Victorian Romantic Ace of Wands



The fight takes place on this card between Gold (Gold hear girl) and Silver (the girl with hair the color of sulfur), Surja (the Sun) and Arjuna (the Moon). Here comes the morning and the way these two planes diverged. Gradually the Sun replaces the Moon in the Sky. The Moon is not visible to us from the land, if in our territory Morning is, the Moon (under the green cover cloth) has moved into the territory of the land where the night becoming. Green cloth stretches like the picture horizontally (this is the Earth's equator), has the green light - this is our planet Earth. If you look to the situation of these girls they seemed to form an Arc, they both like and are bent on a curve. This Ecliptic - the orbit, which all these two platens move on the Earth's orbit, perpendicular to the Equator. You can see green cloth makes straight perpendicular line to these girls.

We can see the Snake lace on the hand of the Moon.
At a more subtle Astro mythological level it shows the release of the Sun from the bonds of Rahu. Rahu's head mythical dragon, the lunar node. Ruhu and Ketu are Lunar nodes (had and tale of the Dragon) The situation of the Sun and Moon set, depending on their position on the lunar nodes. They then converge, then diverge, affecting the appearance of Lunar and Solar Eclipses.

There is freedom of the Sun from the Lunar Eclipse on this card. Sun's HEEL (Ahilles Heel again) is thrown back. All of the clay and unnecessary casts.

All the dark sides revealed, the situation is clarified, identified and expose the hidden dark side of our lives. Female with Golden hear breaks up - Sunrise. The release of all superfluous and unnecessary, exposure of hidden and harmful, the dark side of our lives (the Moon).

In the hands of the girl the Sun - the torch, the tip of which forms the arch - this is the internal energy of the flame and heat:

"In the spiritual sense, the glow is a reflection of the flame of spirit, enthusiasm and determination in dealing with their own shortcomings, a manifestation of the internal fire of reason, and fire life energy. The fire burned all the dirt - the physical and mental, which leads to the renewal of body and soul cleansing." (Surya-mantra)

Through Eclipse, confrontation with society, the world, through the problem, through the defeat and the fall comes the life lessons that we are honored to hold and win lessons of destiny, come out of the shadow of stronger and wiser.


There is exemption from trouble, fuss, stress, mental effort are all easily, without stress. With time comes a man of enlightenment and understanding of truth, we have disclosed the true nature of things.
The card provides a vital force, strong will, concentration, excellent health, the person lives with solar battery, the path of this card leads to enlightenment and awareness of the world and ourselves. A person is strong and able to cope with any challenges, it is first and foremost a victory over oneself, over ones emotions and fears that does not allow us to move forward and grow spiritually.

Ace of wands is the House, it is way to home to our roots,what is most important and value.


Thank you Surja76. This card came up in a reading a few days ago --what you say is directly relevant to the reading, and I wish I'd had such thoughts about this card then.


Debra said:
Thank you Surja76. This card came up in a reading a few days ago --what you say is directly relevant to the reading, and I wish I'd had such thoughts about this card then.

Hi Debra, thank you, I wish you experience these pleasant feelings. :)