Why read on Past, Present and Future?


I'm glad you liked it. I think it's a very good means for measuring how pertinent and effective the cards for the future are as well as being positive that the reader is in tune with the sitter's issues.


I thought I'd share something it took me a long time to catch onto. I'm talking years here, not days or months. :p

When I was first learning and for a long time after, I wondered why a person would even want to read about the past or present, which they already knew, when they were asking a question about the future.

Well, here's what I learned----

If you read on past and present, and you get those two right, then the chances are greater that your reading of the cards indicating the future are also going to be spot on.

Now, maybe that's not too impressive if you're reading for yourself, but if you read for others, it's very pertinent. If you read the past and present and the client recognize those as hitting the mark, then both reader and client can be pretty sure what the reader sees in the cards for the future is going to be on the money as well.

Just thought I'd share that. Maybe others pick such things up quicker than I do. I wouldn't be surprised. But this is for others like myself who can be oblivious to the obvious a lot of the time. :)

I definitely read on all 3: past, present and future. Although rarely in the same reading. But they all have their uses.

To my mind, while the past may be over we don't know everything about it. Moreover we remember subjectively. Haven't you ever talked to someone who went through an experience with you in the past and the two of you remember it very differently??? And yet both you were there together experiencing the exact same thing. And each of your memories seem perfectly accurate to you. Yet they can't both be, as they are not the same.

Sometimes what we believe the past was may be not exactly what or how it was, for this reason. We do tend to remember things subjectively.

Also there are things in the past that we just did not know the answer to. And maybe there is not other way to find out now than to do a reading on it. If we have no contact anymore with the people involved, there is no other way to find out what we may want to know than by doing a reading.

I remember once I did a reading for myself on WHY someone from my past treated me so meanly. It said a lot about their inner fears and insecurities. They were not just a mean uncaring person as i had thought. In fact, the reading said they did care about me just did not know how to handle their worries well.

The reading gave me what I needed to let that go from my past. To understand and to see it was not personal. It created empathy, as of course I know what it feels like to worry about things. Felt like a weight was lifted off me later and it let me let it go forever.

Past life readings can be very useful too (if you believe in past lives). I remember doing one that felt very healing for me. I asked once WHY things felt so hard in my life, why I had faced so many more hardships than other people I know. It didn't seem fair to me. But I do believe life IS fair. So I asked if there was a past life connection or reason from a past life. There was. And it made sense to me and I wouldn't have had it any other way afterwards. I understood then what it was I was meant to learn from it and was happy to have the chance to learn it now. It felt very healing to me.

We don't always see the present moment perfectly clearly either. We can tend to do things without really realizing why. I like that kind of question on the present. Like if I know I am somehow preventing myself inside from being all I can be...WHY am I doing this and what can I do to heal it. Like when I KNOW I keep sabotaging my dieting even as I tell myself I want very much to lose the weight. Readings to find out why this is going on so I can work with that, I find are very helpful.

If I feel a bit blue, I LOVE to ask the cards to tell me something about my life right now that would make me feel truly happy to hear. Never fails to cheer me up.

Or I may ask IF the way I am seeing a current situation IS actually accurate. You never know. Sometimes our worries can get in the way. Of a fear of expecting the best because if we are wrong it would hurt. But what if the best thing was can do IS the let that go and openly expect the best.

We might even ask if there is anything we are doing that is getting in the way of us living our best lives. If there is,then we can learn to not do it anymore.

Or I like to ask what I can do right now in the present moment to help create what I want to have in my future.

And I LOVE to ask questions on the meaning of life and how it works...what is destiny and how it works, the afterlife, what is the energy that connects us and how it works...Those too tend to be part of the present moment.

I find readings on the future the least useful actually. I rarely do them for myself. And if and when I do I try to remember that the future can change. So it will likely be the one predicted but maybe not. And that I can change it.

It tend to ONLY ask about the future that is coming so I can judge what needs changing. Eg I might ask where I will be in my job 5 years from now to see if I am on track and heading in the right direction. IF NOT, then I can then ask what I need to do to end up in the place I want to be. I find it useful to know when we are heading off track, so that we can take the necessary steps to get back on track.

But I don't like to just ask what the future will be and then just let it drop as though I had no say in the matter. To me asking about the future is a tool to help you change it, to create more of what you want to have in your future.

Asking about the future, for me, is just a means to an end. Not the end itself.



I pay close attention to the past cards because I feel like the past has many different aspects and each one can affect the present and future differently. The main reason why I like reading for the past so much is because to me, it explains the sitter's feelings about the past. I did a reading for a friend and in his past, he's been homeless, hurt very badly by his exes, etc, but his past card showed that he viewed the past as having been full of opportunities. It really put the rest of the reading into perspective and everything made a lot more sense when I could see that he feels that he had opportunities then that he doesn't have now.

What an amazing revelation, to go through tough times and yet in retrospect see the past as being full of opportunities. I try to keep a similar attitude but it's not always easy.

But I don't like to just ask what the future will be and then just let it drop as though I had no say in the matter. To me asking about the future is a tool to help you change it, to create more of what you want to have in your future.

Asking about the future, for me, is just a means to an end. Not the end itself.


All you posted is very interesting but I trimmed it down to reply. I think asking about the future with an eye to how you can change it is a good practice, too. :)


I pay close attention to the past cards because I feel like the past has many different aspects and each one can affect the present and future differently. The main reason why I like reading for the past so much is because to me, it explains the sitter's feelings about the past.

This is one of the reasons I get so much value out of the Celtic Cross, since it suggests not only what sitters may have felt but also sheds light on how they could react to present circumstances and ways they might take that into the future. It can reveal unconscious, automatic or "conditioned" responses that may come into play in the reading.