Why read on Past, Present and Future?


I think the past creates the present and the two together create the future so the future reading is based on what's leading to it..
I think the past and present are really important to read on as we can usually change our futures if we can see the way we're heading.
I think many people don't seem to realise that every action has a consequence and what's happening to us now is because of what's happened or what we've done in the past, tarot is one way to help us see that.


I think the past creates the present and the two together create the future so the future reading is based on what's leading to it..
I think the past and present are really important to read on as we can usually change our futures if we can see the way we're heading.
I think many people don't seem to realise that every action has a consequence and what's happening to us now is because of what's happened or what we've done in the past, tarot is one way to help us see that.

I liken it to the idea of "vector" (a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction): the more emphatic past actions and experiences are in a given direction, and the less dedicated self-correction that is applied, the more likely history is to repeat itself. It reminds me of the often-misquoted observation from George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Another expression from Santayana that neatly describes the behavior of people who can't accept an answer despite the evidence of past and present circumstances is his definition of fanaticism: "redoubling your effort after you've forgotten your aim."


Yes, I agree, I've also been thinking about this. :)

I also think it clearly shows how our past has affected our present moment, which kind of gives that vibe of being able to make choices and not get too involved with talking "destiny". I think the querent (or me if I'm reading for myself!) feels more empowered seeing the chain of events that way.

This is a good point---seeing how the past and present are going to be reflected in the future. This is definitely going to make the choices that face the sitter much more clear.

I consider it part of the "back-story." Since I mostly use the Celtic Cross, I've often wondered how much value there is in spending time on it, but Eden Gray's "clockwise flow" model turns it into a seamless part of the narrative, explaining where the situation originated and how it progressed to where it is at the time of the reading. I usually paint it in broad, quick strokes unless the querent is confused or wants more detail.

I find it less useful in 3-card spreads, where I prefer using Elemental Dignities focused on the center card, or something along the lines of Hegel's "dialectic:" thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Five-card spreads make better use of it. But I agree, it can be a form of validation for further development of the reading, especially since I don't ask the question in advance. Of course, it only works this way in face-to-face readings where the querent's feedback is instantaneous.

I don't do three-card readings much at all. I used to but then I started feeling like larger spreads were better.

The Celtic Cross is a great spread to use for a general reading that covers all three areas---past, present and future. I think that's why it's so often used in books on Tarot. It's the "go-to" spread for a PPF reading if you want to go into lots of detail.

I think this is a very valid notion. Yes, I've wondered the same myself (why read about the past when you already know it). But then again, the past is a rich vein of intertwined events, emotions etc. and the past card(s) can tell what is the *most important or relevant element* of them all affecting to this current situation and the future. Also, like you said Grizabelle, it's a good "control point" for the reader and the querent that the reader is on the money with the reading.

Yes, I think it's a good thing for both the reader and the sitter. It's really helpful if you have a sitter who is an active participant in the reading. The "stump the reader" or "test the reader" types of sitters are really only cheating themselves, especially if it's a paid reading. The reading will still be good but not nearly as informative and enlightening as it would be if they participate in it.

I always like Camelia Elias's coinage about cards "fixing blind spots". Maybe there is something about the past, or the present, that you aren't seeing--that you *need* to see, in order to achieve the outcome.

This is true, too. The reader can often show the sitter things that were pertinent from the past and/or present that the sitter hadn't stopped long enough to notice or think about till the reading exposed the greater mreaning of what happened or is happening.

These are a few of the position meanings I've been using for quite some time in my own version of the CC:

Distant Past - Underlying factors that - while still influential - have been pushed into the background.

Recent Past - Recent situations or influences that - while now over - are still fresh in the mind (sometimes in an obsessive way).

Present - The situation coming to a head; the realm of possibilities and opportunities; the threshold of a change.

I've been toying with the idea of general time-frames: Distant Past = months to years; Recent Past = days to weeks, up to a couple of months; Present = a day-or-two window of "now-ness."

I think this will be something I'll be doing, too. I haven't really worked out a timing method that I can solidly rely on. I always think I'll do nisaba's method but never carry through. I do have a deck I'm going to use for timing, though.

Those are the exact time frames I use with those positions. It's actually the way I learned from the beginning, and it always worked a treat for my readings.

I may try those, too. :)

I had 2 readings done by Theresa Reed (The tarot lady) so far, and she uses 3 cards to answer a question: Past - Present - Future

I can only agree that hearing something accurate about the past and the present situation gives more credibility to the ''future'' interpretation!

I think so, too!

Grizabella, Thank you so much for sharing your hard-earned wisdom. I believe there's another reason why your insight is true.

While people are familiar with the events of their past and what is going on in their present, they are often not aware of their meaning. Tarot cards, with their wisdom and spiritual depth, are a way to access this meaning. This allows people, if read for by a skilled reader, to understand the "whys" behind the events of their lives. It allows them to see that life is not just a series of random, disconnected happenings, but a series of patterns with meaning and lessons. As a reader, the greatest gift I can give is to allow people to see themselves.

I agree with you there. I had an uncle (who passed away) who once told me if he had the power to give me his greatest gift, it would be that I could see myself as others see me. I think that's very important when reading for others. In a way, you really are seeing them as others see them.

I think the past creates the present and the two together create the future so the future reading is based on what's leading to it..
I think the past and present are really important to read on as we can usually change our futures if we can see the way we're heading.
I think many people don't seem to realise that every action has a consequence and what's happening to us now is because of what's happened or what we've done in the past, tarot is one way to help us see that.

I told my kids as they were growing up that every choice they make will carry consequences, both positive and negative. The best way to live with the decisions and occurrences in their lives was to consider both the good and the bad consequences of every decision and to choose which they could best live with.

I liken it to the idea of "vector" (a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction): the more emphatic past actions and experiences are in a given direction, and the less dedicated self-correction that is applied, the more likely history is to repeat itself. It reminds me of the often-misquoted observation from George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Another expression from Santayana that neatly describes the behavior of people who can't accept an answer despite the evidence of past and present circumstances is his definition of fanaticism: "redoubling your effort after you've forgotten your aim."

I thought it was Patton who said that. Or maybe Churchill, but I think it was Patton.


I thought it was Patton who said that. Or maybe Churchill, but I think it was Patton.

Unless wikipedia lies, it was Santayana. But there have been numerous permutations of it.

"Santayana is popularly known for aphorisms, such as "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."


I didn't go look it up to see who the originator of the quote is. One of my professors cited Patton in one of my classes many, many moons ago so I just went with that. Thank you for setting that straight for me. :)


I agree, the past is very important in past-present-future readings. Not only does it establish credibility, but from what I've noticed the present and future cards are often in relation to the past. For example, I just gave somebody a past-present-future reading about their academic year and the cards relating to the present and future both had to do with progress in overcoming a challenge presented in that of overcoming the past. Without the past card, the reading as a whole would have been much less meaningful and insightful without the information from the past to go by.


I agree, the past is very important in past-present-future readings. Not only does it establish credibility, but from what I've noticed the present and future cards are often in relation to the past. For example, I just gave somebody a past-present-future reading about their academic year and the cards relating to the present and future both had to do with progress in overcoming a challenge presented in that of overcoming the past. Without the past card, the reading as a whole would have been much less meaningful and insightful without the information from the past to go by.

I agree that it takes past, present, and future positions to explain the whole picture involved in the sitter's question. We don't live in a vacuum and everything that happens to us in the past is contributing to our present and future.


I pay close attention to the past cards because I feel like the past has many different aspects and each one can affect the present and future differently. The main reason why I like reading for the past so much is because to me, it explains the sitter's feelings about the past. I did a reading for a friend and in his past, he's been homeless, hurt very badly by his exes, etc, but his past card showed that he viewed the past as having been full of opportunities. It really put the rest of the reading into perspective and everything made a lot more sense when I could see that he feels that he had opportunities then that he doesn't have now.


<cackle> This reminds me of a client I had when I was reading out of a certain spiritual shop. After she saw me she went to the till to pay for the reading, The girl there asked her how the reading went. She said "Nisaba was brilliant on the past and brilliant on the present, but I think she's completely wrong about the future."




(that one was one of my favourite reviews)

Ha ha! Nisaba, this reminds me of a free online reading I did. I set up a Facebook page and was going to paid readings, I offered the first one for free so that he could leave a review. He said "It was spot on, but she didn't tell me anything I didn't already know." :D I didn't proceed after that. I didn't have the patience for it.


I thought I'd share something it took me a long time to catch onto. I'm talking years here, not days or months. [emoji14]

When I was first learning and for a long time after, I wondered why a person would even want to read about the past or present, which they already knew, when they were asking a question about the future.

Well, here's what I learned----

If you read on past and present, and you get those two right, then the chances are greater that your reading of the cards indicating the future are also going to be spot on.

Now, maybe that's not too impressive if you're reading for yourself, but if you read for others, it's very pertinent. If you read the past and present and the client recognize those as hitting the mark, then both reader and client can be pretty sure what the reader sees in the cards for the future is going to be on the money as well.

Just thought I'd share that. Maybe others pick such things up quicker than I do. I wouldn't be surprised. But this is for others like myself who can be oblivious to the obvious a lot of the time. :)
That's such a delightfully simple and practical insight, thanks for sharing! I would have never thought of this!

I thought you would say something about how we can understand the future from the past... now this was unexpected! [emoji28]