Med. on the Tarot - Letter 2


There are a number of important factors to keep in mind with this letter.

The first is that it is the first feminine card.

The second is of the two baptisms which are referred to: that of Water, and that of Fire.

Yet another is that the mind is seen as being a reflector.

Water only reflects if it is absolutely still - perturbations have as a consequence that reflections (think of this word in both its senses) are also perturbed, and will not therefore permit the Spirit from being clearly reflected forth.

I write this from reading your post, and will take the opportunity as a wonderful affirmation for myself to return to reading and working through this book another time.


:D Thanks for your extra quick reply...must figure this all out!!


Yes, Thank you Shalott!

I have the book sitting on my bedroom bookcase, with about 3-4 others, calling to me. When I retire, it is on my
"wish" list of materials to read.


I barely remember even posting what I did on the first two letters, so will re-read these threads again as well.

jmd, thank you for that clear and simple image to hold...of fire and water, with II being "reflection."



Funny how it just sits there and screams at ya huh! Even though so much of it feels over my head it's still hollering, READ ME READ ME!!!


Shalott ~

This is a wonderful book. You will never stop learning from it. How you receive the wisdom from it will depend of your existing knowledge, your curiosity, your intuition and that which you seek.

Persevere with it :)


hi guys

reflection is the manner by which we understand if not the concept of pure intelligence. int his sense the written word is the reflection of the spoken word. and the spoken word is a reflection of the word of thought. this is how "wisdom build her house"this occurs by the high priestress being the inner mirror.

"unless one is born of water and spirit he can not enter the kingdom"
i thougth this quoet was be again a child or born again. i have also heard verily verily which i like better then truly truly ehehe.
in saying truly twice it makes the first one the first truly the act of the magican energy and the second truly the the reflection of it in the ways of the high priestress.
by saying the water must first become virginal and the spirit become divine means to be pure of all essence but it true self in order to make it more powerful . the water more powerful in recieving, and the spirit more powerful in giving.

"by the power of the holy spirit the word become inarate from the virgin mary"
this means the pure spirit of the hgihest make the word one with the virgin qualities of mary. yet i would venture further that the word itself must be virginal in order to best reflect the pure spirit that inspires it.
water being represtative of emotions it means that your must have emotions of pure qualities. this means to have pure love with no conditions or aspirations. to be pure of spirit means to return to pure spiritual thought with no judgements. this means love without fear as emotions becomes one with spirit.
then again the author mentions spirit being reflect by "viriginal nature"which indirectly says earth is a reflection of the divine.

"baptism from water and spirit"
this is the active and passive blessing from which withou these there is no conciousness. i would eleborate on this further by saying true conciousnes.
the denial of this leads to the "extinction" of conciousness by the pratical method inspired by non duality or rather unity. i would say that the it is not true consciouness that is made extinct but false ego when the pratical method of unity through non duality is used.

the true componets of active active and passive are not seen as seperate but parts of the same process and this leads to unity through the combonation of active spirit and reflective passive water and virginal nature. this will lead to the "pre-natal embronic cosmic state"

christian yoga aspires to unify two. you can decide to focuse on divine essence of the two principles of the world such as good and evil, spirit and matte or decide in a third point of view.
this point of view is the being of it all. at this point i would suggest that these principles are componets of a divine one.
the duality itself leads to a real and illusary one.for this could be one duality of good and evil alwasy in conflict as an illusions vs mand and god not in conflict but in harmony.
the author asks "we can ask ourselves if they be necessary seperate " if there is a good must there be an reflection of evil ?since good is good then must the reflection must be good in keeping with the divine principles.

two is love, since god is love it would of made creation to love it and doing so love themselves since we are the reflection .
if we see only fear and hate , that will lead to a negative reality. but if we see pure love that will be our reality as well. this is so by the simple virtue of where shall we turn our inner mirror. yet that in itself is an illusion for the mirror has no choice but to reflect the light of love radiated upon it.
to go back to the ideal of us being the magican and the spirit we have to see that we create shall reflect us as well.

which is the discomfort in "power, wisdom, and love"in the holy trinity.
the discomfort comes from the equalization of power with wisdom and love.
in the movie the judas project , jesse as the modern incarnation of jesus said "the universe was not created from force but by love". love is the higher ideal and is more powerful then power and more wiser then wisdom.

when does being mean instead of good or love ? it means to be neutral in the sense of objective as you look upon the world. beign should arrive at good and beutiful without the need for experience.

what one sees in fire and water are differnt conceptions. i see spirit in fire and emotions inw ater. yet the author refers to love being fire and being is in nature and water.
form this concept only the spiritual is good while the nature of emotions and world shall reflect that.
at least in the atuhor view if i am understanding it correctly.
what one seeks they shall find which birngs up the earlier statement of choice reflecting or creating. they who choose being or love shall find them.
i think the best thing is to choose being love :)
there is one true being and one true substance should one seek the true things, all false thing shall fall aside.

the illusion of seperate existence of seperate substance from the being?
what this means is detachment at the cost of wate or emotion. thus the spock image of loss of ability to cry or so it would seem.
spock did cry in the movie star trek the motion picture at the experience of finding a being of pure logic. this anaology indicates this method doens't get rid of emotionbut finds another expression of it. if they don't it will have to come out in some way or another.
this suggests that one must an outlet for sexual, creative, emotional and spiritual exression of love or it shall come out in negative ways. one can not trubly be neutral or love will not allow them to be, for the person precieves love the conditions they put on it until they seek the true love of the soul.
hence a person of attempted beingout love will fall to voice or perhaps obession.

"the gift of tears as a gift of divine grace"
the connection to the divine soul is the divine breathe. the illumination of divine love by the being . in this sense "fire meet fire" or the divine fire of spirit turns water to divine fire as well by the reflective qualtiies of water itself.
i would say it warms up the water to reflect the fire essence truly truly.
the being is expressed in essence, not essence in being . this doens't mean god essene is not in everyone but the being of everything has essence by the sharing of ideas. this means that beings are of one essence by way of holy spirit.

"no one has ever seen god"
this means no one alone, one with his ego , can see god.
before the magican of christ there were those were called, "immersed", or seen the reflection of god work. until the annoited one who lived in the father and the father in him, for he saw his true self.
hence the seer of god says
"all who come before me was thieves and robbers"
this is about letting go of personality for the expression of god through the "depersonalization" of the individual.
i am surpised the author says the buddha was the highest degree of depersonalization. people say the christ teachings reflect the earlier teachings of the buddha yet in a differnt form (to reflect the energies of pisces).

jesus came to take the persoanlity to god in the sense that it isn't left behind but becomes one with the soul and divine essence.
this is through personality evolved by realization of love then wisdom of love and finally power of love. i would say then it can evolve psycology, and philosphy to reflect love.

it is revealed that the fire is love and water is the intellect which reflects love. man being physical or male on the outside and female on the inside are actually female. therefore females being female on the outside and male on the inside are actually male. .
males are female intellectual masked by the mask of conditional love.
and females are love with the mask of conditional intellect.

wisdom and power are both in spiritand spirit is the essence behind true wisdom and true power.

reflection is seen by substance from essence which bring you to revleation, tradition, word and then writing or the "book"
the revelation changes, adds, or clarifies the tradition or there would be nothing to write about.
the author says "science on the contary begins with facts, to laws , to principles"
the high priestress focues on the reflection of the above while sciences focuses on the below. science and its arts makes try to understand the above by studying the below.

the high priestress becomes the sacred guardian . and while seated it becomes the relationship between"the vertical and horizontal" between spirit and earth. since pure reflection is pure movement as the spirits moves the high priestress heart, mind and soul. which creates the spirit touch and affects the body.

the true religion is mysticism which without it all religion and spiritualities are "code of laws"
the true religio is the seed of all theology. the yod of mysticism begats gnosis (esortic theology) which begats magic(estoeric arts) and hemeticism which is esoteric philosphy
the philosphyis the book on the knee of the high priestress which holds the theology, art and mysticism in written word.
the philoshy is pratical, the art is emotion, the theology is mental, ad the mysticism is spriitual. anything that no longer contains mysticism will die and decay and cause the death of its tradition.l the pefect ssytem of rreflection must contain all four. one can focus on theology, mysticism, art or philosphy but not at the expense of the other three componets.

as the high priestress sits , wears a veil, and the three layered tiara, and she looks at the open book of philosphy she listens .
to what spirit has to say about the philosphy for philpshy should alwasy reflect the now .
the synthesis alwasy overcomes the projection for the projection comes from the mind and hierachy but the sysnthesis seeks to bring all dualities into an unity by understanding.

i admit that in looking at the high priestress i didnt understnad some of the terms but i hope this helps.