got all day???


some might have seen my thread about reading the whole deck..
The weekend I spent looking into this- I created two whole deck spreads- did a throw for one. Never tackled any journaling of the reading, but did record the cards. In doing so I was able to get feel for the message.

so here is one of the two I did- let's see it I got the attachment right this time-

It is the "universal oneness" spread-

card # associations~

1. Self Card – you as being part of the whole can be either significator or randomly drawn

2 - 4. Harmonious parts of your personality, those qualities that should shine brightly

5 - 7. Aspects of the personality that creates discord
8. How this has hurt you in the past
9. How this can hurt you in the future

10 - 16. Environment- home, family, school/work ~ life in general

17 - 23. Hidden you- the undercurrents of your life ~ the everyday thoughts and feelings that you keep to yourself

24. What brings you down
25. What brings you joy
26. What inspires you
27. What motivates you

* SEASONS ~ atmosphere/events during these times
28 – 31 WINTER
32 – 35 SPRING
36 – 39 SUMMER
40 – 43 FALL

caution cards ~
44 – 46 what needs to be seen/ known
47 – 49 what needs to be found/ discovered
50 – 52 what needs to be held/ guarded
53 – 55 what needs to be let go of/ released

56 – 59 source cards
60 – 75 influences

56. SPIRITUAL - 60 - 63
57. EMOTIONAL - 64 - 67
58. MENTAL - 68 - 71
59. PHYSICAL - 72 - 75

76 – 77 Guidance/ advise
78. higher you- individual you as one

* cards 28 through 43 can also be read as individual months/signs; 28 being either April or Aries, which dates run from March 21 to April 20.


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Wow luna, what a spread.

I am awed at this. Personally I don't think I could tackle a spread of this magnitude but admire the effort that you put into it.

I would be really interested in your results on this one!



Oh, Luna, I love this and plan to try it. :)

I tried a whole deck reading several weeks ago, and what I did was quickly make my way through the deck, recording on paper each card and the key words for it that came to me as soon as I saw it. I keep meaning to go back and take a look at that journal entry.

I like the fact that your spread is general enough not to get bogged down, and yet gives this type of reading some structure.



If there is enough interest- I was thinking of doing like a seekers thread- taking a week to tackle each section.


I am game - I am learning to love complex spreads and would love to explore this.



I'd be a starter - sounds fascinating but complex.


a little bit about lay-out

I could not make a spread map to actually show the true positioning of the cards.
So now I'm going to try and describe how this spread should look, for it is much prettier when done proper.

arched cards- like a fan or rainbow right side up ot upside down
2-4 over
5-6 under
10-16 over
17-23 under

cards 8,9,26,27,48 & 54 lay horizontally {on thier sides}

cards 47 & 49 fan outwards from 48
53 & 55 fan out from 54
sorta sideways.

The spread sort of has a solar system circle to it.

I'm getting the attatchment for the other 78 card spread that I did as well.
Will post that here soon.


I am awed, Lunalafey, by your amazing spread! :) I feel a little daunted by the size of it, given that I have never tackled anything over 7 - 9 cards, but your definition for each of the cards' positions is fantastic. I am sure it must provide an extraordinary reading.

I will be following your results on this closely, and might even muster up the courage to try it... :D


go with the flow pace....

How would everyone like to study this spread?
Doing each section with your own draws?
I can do a throw for all of us to study together...
Do cards as they come in sections- as if drawing of the pile for the individual parts OR looking at the spread as a whole before breaking it down.
Either way I will start a disussion on each section before reviewing the cards.


I'd like to draw my own cards but apart from that am happy to go with the flow.