KNock and no one is there - Question


Hi everyone

I live alone and have for several years. The area I live in is quite complicated.

For a while now I have had someone knock on my door quite hard.
(it happened a couple of times) But when I went to the door no one was there.

This morning when I was getting ready for my day my animals went running to the door and there I seen my door handle push down like someone was on the other side. I looked out my peep hole and just like the knocks no one was there.

I`m wondering how I would address the problem with my deck of cards. I have Druid Ctaft. I also have a couple other decks. But am most familiar with DC.
How would I ask the question?
What spread?

If anyones has any ideas that would great. I will post it later for feedback.

a couple of people here are aware that my X was quite aggressive so not sure if its just a head game. Its the kind of area I live in. I havent rule out it being him, but not sure.


You could just draw 3 cards for a snapshot of what's going on when you hear these knocks. It might show you who and why if you do a snapshot.


ok I will do that now and then post it in Your Readings.

thank you!


oh wow Glass Owl. I`m happy I came back online. I was going to bed but at the last minute checked back in.

I will try the spread and post later or tomorrow.
