First time reading at festival - tips?


Thanks for updating us, Deanne. Sounds like you did good! I also am dad about the couples where one wanted a reading but the other drug them back, but am glad about the parent who let their child sit for you.

So, any memorable readings? Any "When will I die?" or "WHERE the HELL is my extra set of house keys?!" Anyone react with a sharp intake of breath when you turned the Death card? Maybe a sweet little old person asking if they will find love again?


Anyone react with a sharp intake of breath when you turned the Death card?

One did (and another didn't react that way but I'll recount that reading also since both were very interesting)

One older woman asked me about her son, wanted to know how he was doing. She had chosen a 3 card reading. I don't recall the first card, but the second was Death and the third 8 of Pents.

I said something about a significant change in his life had occurred, but that it was a gradual and natural one, and had lead to a more stable situation (gave more depth than that, but that was the gist). Only after the reading was complete and she had stood up to leave did she tell me that her son had passed away a few weeks ago and she was glad to hear he was somewhere safe. Woah! That was definitely not something I expected.

The very next reading was a woman asking about a friend of hers who had gone missing last year. She said she expected he had passed but he was never found, so no one knows for sure.

She chose a 5 card reading. The cards drawn were the Ace of Swords, Justice, Death, 4 of Swords, and 8 of Pents (in that order) - again, woah! New information/evidence, leads to investigation being reopened (and/or a conviction), confirmation of death, burial/rest, stable/secure life (or afterlife). She did not seem upset whatsoever when the Death card was drawn; rather, appeared quite relieved. I guess it was reassuring to know that her thoughts were on track and she didn't have to worry as much.

I've never seen the 8 of Pents as representing the afterlife before (usually more of a job or some other source of steadiness), but in both of these situations it seemed to fit that way.