For GloriJ End of Year Spread


Used GloriJ’s End of Year Spead:
She asked us to post our readings, so this is mine:


1. Who you were when last year started- 10 of Wands
I had a heavy burden- ain’t that the truth! DH and I were in a heated situation and verbal assault from some unnamed people who are no longer in our life!

2. What you wanted to achieve last year
5 of Cups Reversed
I was able to overcome a poisonous relationship with those unnamed people. Finally able to start moving on from that situation.

3. Your most important achievement in the last year
King of Coins
Finding stability and furthering my spiritual path.

4. What stopped you from doing what you really want to do
The Magician Reversed
Lack of focus and wasted talents. I did have a hard time concentrating last year. With dh’s deployment dates changing the last 5 months of the year it was hard to accomplish much. I felt so preoccupied with other things that I would rush to finish my tasks on time. Including for school. By December, I was finally getting things done early. What a concept, it made things a lot easier.

5. Who you are right now
Knight of Swords Reversed
I felt that this was telling me that I was “off” my game and to just take things one day at a time and not rush. I need to focus and plan with clear and reachable goals.

6. What you learned this year
Death- I read this as being able to accept change and embrace it. I had a spiritual revelation this year and have grown in understanding of my faith. I am finally starting to shed my old self and become new again. (Oddly enough, 2011 was a “Death” year for me)

7. Your deepest self/ your way/ your center
The Tower-
Accepting change gracefully. I didn’t try to resist what I was learning and embraced it to the best of my ability.

8. Your main desire
7 of Wands
For this year- to be able to survive the year with the kids without my husband in an honorable way. I want to be “on top” of my game and be prepared for whatever comes my way.

9. What to look for in the next year
Page of Swords-
News that will knock me off my feet so be on guard. There’s so much going on in different areas of my life, I can’t even begin to figure out where or what it’ll be about.

10. Main achievement in the next year
The Emperor Reversed
I took this to mean that I want to be a good leader for the scout group I’m with. Since it’s reversed it means I haven’t manifested it yet. Further, I think it means that I’m making things more complicated than they have to be. I need to be able to roll with the punches more this year and not get too upset when things are out of my control.

11. Obstacles to come
4 of Swords- lots of loneliness and depression. Yep. Deployments will do that! Take care to rest, but don’t become recluse.

12. Who you will become
6 of Wands (DH and I both got this as our last card!)
Victor of all we want to accomplish. We will succeed in our endeavors.


I don't see the Four of Swords as depression, but I do see it as down-time. I used to use mine well. So it would be forced down-time, as you allude to in your post.

My year was a Death year, too, but I didn't take to it so easily. There was a lot of literal death: people, pets, relationships, and I'm still not fully adjusted. I still sometimes think that my cousin is alive, I expect to see my pets. I told my sister that letting go of last year, felt like losing them all over again.

9. What to look for in the next year
Page of Swords-
News that will knock me off my feet so be on guard. There’s so much going on in different areas of my life, I can’t even begin to figure out where or what it’ll be about.

a lot of communication, maybe. The Page of Swords comes up for me when I'm taking things personally, and am not communicating well.

Best wishes for 2012!


I don't see the Four of Swords as depression, but I do see it as down-time. I used to use mine well. So it would be forced down-time, as you allude to in your post.

My year was a Death year, too, but I didn't take to it so easily. There was a lot of literal death: people, pets, relationships, and I'm still not fully adjusted. I still sometimes think that my cousin is alive, I expect to see my pets. I told my sister that letting go of last year, felt like losing them all over again.

a lot of communication, maybe. The Page of Swords comes up for me when I'm taking things personally, and am not communicating well.

Best wishes for 2012!

Thanks for the interpretation. There hasn't been a deployment where I wasn't depressed/lonely, so I natuarally picked up on that again. Good call on the PoS. I'll keep that in mind.
So sorry for your losses. I hope this year brings you much happiness!