Anna K 4 of pentacles


Hi everybody!
when i look at the 4 of pentacles card i can't help but think of a Parable of the talents from The Bible.
"Back in those days, talents were a type of money. But, a talent is also some special skill that you have. It is something God has blessed you with, something that you can do better than others.
God gives you talents so that you may use them to do good things. If you bury your talents and are afraid to use them, you are throwing away God’s gifts."

i know, i know, the 4 of pentacles indicates - holding tight to..and hanging on to money and material possesions but also that card is about your talents and gifts are not developing or sharing with...
If you have a victorian flower oracle, look at a Violet card, it looks so similar to Anna K 4 oP, almost identical scene.


Very nice karmic card for karmic spreads. It means you taken too much of something negative or that you do not need any more. Your karmic cup is fulfilled. You should take off some your weight to others, to keep your debts in order not to be crushed under the weight of destiny.