Can a Death or the World Outcome ever be Reversed ?


Not even Death ? Death is one of those things, as final as you can by definition....

I do understand where your coming from...though I don't share your point of view... too many times have I faced Mortimer...only to find it was something else starting up...

Death is not final is the start of something a baby has to die in order for a toddler to exist...It is simply a part of a loop... a transitional point...

It is said that most of the departed don't know it has happened... I can believe that ... Like sleeping and waking...which is the dream?

If one looks at a vacated body... it is not finished's always changing ...death for some is life for something else...

The whole physical and universal system is totally dependent on this extremely important change...

Nothing remains the same. Not even the sky...


With regard to the Death card, what I'd say Death means is that, as it exists at this time, it can't survive. Without major changes, it's done. It's over. It will need total overhaul in order to pick up from there and go on, but unless the total changes occur, it's not going to survive.


With regard to the Death card, what I'd say Death means is that, as it exists at this time, it can't survive. Without major changes, it's done. It's over. It will need total overhaul in order to pick up from there and go on, but unless the total changes occur, it's not going to survive.

Grizz - I just watched 3 men perform the complete works of Shakespeare (abridged) in 90 minutes and understood everything they said.

:bugeyed: What are you talking about? :bugeyed:


One of my very few certainties concerning tarot to this day has been that, no matter whether it can or can’t foretell the future, whenever Death or the World come up, eg in a relationship reading, it signals the unnegotiable, final word on that question, and from there, there is no going backwards-nor forward.

I am wondering if anybody has experienced anything that can contradict this theory and prove it wrong…for instance, a relationship where Death (or the World ) had come up in the outcome or future position, that has been resurrected….

Of course, it can. I am in a relationship right now that had both of those outcomes. All I can say is positive thinking and Law of Attraction and Creation. Two universal laws that, once you've learned, makes all the difference in abundance in all areas of life.


Grizz - I just watched 3 men perform the complete works of Shakespeare (abridged) in 90 minutes and understood everything they said.

:bugeyed: What are you talking about? :bugeyed:

How does watching the complete works of Shakespeare performed in 90 minutes have anything to do with what I said? :bugeyed:

I read back over the thread. How did what I said not apply? Death is the ending to something/someone as you know it/them. Right? You see it as a beginning, and I guess it might be seen as a beginning to someone's life as a pile of ashes after cremation, but whatever is represented by the Death card is over in the form it was when it was alive and it's never going to be that again. True?


One of my very few certainties concerning tarot to this day has been that, no matter whether it can or can’t foretell the future, whenever Death or the World come up, eg in a relationship reading, it signals the unnegotiable, final word on that question, and from there, there is no going backwards-nor forward.
Shouldn't you be asking the cards if this can be changed? I mean, you are, in part, correct about the Death card. As tarotbear says, all things must come to an end and the Death card usually indicates that: The End for this, no bringing it back from the dead like a zombie (who'd want that?). BUT getting the Death card in a reading doesn't always mean "IT WILL DIE!" It often means that something, like a relationship, may die if we don't do anything different.

I, myself, never take it as a given that the Death card or World card or combo of both indicate a guaranteed end. I always ask the cards if something can be done. And most of the time, I've gotten positive answers that, if acted on, have changed things. They don't bring the dead back to life, but like CPR, they stop the relationship from dying and give it more life.

Which is all to say, however convinced you are that these cards mean a non-negotiable end, neither you, nor we, can know for sure that these cards indicate that. Only the cards know. So why not ask them if there's a way to prevent this end? They might tell you "Sorry, time's up for this relationship. It's over." But there's a chance they may also say (as they often do in my experience): "New life can be breathed back into this dying relationship if you just do X..."

I wonder, however, if there might not be a more important question: do you want to save the relationship? Is it worth saving? Perhaps the Death/World card together, which always indicates a final end to you, appear because you want it over, and so are planning on letting it end. Self-fulling prophecy as it were.

Ruby Jewel

Taking the Death card at simple face value, it represents death. Since we already know that everything that is born will die, what is the point in predicting "death"? It is a foregone conclusion in every instance imaginable. The tarot is a teaching tool. it teaches us about morals and virtues.


The Death card is number 13...not 21,not 0... it's almost in the middle of the number sequence of the majors.

Therefore it is a change ...not an end...

Ruby Jewel Quotes:

"Trying to read a "new life" into it is a projection of our desire for more....a denial of death and a wish for an alternative.....such as transformation."

end quote:

I would accept that if I hadn't handled or experience personal extinction, total Ego annihilation. Which I doubt you have tried...It will scare the pants of anyone trying...

There are many many pieces of literature and stories concerning that transformation ...ER rooms ,cardiologists and surgeons are privy to many...

In a relationship ,should that card appear it would indicate a re-assessment and a re- evaluation...Possibly an ending... but not by itself...

The sitter is sitting because they are not certain of what to do as is the original poster of this thread...

Ruby Jewel

The Death card is number 13...not 21,not 0... it's almost in the middle of the number sequence of the majors.

Therefore it is a change ...not an end...

Ruby Jewel Quotes:

"Trying to read a "new life" into it is a projection of our desire for more....a denial of death and a wish for an alternative.....such as transformation."

end quote:

I would accept that if I hadn't handled or experience personal extinction, total Ego annihilation. Which I doubt you have tried...It will scare the pants of anyone trying...

There are many many pieces of literature and stories concerning that transformation ...ER rooms ,cardiologists and surgeons are privy to many...

In a relationship ,should that card appear it would indicate a re-assessment and a re- evaluation...Possibly an ending... but not by itself...

The sitter is sitting because they are not certain of what to do as is the original poster of this thread...

If reincarnation is in the picture, then I would expect to see 21 or 0 with the Death Card.


There is only one card mentioned...Death...

I agree with your Letting Go... but even that is not final...
What is being let go of...
The love , the angst, the situation, the relationship built around controlling,a boss,a slave...?

For me, every change requires that a little death takes place.