Faerie Tarot-Two of Swords


The LWB says: "The blindfolded lady holds her two swords, crossed, indicating alliance and competition, attraction and repulsion" I think she holds the swords in a funny way. Her hands seem to hold just one sword and the other one seems to float in the air.
There is a balance of two different worlds, symbolized by the two banners in the background, red and blue. What might these two different worlds be? Fire and Water, perhaps?
It is winter and the dark structure behind the lady looks like a throne of stone. It must be a cold throne to sit on. I´m not sure if the faerie is sitting on it or just standing in front of it.
The faerie has blue wings but the red spots in them look like they could be scars from previous injuries. The faerie looks very serious, mature, and maybe a little bit cynical, as if she had been here -blindfolded in front of this stone throne- many times before. In the four corners there are stuctures that look like ancient horns, which give a slightly tribal feel to this card..