POLL: Top 5 Books on Crowley-Harris Tarot!!!!


I'm a newbie to tarot. As you all know, there are myriads of books available. Most of the time, what I end up buying doesn't actually help me at all in any way. Please reply with your suggested "best" book in each category and a BRIEF explanation why you chose the book. It will be a big help for all of us newbies who are trying to save money from buying books which we couldn't use (please also put into consideration that the books you would suggest will help people studying the Crowley-Harris Thot Tarot). The categories are:

1. General Book:
2. History on Crowley-Harris Thot Tarot:
3. Study on Pictorial Card Interpretations:
4. Study on Interpretation via Dignities (Elemental, Zodiacal, Planetary, etc.):
5. Most Usefull Spreads:
6. Famous Book which are a waste of Time and Money:


hummm .. the essence of my askin this poll is to generate a list of books that specialize on some areas of tarot study that we newbies really need ... i'll post a sample answer here .. *sigh* ...

1) General Book : Book of Thot - A. Crowley
2) Tarot History: The Mystical Origins of the Tarot - Paul Husson; UNderstanding the Tarot Court Cards - M. Greer & Little
3) Study on Pictorial Card Interpretations - Book of Thot - A. Crowley
4) Interpretation via Dignities - Tarot Decoded - E. Hazel
5) Spreads - Tarot Decoded - E. Hazel
6) Waste of Time & Money - Tarot for the Soul - G. Zeigler


Hi jhezper, Were you aware that there is an entire section of Aeclectic Forums devoted to tarot books and media? Books are discussed, and dissed.
Check it out, it'll keep you going towards what you want.


Finally Found The Akron/Banzahf Book

I've finally got the Akron/Banzahf book ... as well as Banzahf's other book "Keywords to the Crowley Tarot" ... I now understand why you guys just suggested one book for all my categories ... because the book is really complete ... thanks to evrybdy ...