Are there any tarot decks that you dislike?


This topic is just for a change. For my part, I've heard so many people gushing on and on about some tarot decks that have little symbolism, have a very muddled system, are uncreative and/or could have been drawn by a seven year old, although most of the decks that DO get rave reviews deserve them. So, are there any tarot decks that you don't like?


There's also lots of deck I don't like, I don't remember them straight away because I only remember the names of deck I do like. There's so many decks out there. If the artwork of a deck does not "get to me" I'm not really interested.
So this means I have a whole collection of decks I love because I think they are beautiful but that are difficult to read with for altered meanings, switching numbers of majors etc. Although I don't really like artists doing that it won't stop me from buying a deck if I love it as a whole. I have a few decks I can read very well, thr others I can still use for meditation. I'm at the moment very interested in using cards for meditation so my collection will be of perfect use for that.
And one day I will find the perfect deck that has it all hahahaha


There are very few decks that I cannot find something ood about. Being a collector, I have this annoying tendancy to find something interesting or beautiful or useful/unusual in most decks. BUT there are some that I just cannot abide by, and I apoloise now to anybody who likes these decks, cuz I pretty much dislike them LOTS:

Tarot of the Orishas
Bosch Tarot

Most other decks I can find something in. For instance, I don't like the Merlin very much, but I find its rearranging of the Majors to suit the story quite interesting.



Robin Wood, I hate the Robin Wood (ducks for cover)

Crystalmynx xx


I hate Connolley for the way, in my opinion, she messed up the symbolism in the Majors and made them feel shallow. I also find Voyager too cluttered, lots of people say your intuition never gets stuck with it because theres always some image to pick up on, but my intuition get confused and cant focus on any 1 thing long enough to make any sense. Feels like Im reading after drink 15 cups of espresso hehe. I must say, hating Baseball the Baseball Tarot decks dont impress me. And I dont trust the Enochian system of magick, so I dont want the Enochian near me either. I also 90% of the time prefer fully illustrated pips and that the deck have 78 cards not ust majors.



crystalmynx said:
Robin Wood, I hate the Robin Wood (ducks for cover)

ducking in the same corner:)
well, i can't really say there are any decks that i HATE! that is such a harsh word.
and i much rather talk about the decks i love:)

oh and kiama, i like the enochian and the orishas is on my wishlist!


I'm not going to say that I hate the decks, but there are some that I am not fond of:

Tavaglione Stairs of Gold --- ick!
Not at all a fan of Motherpeace.
Not too fond of Robin Wood.
Dislike the appearance of the James Bond Tarot of the Witches.

But these dislikes pale in comparison to my worst heresies:

I don't like it when the Pope becomes a Hierophant, or where the Papess becomes a High Priestess. (Inexplicably, Juno and Jupiter I mind much less.)

I don't like it when Clubs become Wands, or Coins become Pentacles.

I don't like it when Strength and Justice are renumbered.

Dare I say it? I'm not at all sure that Rider-Waite-Smith was a good influence. Where it succeeds, Pamela Colman Smith deserves the credit. Where it fails, A. E. Waite deserves the blame.


Decks I got rid of because I didn't particularly like them:
Celtic Dragon
(there may have been more...)

Decks I just really don't like, so therefore won't buy:
Most collage decks
Tarot of the Trance
anything that looks like it was drawn by my 3 year old
anything that doesn't have ANY symbolism whatsoever

I'm sure there are more... just can't think of them right now.

R :) *tarot snob*


Hmmm. I'm a little conflicted on this but, the first deck I ever purchased back around 1972 was the IJJ Swiss deck. When I recently came back to studying Tarot, a friend of mine who is not only an excellent Tarot reader but an internationally acclaimed clairvoyant took a look at my picture-less minor arcana and told me to get a deck with imagery to make it easier for me to interpret their meanings. I happened to also have the Mythic deck so I started using that one and have been quite happy with it. So I guess the fact that the IJJ Swiss deck just shows the number of swords and clubs etc., makes it not quite as useful to me. But I still love the imagery in the major arcana.