The Tarot of the Big Lebowski


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Wow, that's cool. Good movie choice, too.


Very interesting, I haven't read the whole thing yet but I am enjoying it. One of my favorite movies. Some of the connections made are a bit of a stretch for me but that doesn't detract from the enjoyable read it is, and it is a nice way to introduce people to the Tree of Life.

I do wonder how much pot one might need to smoke in order to see all of this in the film?!! :D sorry, just kidding, I'm not actually accusing you of doing so. Thank you for sharing this with us. :)


Not only a Big Lebowski, but Coen brothers in general. They have their own universe, especially films like No Country for Old Men, Barton Fink, and Raising Arizona.

Babalon Jones

This is great. I could show you in my book-of-ideas in space and time an entry from years ago that says it would be a purely fun project to make a Big L deck. Kinda had the feelin at the time it may have been done...glad someone else is thinking about it. Have not read all of both your links yet...


Ha! I'm reading it now--what a kick, must have been fun to write--thanks for sharing this!


Okay, I've read the whole thing now. I really enjoyed it. I do think I will have to read it again and again, just like how I watched the film a few thousand times.

Thank you!! Very enjoyable and thought provoking. :thumbsup: