Breaking barriers spread


I found this spread at AT and thought it would be fun to try today. Hubby has lately started to talk about wanting to buy a house. I wanted to know what barriers I (we) face in buying a house and how we might overcome them. That would help me decided if buying a house is a venture I want to take on right now.

I have nicknamed this spread the 'Wedgie' spread because I just love the top part:


1-4 are the internal barriers
5-6 are the external barrier
9-11 are the 'wedge' to break through the barriers
12 is the outcome (which might be another challenge)

I used the Druidcraft.

Internal barriers -- 5 Cups -- Princess Wands -- 3 Wands -- Prince Coins
Two of the cards are to do with action, the two in the middle. Fire in the middle is being stifled by water and earth. The Princess of Wands is the part of me that wants to take action, she can be impetuous. Three of Wands is the part of me that is looking toward the future and wanting to take action that will be of benefit to the future. (I didn't realise that at least part of me wants to buy a house right now, but I do...however, I am a deeply practical person and I have been putting that down to idle fantasy, I can see that!) But both fire cards seem to be trumped by the dampening traits of 5 Cups and Prince of Coins. The 5 of Cups is me worrying and fearing...what if we end up like that fish being chased by that otter? It's risky. And the Prince of Coins is the stolid and sensible side of me that will not be rushed, and will only act when assured it's a safe and sensible thing to do. (That side of me usually wins. He's a stubborn cuss. :) )

External barriers -- 8 Swords -- Star -- 3 Swords -- King Swords
Whoa. Whole lotta thinkin' going on. Three sword cards and a major. The big barrier, I think, is the way lenders would respond to us. They have rules that they believe they are bound to and will use them stringently when determining if we qualify for a mortgage, or if our deposit is adequate, if we're a good risk (8 swords). The 3 of Swords seems to me to be the general economic climate/mood. The King is the person who would be making the decision.

The Star card is a problem for me. It seems to trump the other cards, yes? The card usually represents the internal, but has turned up as an external barrier. It could add a note of hope that the external barriers won't be hard to break--maybe the King of Swords' heart will be softened by a good feeling about us. On the other hand, The Tarot Bible suggests that the Star in a block position could mean that the ideals and expectations are so high that we cannot live up to them.

The Wedge -- 7 Cups -- 3 Cups -- Hermit
This is meant to be a wedge to break down barriers, but they're all passive, receptive cards. What does that mean?

To break these barriers, I have to recognize where I'm deluding myself. What fantasies do I need to discard in order to own a home? Perhaps to lower my expectations of location or standard or raise the amount I'm willing to pay down (7 cups). Help or gifts from friends might help break barriers (3 cups)--but what kind of help? Perhaps the wisdom of their experience? The Hermit is hard for me to read, but I think it suggests the best course of action is to not listen too much to outside advice but to retreat and in my own time, make my own decision about timing and method based on my own inner guidance.

Outcome -- The Moon!
After all that effort, the result is that I'll always wonder if I did the right thing in buying a house. However, the Moon is number 9 (1+8=9), and this is the number of completion and its numerological counterpart is the Hermit. So perhaps doubts will periodically resurface, but for the most part I will be okay with doing it.

What do you think?

I sure wish that wedge wasn't so passive. But then, if it were all wands and Chariots, it wouldn't be me!


Could someone at least say 'That looks all right to me' or something? :) 28 views and no comment always makes me wonder.


Well all your cards add up to Wheel of Fortune, and I noticed that this was the case also with the External barriers.

So what this says to me is that change can happen, but it isn't the right time. This could have to do with perhaps your hubby bringing up the idea, and you must go through the minor grieving process of this not being your idea? something like that... - you perhaps need more time to consider this out and weigh all the options than he does perhaps. The Moon as an outcome is interesting, because it's how you relate "so below" from that other spread you did. So I think it's likely you could move, but it would definitely have to be made more comfortable for you first before anything happens.


Thanks Amanda. How do you mean, all my cards add up to Wheel of Fortune? Could you explain that? Thanks!


You add the numbers of all the cards that aren't court cards to get the Quintessential Card.

I did this by section also, and your External barriers = Wheel of Fortune as well.