Dream Enchantress. The World

Briar Rose

Could someone please explain to me why the World card XXI?

... woman with breasts, and a penis, purple body, green hair, with 4 elephants in sitting position on pillars , trunks up, looking up at her/him, 2 columns, one on each side with tribal figure?

I can't figure this one out.

I am not feeling that the card follows the LWB, "Held aloft by good fortune, stregthened by understanding, and trusting in spirit, you are alive and real. In this fleeting moment, you know how to fit in the grand scheme of things." (LWB, pg 8)

I love LS decks. But this deck is scary!!! Beautiful (except this card). I am not quite getting this deck yet.


OK, I guess I am odd. I like this card. Blue and green are the colors of life, wisdom. Isn't the World considered a hermaphrodite because the person has integrated all parts of their True Self?
ETA: I don't have the actual deck, so the scans look more blue than purple to me.

Elephants are symbols of blessings, good luck. I know it's Hollywood, but what popped in my head was a line from Dumbo Drop where the young boy explains that the elephant is the Father of God. Birth, or rebirth, is getting through the obstacle(s) to enter your intended place. The 4 are trumpeting to honor the New Creation.

Briar Rose

I see that now. I was also thinking after reading the LWB that she is the Dream Enchantress. The one that lives in our dreams, sleeping and waking and the veil of in between.

I can't wait until you get this deck so I can read what you have to say.


:laugh: Just as long as you don't think I'm any kind of profound or anything like that! I collect info and have a fairly decent memory for where I saw/heard things.


Briar Rose said:
... woman with breasts, and a penis

Actually not. It's not a penis It's a quite normal "bush".
(I checked on the original, to be sure).



Thank you for clearing that up, Ric! Too funny! (No offense meant to the artist.)

ETA: I have the deck now. Perhaps it's just that I've never been in the position to see that area of a female properly. :laugh:

Briar Rose

I was very curious about this card so I sent our beloved Ric a PM about the symbolism, and this is what he replied (rather quickly back);

"in the Indian mythology/cosmology, the world is resting on the back of four elephants, as they stand on the back of a giant turtle.

I think this is the key to the card." RiccardoLS

:::: now, back to finding a razor lol ::::