like the games section, but find it too dreary to read too many questions about 'tell me about XYZ's relationship' or 'how ZYX will like my new hat' and third-party things that don't feel like something I want to participate in. I try to take part in the ones that feel like I can be helpful. I think 'positive' is a good thing!


Well I basically am the Queen of Cups, the mental health issues and moods go with my intuitive insights. It's all part of the same thing for me probably. I think reading for others and myself has been very healing. I have discovered so much about myself and I can say I have a hobby! I can do something and have learnt a new skill, despite having a chronic disorder. When I first got into tarot, I couldn't sit down and read a book through. I have got into something, met new people I talk to everyday in a community and improved. I can genuinely see recorded improvement and also spiritual journey improvement :)

I know my limits though and what is tricky and what I find easy.

these are my tips...

- I try not to read on health or mental health questions (my own and others), I try not to take the decision making process out of my life or free will (at one point I was asking the tarot for every decision! not healthy). Watch excessive reading and the dark side of tarot addiction, we are much more likely to fall into it. It doesn't help us in the end!

- I struggle with confident and commitment. I still struggle at times to sign up to things on here because I worry my mental health will worsen and I will let my partner or circle down. This has never happened and I should go into things with more confident but it's a struggle everytime still. You can only make progress if you go out of your comfort zone but at your own speed and level. Gently push to advance your tarot :)

- before I joined AT I tried an anti depressant which fiddles with your dopamine (this is a very new type of drugs). In the information sheet it warned that it affects your appreciation of art and images. I was sceptical but true enough if I looked at images I felt nothing on it. There is no way I could have done tarot on it. The drugs had horrendous side effects and I came off them. We have to make our own decisions about medication or not but sometimes we may need it and we might need to take a break! we might need a short term course of them. Medication can affect your usage and your intuition but it's a balance and decision we have to work out for ourselves. I only use alternative therapies these days as my personal decision.

- I have had a terrible reading on here which was very upsetting to me and a mutual friend had to look over the reading and cheer me up. The reading was insensitive and plain mean (this is with hindsight). If we get a reading from someone else, here, on the internet or pay for a reading, the reader could tell us anything! not all readers are sensitive or ethical. Also we need to think about the topic or question, do you want to know that really? can we handle what we get? My bad reading was a long time ago and the only one in about 300 exchanges! But if you are a little sensitive and fragile, we need to make sure we can deal with the reading, especially watch out for people who give "harsh truth" type readings when feeling that way.

- Doing readings for other people really helps my anxiety of just thinking over and over about situations and about myself. Thinking about someone else's problems forces you to get outside your own head for a while! I like counselling other people because of this.

- final tip, if we are struggling or it is all getting too much, take a break! put the tarot down, sign out of AT, sign out of all divination related areas of the web. Be kind to yourself and go at your own speed! People take breaks for months, there is nothing to be ashamed of that! Use tarot when you feel up to it! Since I have been using my intuition in readings I get so exhausted. I only do one reading a day now, especially for other people. go at your own pace :)

I write those tips as problems areas for me and areas I need to watch but overall, tarot and divination has been so healing for me! It has made me find my spiritual path and psychicness. I think my psychicness / intuition / spirituality, is absolutely connected to my anxiety and moods. But I am getting more knowledge about myself and my subconscious :) :thumbsup:


In that book mentioned in an earlier post..."30 Years amongst the Dead" the Author mentions that many in those places of confinement and were later freed by his 'treatments' were found to be very sensitive psychically...

He explains that their 'lights' shone a little brighter than the average and therefore attracted any wayward spirits that weren't able to depart by themselves...

Perhaps it's a clue that may assist...


I haven't finished the entire thread but I'm finding it really interesting. I suffer what (used to be? I don't know) called "clinical depression". Isn't that the one that's caused by some kind of chemical imbalance in the brain? So I take an antidepressant. But it's also for pain control due to a physical condition. And I have PTSD from my first 40 years of all kinds of abuse imaginable (and maybe some you can't imagine) and I even had a psychotic break in 2000 when my husband died. That was the result of a succession of doctors who died, or moved away or retired and none of them noticed I was on a collision course with an antidepressant that can turn on you after a long period of time and a high dose of prednisone plus grief. I ended up hospitalized. But I was a real happy psychotic. I wasn't dangerous to anyone. I thought it was suddenly wonderful that God was talking to me and all kinds of amazing things were going on for my benefit---just for lil ol' me---imagine! Once they took me off the drugs cold turkey which can cause death and had to be medically done, I was tested by this hugely long written test that I'm not sure what it was, but I guess I passed because my psychiatrist sent me home on about the 4th day. I wasn't exactly level for quite a few months afterward, but I gradually returned to normal. And i"m a recovering alcoholic---they say about us that once you take away the alcohol all we're left with is the "ic-k". :p Because alcohol is just a symptom of the other things that are problems for us. If I'm still alive in May, I'll see my 30th sober anniversary but I'm not well yet and don't expect to be in this life.

I've been reading cards for quite a few years, both on and off my antidepressant and I don't notice anything different about my ability to read the cards whether on or off. I don't think there's a person alive who doesn't have at least some degree of mental illness of some form or another. Some of us just show it enough to draw attention, I guess.

I have to say, though, that having had a schizophrenic aunt for many years who didn't stay on her medication very well, there are some red flags for me if I'm asked to read for someone who seems not to be under control with their mental illness and I've refused to read for someone once who was in my house with my two small grandchildren I was raising because there was a major disturbance going on and I knew the best course of action was to decline to read and I was relieved when she left without the problems that looked like might have happened. I don't feel bad for having declined or for having said here on the forum that I did. I was gracious and kind but firm with the lady till she left and I know I did the right thing and that I did it with kindness.

I think every person is different and I hope that, with all my mental dents and dings, I give insightful readings and haven't seemed to have any prejudice about reading for most people even with mental illness. Heaven knows, I've got mine!

Michael Sternbach

Well I basically am the Queen of Cups, the mental health issues and moods go with my intuitive insights. It's all part of the same thing for me probably. I think reading for others and myself has been very healing. I have discovered so much about myself and I can say I have a hobby! I can do something and have learnt a new skill, despite having a chronic disorder. When I first got into tarot, I couldn't sit down and read a book through. I have got into something, met new people I talk to everyday in a community and improved. I can genuinely see recorded improvement and also spiritual journey improvement :)

I know my limits though and what is tricky and what I find easy.

these are my tips...

- I try not to read on health or mental health questions (my own and others), I try not to take the decision making process out of my life or free will (at one point I was asking the tarot for every decision! not healthy). Watch excessive reading and the dark side of tarot addiction, we are much more likely to fall into it. It doesn't help us in the end!

- I struggle with confident and commitment. I still struggle at times to sign up to things on here because I worry my mental health will worsen and I will let my partner or circle down. This has never happened and I should go into things with more confident but it's a struggle everytime still. You can only make progress if you go out of your comfort zone but at your own speed and level. Gently push to advance your tarot :)

- before I joined AT I tried an anti depressant which fiddles with your dopamine (this is a very new type of drugs). In the information sheet it warned that it affects your appreciation of art and images. I was sceptical but true enough if I looked at images I felt nothing on it. There is no way I could have done tarot on it. The drugs had horrendous side effects and I came off them. We have to make our own decisions about medication or not but sometimes we may need it and we might need to take a break! we might need a short term course of them. Medication can affect your usage and your intuition but it's a balance and decision we have to work out for ourselves. I only use alternative therapies these days as my personal decision.

- I have had a terrible reading on here which was very upsetting to me and a mutual friend had to look over the reading and cheer me up. The reading was insensitive and plain mean (this is with hindsight). If we get a reading from someone else, here, on the internet or pay for a reading, the reader could tell us anything! not all readers are sensitive or ethical. Also we need to think about the topic or question, do you want to know that really? can we handle what we get? My bad reading was a long time ago and the only one in about 300 exchanges! But if you are a little sensitive and fragile, we need to make sure we can deal with the reading, especially watch out for people who give "harsh truth" type readings when feeling that way.

- Doing readings for other people really helps my anxiety of just thinking over and over about situations and about myself. Thinking about someone else's problems forces you to get outside your own head for a while! I like counselling other people because of this.

- final tip, if we are struggling or it is all getting too much, take a break! put the tarot down, sign out of AT, sign out of all divination related areas of the web. Be kind to yourself and go at your own speed! People take breaks for months, there is nothing to be ashamed of that! Use tarot when you feel up to it! Since I have been using my intuition in readings I get so exhausted. I only do one reading a day now, especially for other people. go at your own pace :)

I write those tips as problems areas for me and areas I need to watch but overall, tarot and divination has been so healing for me! It has made me find my spiritual path and psychicness. I think my psychicness / intuition / spirituality, is absolutely connected to my anxiety and moods. But I am getting more knowledge about myself and my subconscious :) :thumbsup:

Having worked as a therapist in a psychiatric practice for six years, using alternative methods of counselling and treatment including Tarot, it is my position that the people more prone to mental illnesses have a strongly active unconscious and can connect with symbolical and esoteric systems like the Tarot quite easily. They are frequently "psychically" quite open as well. The problem is that these traits manifest themselves in unintegrated and uncontrollable manners, partly due to a lack of guidance and frameworks of reference in modern scepticist Western-style societies. Consequently, therapists usually suppress aforesaid personality traits in their patients by psychotropics, and they often discourage them to get involved with metaphysical things. This is very regrettable, overall, as there seems to be no method to truly heal many such patients short of showing them ways to express the same traits that make them susceptible to mental problems in a constructive manner. Of course, great care must be taken when dealing with such sensitive issues. The above post is an excellent example of somebody able to manifest the upside of aforesaid traits by his esoteric practice, conducted in a responsible way, which greatly helps him to be balanced in daily life. Even though every case is a little different, the practical advice given by the poster deserves deep consideration by anybody in a comparable situation. :thumbsup:
