The Hermit IX

Professor X

In Book 4 Liber ABA page 658 Crowley explains how Cerebus is affiliated with the unicorn,the horse and the ox.

The Unicorn is speech. Speech must be controlled by the Hermit.
The Horse is action. The Hermit is on a solitary quest where he gains the wisdom to control his passions.
The Ox is thought. Through the trials on the physical the sprit helps the Hermit gain control of the thought.

All that is represented the 3 headed dog Cereberus. It really adds even more depth to the Hermit card.

So according to what I have read here the Spermatozon the the staff of the Hermit? If so I was wondering where his staff was because I didnt see one on the card.

Here is something I put on a different thread about the Hermit card:

Here is something else I have discovered about the Devil card.
It has a relation with The Hermit card. Here is how.

Page 245 of the Secret Doctrine- Anthropogenesis says:

Satan or Lucifer, represents the active or as M. Jules Bassiac calls it,the 'Centrifugal Energy of the Universe' in a cosmic sense. He is Fire,Light,Life,Struggle,Effort,Thought,Consciousness,Progress,Civilization,Liberty,Independence.

Now in Liber ABA Crowley states that the Symbols on the Hermit card represent the powers of the Yod which are:

Life- Serpent
Light- Lamp
Love- Wand
Silence- Cloak

You can see that the qualites of the Hermit card are very similar to what is ascribed to Lucifer. Plus the Hermit represents the Sun Gods when they go off into the wilderness to get tested and grow in enlightenment. It represents Jesus going off into the mountains/wilderness to be tempted by "Satan". After meeting with Satan Jesus is wiser than before. It is the same for all the characters throughout history that story applies to. They meet with Satan and come out WISER AND STRONGER THAN THEY WERE BEFORE.

Not only that but look at what path on the tree of life continues on directly after The Devil at path 26. It is Virgo/Hermit at path 20. Once the individual encounters Satan they undertake new journeys where they are wiser than they ever were before. Satan is crucial to anyones spiritual and occult success. He is the light bringer that gives them wisdom.

The powers of the Yod explains why they always show the devil with wings and why wings are on the Baphomet.

The Hermit is the enlightened student of the Devil who goes out and recieves high standing in the world and universe afterwards.