Trimming Shadowscapes?


I really love my Shadowscapes deck, I really do, but I do have the slight complaint about having to hone in on each picture to read them, and it's a bit more tedious than reading, say, the Anna K. I'm actually not usually one for muted colors--I like my decks BOLD--but the Shadowscapes and the Joie de Vivre are my only exceptions.

I was wondering if anyone thought that trimming it would be a good idea to enhance readability? This picture from the forum made me think it might be:

To me, the details in the images are brought out a bit more because you don't have to peer *inside* the borders. Or, perhaps I'm just imagining this and it wouldn't make a lick of difference :D

I've trimmed a number of decks before, always happy with my results. (I've got steady hands.) But the Shadowscapes borders aren't obnoxious enough for me to go ahead and take the plunge. In fact, the slightly luminescent, lavender borders are quite pretty, so I hesitate.

Lemme know what you think! Thank you!


My thought would be that your eye is being fooled by the size of the image you linked to. The picture makes the cards look much bigger. My guess, it won't help.


I was just given this deck yesterday as a gift and love it, and find that what helped me last night was taking out my contact lenses--somehow that works for me! I think that making them even smaller would do nothing for me personally for ease of vision or use, and I completely anticipate having to bring each one up to my face to really look, so it might wind up best for my own personal readings as opposed to squinting at them in front of paying sitters! I am glad that the book itself has a larger version of the cards, so in theory they are a black and white version of the deck--I think it was smart of them to include a bigger version for reference. I'm thinking it's going to be one for me to learn by heart--I mean the specifics of the deck, plus the already-known references to RWS--and to simply be able to recognise immediately without the need to peer and squint. I do like to look at them individually and appreciate the beauty--I was going to see if there's a study group on them here. Good luck figuring what works for you!


I tend to think a trimming won't improve the issue. Shadowscapes' borders are pretty unobtrusive compared to many. The problem is the image size compared to the amount of fine details, and that won't change with a trim.

If you have a tablet compatible with apps from Fool's Dog, skip the trim job & pick up the Shadowscapes app instead. All the images are in glorious full color...sized to your screen and zoomable so you can see the details. Once you've really mastered those very detailed images in large scale, you'll have no trouble reading them in paper form. The app makes a great reference tool--you don't have to use it to actually shuffle and draw virtual cards, though of course, you can do that too.


Well, the good news is, it's an easy deck to find. Amazon lists it now between $13-$23 (including shipping), and you can even find it in Walmart, of all places, for $23.16 (with book) or $17.79 (without). So you can easily either trim and see if you like it better, or buy a new one on the cheap and trim it to compare. And I can attest to the fact that the art does stand out a little more without those (so pretty, though) lavender borders.

The bad news is, the art won't get any bigger. Like I said, I find it easier to see without the borders, but, like everyone else says, to really appreciate it you need the app or (hopefully!) a larger deck.