Peter O'Toole Quote


Faust (Richard Burton in the film) appears at a Vatican feast invisible (as requested of Mephistopheles) , eventually he is overly disgusted, Mephistopheles hands Faust a cat-o-nine-tails whip and says "Do what wilt Faustus,.

And Faust flogs them :)


You have inspired me to add a quote to 'that other' thread. ;)


Thanks LRichard. I'd not heard that O'Toole had died. I've not heard him mentioned in connection to Thelema previously, but that quote would seem to suggest otherwise.


yes, I had not realised either until the night news. Then I thought; did LRichard put up that post in memorandum or was it a co-incidence?


Sorry to derail your thread LRichard, but this seemed an appropriate place to mention another recent death with a link to Thelema and Aleister Crowley.

Colin Wilson, influential author and Crowley biographer who wrote The Outsider and The Occult, died earlier this month aged 82. His Crowley biography, The Nature of the Beast, was not particularly good, but I do remember reading and enjoying The Occult many years ago when I was in my early teens.


Watching My Favorite Year tonight.


It is surprising when we find out 'who's who' and what they are into.

I have it on a from source that this guy

Has one of the best Crowley book collections in Australia.

His house in West Hampstead, London supposedly contains some 25,000 books, many of them first editions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

That's really cool. I couldn't find much online about his interest, not anything substantial anyway. It is discussed on Lashtal, though, but with no citations. I guess "A King" really "may choose his garment as he will" eh?