What's the postman bringing? - Part 10


My Baroque Bohemian Cats arrived today and I'm thrilled :party:

C'mon Daniloff!

Oh yeah, and a Baba bag is on it's way... Might have to order a BBC one now :)


Sherlock Holmes just got in stock at Amazon, so I ordered it. I'm a big fan of theme decks, but I just can't figure out how this theme will work. I guess I'll see soon enough!


Tarot Garden Reverse Auction purchases!! :)

  • Oracle Alma Bose
  • The Prediction Tarot
  • Tarocchi dei Celti
  • Tarot de Tahiti


Animals Divine Tarot. I found a new one that I could afford hooray!

I can't wait to see it, so wonderfully Pagan with lots of mythological references.


Emmsma had a stern talking-to with my postman recently, resulting in his delivering a copy of another deck by Luigi Scapini (I collect them, see the completionist thread), the OOP and highly desirable Tuffo Nel Mistero. It's lovely! Quite quirky - the pip cards only go up to six - but hey, I can live with that! <wraps self up in smiles>

In fact, most of his decks are quirky in one way or another, usually different ways to each other. The title card in particular is pleasing: on one side is the back of the card, so you turn it over to find the back of the card again! <laughter>


Excitement! I am now the owner of a still sealed Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot 1st Edition deck with book.

I treated myself and bought an Art Nouveau Tarot Mini deck also to celebrate the find. Cheers!!


Received my NYC Mystic Deck...super fast shipping and it's beautiful.


I just received Borderless Deviant Moon, Cosmic Tarot and a Thoth deck, along with the Book of Thoth and Understanding A.C.'s Thoth Tarot. This should keep me good for a while!


Maillady trying to deliver

Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert