Why is the thoth tarot better than other decks for divination?


So in what way to do you mean best?

Dear Closrapexa, I really respect your dedication to Thelema. For sure you are an excellent representative, who makes me more favourable to the person Crowley. But as we find ourselves on the site of Aeclectica Tarot, I expected this forum to be mainly occupied with Thoth tarot divination. However to my disappointment, the attention goes mainly to the philosophy of Thelema.

So when I mean -best-, I mean -best- for card reading.


......When we divine we are relating to the power of the subconscious, and as the Crowley cards are presumably more spiritual, this process of relating is possibly stimulated by the symbolic imagery of the cards. This could make the thoth more suited for divination than other decks, under the condition that you can connect with Crowley and the cards.
You may have a valid point, but I don't understand the 'condition' in your last statement. As far as I know, there's nothing in the deck which reflects Crowley's less admirable activities, such as the mistreatment of sherpas on a mountaineering expedition, or a failed experiment in beastiality.

I do not need to 'connect' with the irascible Beethoven in order to respond to his Ninth Symphony with a transformation of consciousness akin to ecstasy.


I do not need to 'connect' with the irascible Beethoven in order to respond to his Ninth Symphony with a transformation of consciousness akin to ecstasy.

For sure musical genius is much easier to recognize than tarot genius. When intellect is involved, the ape of thoth gets the opportunity to play his tricks, and as we can see on atu I he does that sneakingly.


As WE can see it on Atu I ??? Playing his 'tricks' 'sneakinlgy' ???

La Force

Okay, I'm going to add my two bits, just so I'm not left out..... I most likely going to get my hands rapped by a ruler, but oh well.

When you look seriously at Crowly, and I Mean seriously, bottom line he was born in the wrong era. Plain and simple. Have you checked out some porn sites lately, don't tell me there isnt any one out there having sex with animals blabla. same thing for all the scandlous sexuality that goes on these days. No he didn't help those climbers, does anyone here seriously know why he didn't help, do you know what was going through his head at the time, come on, your just hearing gossip, drama, hearsay, maybe there was just reason as to why he didn't help them. Then think about him being an addict, yes so addicted to heroin, his mind was so open to the universal consciouness, think LSD, mushrooms, etc, lets not forget that wanderful plant the shamans use in the deep amazon, to be one with nature and spirit etc. I'm just pointing these to get you seriously thinking. Crowely is like our geniouses we have today, ie. You tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXPTLNVAIfc&feature=youtube_gdata_player. Just now you may think twice, he advanced quickly in GD, a highly highly intelligent man, what ever his brain could sponge up it did and then sum. Then you ask whether his deck is best for divining. Maybe the lights were on in his brain, and he didn't play mind games like waite did. During the creation of his deck he was pretty much higher than a kite, living the world of the rightside brain, lavishing in the universal bliss, that we all desire so much to achieve, we do it through meditation yadayadayada, then think of how he stood up, took the leap of stepping out of the box, he didnt follow no sheep, I see him as Morphious from the Matrix. Too bad he got such a bad rap, if he had been born in our time, pretty much what he did, we wouldn't blink an eye. It would be normal, not so out of the norm, also with him leaving half way through the ritual, stop, seriously whos to blame here, buddy who called him? I'm thinking so, cause buddy knew dam well what he was doing, and should not have pulled him away from his ritual. Crowley would have finished the ritual. Those that know him know that he would've, crowley was damed and determined in everything he did. Then think about what he was willing to do to himself to accomplish the ritual, then ask your self would you do it? Would you sooo willing deprive yourself as he did, to succeed.

Crowley was the most spiritual person, yeah he tested things too the limits and beyond, but dont you, maybe you too scared to take such risks, maybe you like your box too much and you'd rather follow the sheep off the cliff.

His deck beautifully illustrated, by lady Frieda, who took great care to paint crowleys mind onto 80 cards. Think of the boy in the video, imagine trying to paint what he sees in his mind, and do it in a manner so the average person would understand in all it's complexities. Then and maybe then you'll appreciate what Frieda had to paint. She had to cram all his knowledge, wisdom, etc. Onto 80 cards. Think of all his written works and more are on those cards. Then when you actually read the book of thoth, both deck and book were not to be for sale/sold. To be given FREE. He is giving us freedom from our shackles at no cost. To end our slavery. You can't tell me that crowley didnt see that his addiction would be his downfall and his death, he had to share all he knew, teach, etc. before his addiction finally took him. All in a nice little package a tarot deck.

Beat me with stick, I don't care. Once you understand crowley you will eat every word you spoke.

IMO this is the best deck. You want the truth, you get the truth, open your mind. You want the blue pill or the red pill?

La Force


IMO this is the best deck. You want the truth, you get the truth, open your mind. You want the blue pill or the red pill?
La Force

Funny. At least a valuable respons.


I still want to know what the sneaky trick is that the Ape of Thoth is playing on the Magician.


It is seen from very early times that the use of speech, or writing, means the introduction of ambiguity at the best,and falsehood at the worst; Thoth (magician) was therefore represented as followed by an ape, the cynocephalus, whose business was to distort the Word of the god; to mock, to simulate and to deceive.


It is seen from very early times that the use of speech, or writing, means the introduction of ambiguity at the best,and falsehood at the worst; Thoth (magician) was therefore represented as followed by an ape, the cynocephalus, whose business was to distort the Word of the god; to mock, to simulate and to deceive.

That's a pretty limited interpretation. The falsehood implied is in Mercury/Thoth's innate function as communicator. If I, for example, tell you about a red apple I'm looking at, I'm not lying. However, my "red" isn't yours, my perception of "apple" isn't yours and I could never communicate all my experiences with said apple. It is not only intellect, but every form of communication. The Magus practically acts as a "mini-Abyss" from Keter.

I still think you should focus your lines of inquiry. There is ultimately only one reason to use the Thoth or any other deck, because you want to. Go back to basics. Do you have it? Do you enjoy looking at it? Have you done any readings with it?

It almost seems as if you're asking whether a certain food is tasty, yet refuse to taste it yourself. When told the food is, in fact, tasty, you quote others who say it isn't, yet still refuse to take a bite.

Come on, take a bite of the Forbidden Fruit, it will make you as gods. })


It is seen from very early times that the use of speech, or writing, means the introduction of ambiguity at the best,and falsehood at the worst; Thoth (magician) was therefore represented as followed by an ape, the cynocephalus, whose business was to distort the Word of the god; to mock, to simulate and to deceive.

I think that view is a projection of your exact own view. You feel like you have receivedeceive ... or might be receiving deceptive teaching. You certainly seemed to be stating that before ... complaining about it and posting up warnings for others.

It is the self-inflated ego, the idea of the ego that assumes IT is God, the false pride that is mocked. It is the false and narrow ideas that we feel 'all is explained by' that are mocked and deceived.

The ego needs the balance of Mercurius and part of that function is to out trick and out wit the ego ... as the ego thinks itself, and acts itself, quiet tricky and witty at times.

So, depending on which side of the fence one is , one may 'trust' or 'not trust' this 'ape'. It might be subjective and be be part of you that is tricking yourself away from new teaching - our own 'monkey mind'. It might be objective and have some external daimonic reality; a force or energy that is challenging ones subjective internal barriers to attract you to new teaching.

Having a view that it is in there and is some type of plant to fu*k you up and mess up the teachings and your development is .... well .... not a good way to look at it IMO and if one does think that way ... obviously, one should get out of the system now and have nothing to do with it!