Determining baby's sex


How would you go about doing that? My friend's daughter is pregnant & wants me to do a reading to find out if it's a boy or girl. Would you design a special spread? Use a 1-3 card spread utilizing male/female card characteristics? Use courts? Plus, this would be a kinda cool experiment, finding out when the sex of the fetus is 'determined' in utero.


I have used a simple spread (twice) to ask about a pregnancy and, both times, the card that was drawn in the "baby" position was the Ace of Wands- and both turned out to be boys. One was for my sister, who was absolutely convinced she was having a girl until the ultrasound confirmed by Ace of Wands :D. I got the spread from this forum, but have been unable to locate it!

Good luck, and let me know how it comes out!!


manda78 said:
I have used a simple spread (twice) to ask about a pregnancy and, both times, the card that was drawn in the "baby" position was the Ace of Wands- and both turned out to be boys. One was for my sister, who was absolutely convinced she was having a girl until the ultrasound confirmed by Ace of Wands :D. I got the spread from this forum, but have been unable to locate it!

Good luck, and let me know how it comes out!!

Wands, huh? Well, I guess that's appropriate. At times. :smoker:



You could always use a pendulum. I've always found that very accurate.


Yeah, pendulums are good. But don't go by books - ask it beforehand to demonstrate a "male" swing and a "female" swing, and when you're dowsing yes and no answers, ask then, too. I find my pendulum resets itself every so often - inaccuracies creep in if you suppose you know what swing is what and hte pendulum thinks differently. It only takes a moment and is really worth doing.


Ah yes- Here, instead of a pendulum I have seen some of the older generation use a pencil, with a threaded needle stuck into the eraser. Hold the pencil over the wrist or stomach of the pregnant lady and viola- circle for girl, straight line for boy. I think you would call that a hillbilly pendulum now that I think about it. :D


manda78 said:
I think you would call that a hillbilly pendulum now that I think about it. :D
And I have seen that demonstrated! Can't remember if it was a button or a wedding ring on a string, leaning toward the ring... SO funny, was just telling my daughter about this... I thought it was the weirdest thing, 20 years ago.... :D


Take all the Majors out of the deck and then have the mom draw a card. If it's Swords or Wands, it's a boy. If it's Cups or Pentacles, it's a girl. :)


I have drawn the Sun (RWS) three different times for three baby boys. No one who has asked me has had a girl yet so I am not sure what I would get for that.


I haven't used a spread for this, I've always just drawn three cards and put them side by side. The first time I was wrong, I interpreted the cards for a boy and it was a girl :( The Page Pentacles came up and I thought that was for a boy.

The second time I was accurate, but it was easy because the High Priestess came up and she was the only major followed by the six of cups. It was very evident that it was a girl!
So I only have a 50/50 success rate, lol Which isn't better than just blindly guessing???