debating???What are your thoughts on this (Connolly)?


debating???What are your thoughts on this?

Hello fellow aeclecticians. I'm in a deep debate about something inside myself. A month ago, my sis (alissa) wanted to buy me a tarot deck. So I went shopping and two decks called to me. They were the celtic dragon tarot, and the connolly deck. I finally decided on the dragon tarot. Something about it called to me a little more fiercely, then again, we ARE talking about dragons here...hehe. However the connolly deck is STILL calling to me too. Normally, one would just say ok, and pick one up but here's where my debate comes into play.

I JUST recieved the Celtic Dragon Tarot, and been spending all my free time either here (hehe) or studying my new deck. This deck is REALLY hard for me to get intuned with and read, but, I am making progress. I started a journal and recorded one of my own readings which helped me tremendously with both bonding with this deck and reading this deck. So, in essence, is it "wise" to get another deck so soon? I'm barely getting back into tarot, and learning the celtic dragon deck is going to take me sometime. But I don't want to detract from studying this deck and slack off, as I feel that it's important for me to learn this deck. However, I just CAN'T ignore how strongly the connolly deck is really calling to me. The other matter at play here is, I really want a deck that is more "publicly friendly", which I feel that my dragon deck is more for myself, close friends, and family members only. I also am feeling a strong pull that it's time for me to start reading for the public again, which both (my dragon deck, and myself as far as using my dragon deck) don't feel comfortable with. However, I feel that the connolly deck is the deck that I should get to read for the general public. What is your sound advice on this matter?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Sagitarian, I think that if you really feel drawn to the Connolly deck then you should just get it, I`m sure that it won`t detract from your studies of the Celtic Dragon. Go for it.

Love and light

Crystalmynx xx


Definitely... if you're feeling so strongly drawn to the Conolly deck... just get it... don't beat yourself up worrying about it... it's easier to just get it. If you're having trouble justifying it... just tell yourself that the big-bad Trogon made you do it... I'll take the heat for it. ;)

Seriously... I worked on learing the Tarot for quite a while with just the Rider-Waite deck (which I still love and use). But when I finally broke down (after listening to some serious Tarotholics here at AT) and bought my second deck - the Röhrig Tarot - my understanding really took off. I attribute this to 2 things; first is all the information and discussion available here at Aeclectic Tarot and second to having a second, and different, deck to learn with.

Having this second deck allowed me to do some comparison learning. By having a deck with different images I was able to see the differences and similarities and I began gaining more understanding of the Tarot.

Of course, once you have two decks... you may as well get yourself a third one, just to give yourself an extra choice for when your mood doesn't quite fit the other two. And once you have three decks... why you should get a fourth just to round things out to a nice even number. Then you'll discover you don't like even numbers and you'll have to get a fifth one... })


Hey - I just bought my third deck in two weeks! Better to have them than pine for them.



But when I finally broke down (after listening to some serious Tarotholics here at AT) and bought my second deck - the Röhrig Tarot - my understanding really took off.

I can see that, especially with the Celtic Dragon Tarot. The images are hard to read, and I think that getting a RW like deck would really help me out here, as well as serve as a more publicly friendly deck. Something to think about! As well as "compare images" as you stated.

Of course, once you have two decks... you may as well get yourself a third one, just to give yourself an extra choice for when your mood doesn't quite fit the other two. And once you have three decks... why you should get a fourth just to round things out to a nice even number. Then you'll discover you don't like even numbers and you'll have to get a fifth one...

Actually, this WILL be my third deck that I have to use, but I have another deck in storage (the Haindl deck) and I've owned two others in the past. The H-R deck and an angel deck. They both departed from me.


connolly good...

i liked the connolly a lot--very aesthetically pleasing and people friendly, as you are seeking. however, beware of the books. IMO, you'd do better with a general RWS book with which to study this deck. or find the "apprentice" book used, think very seriously about investing at all in the other two. they will very likely confound you.
but, of course, you should still decide for yourself.


I traded away my Connolly deck recently, but if I remember correctly a few of the cards had been changed from the traditional symbolism. Death is Transition, and some of the pictured situations were a bit to different for my tastes. But I like somewhat RW traditonal cards. One thing I will say is the art work is beautiful! The colours are so bright and, well, luminous. And I just loved the backs of the cards. :)

As for working with more then one deck at once. If you think you can handle it, go for it! I use different decks for different things, and I am certain other people here do to. If you want one deck for private readings and another for public, then that is the best thing to do for you.


when my children were very young, i wanted a deck that i could read in front of them without images that might scare them, so i chose the connolly. it is a very pretty deck, lovely colors, and i found it reads very well.

many object to it's 'niceness'.... indeed death is called transition and the devil is materialism. i no longer use this deck for that reason and because the christian bent to it wasn't for me.

however.... i am keeping it. it is the perfect deck to read for others who might be uncomfortable with a more traditional deck.


I like the Connolly for it's artwork, and the lightness of it, and for it's gentleness.

With that said, it's not a deck I read with often, because I tend to like decks that are more balanced (dark and light) and not so Christian-based.

But I plan to use it if I ever read for my mom, (she has terminal cancer) or anyone who needs a more gentle approach. And I think it adds a bit of well-roundedness to my collection.


I found the Connolly deck to be fairly easy to get used to. I don't think it would require as much study as the Dragon, especially if you are familiar with RW. But then again for whatever reason, I just really took quickly to the deck. I have the mini deck that I carry with me in my purse and that's nice for those impromptue readings :) If I were you, I would go ahead and get it.