Tarot blogs


Have you ever considered making one? Do you have one? What are your favourite ones?

I've recently started my own and I'd love to hear about your own or the ones you frequently visit.

I'm over at www.tarotteajoy.com if you'd like to stop by. It's very rough and ready at the minute, but I'm excited about it and have some big plans for the future :)

Le Fanu

I have one but it is getting harder and harder to set time aside right now to dedicate myself to it. I really do wish that I wasn't working or something and could post every day or a few times per week but it is really becoming well nigh impossible to keep up with all the releases and write the reviews I want.

It's a shame -I miss gathering everything together for a post - but I have to be realistic. Other things are happening right now. I hope I come back to it. Otherwise it will just remain stagnant. As if I'd gone away mid-sentence.

Good luck with yours. It's wonderful thing to have, like thinking out loud.

Michael Sternbach

As it happens, I also just started one: https://michaelsternbach.wordpress.com. There is not much on it yet but I am planning to add much about Tarot and other esoteric topics these days so stay tuned (be free to follow it, it will motivate me to post). :)

I think blogs are a wonderful modern way to communicate your thoughts and findings on a topic.


I've had a blog for years (link under username)
For a long time I kept up a list of members blogs but there came a time when social medias seemed to be the thing.

This will probably get moved to the advertisements shortly if anyone lists a blog that offers readings.


I have one that goes back and forth between being public and private. It allows me a resonant vehicle for my musings but I tend to go through interstices of needing to be more veiled and then it goes into private mode.


security concerns? can you elaborate a bit?


security concerns? can you elaborate a bit?

He talks about it in the guide. Apparently a friend had many $$ worth of content ripped off using one of the free platforms, and claims it's harder to pull that off with a paid platorm.


I have one, thetarotgirl at wordpress.com. I’m a bit of a slacker with updating it haha I wish I’d do it more regularly.

I wish there were more tarot blogs out there containing thoughts about readings and reading techniques, and also deck reviews. My favorite is Benebell Wen’s blog. But otherwise I feel like so many blogs just draw a card and then share their keywords and “meaning” of that card, I’ve just seen too many of those so it doesn’t spark my interest nowadays.


I have found this blog to be quite good one: http://78nightsoftarot.com/

I recommend it to all who are interested in learning about the Thoth deck.