Confusion in my latest reading


There were a few things I did not understand about a reading I did. I got a lot of cards I am very familiar with, but they were in positions which didn't really make sense to get that card so I was not sure how to interpret them.

I called this reading 'gifts of the ancestors' and it was an attempt to connect myself to the two people who we have decided to name our baby after. I drew six cards, laid out in big circle, then a seventh card in the middle.

Top Half of the Circle: Representing Charles, My Husband's Grandfather

Card 1: What trait of yours do you most hope for him to inherit?

Nine of Pentacles. This strikes me as a card of happiness and prosperity. The color yellow, which is a happy color, dominates. The pentacles (the money suit) are abundant, and there is also an abundance of grapes and plants. The castle in the background represents the stable home. This fits with what I know of Charles. He was a survivor of the Holocaust and viewed his life in Canada as a second chance. He took joy in his family and in their success, pushing his children and grandchildren to get an education and take advantage of all life has to offer. I hope this card portends an optimistic child who enjoys life!

Card 2: What trait of yours do you most hope he will not inherit?

The hierophant. I'm not sure what this means. The hierophant represents knowledge and education, which was something Charles valued very highly. I'm not sure why he would want his namesake to not inherit that. I looked up the card meaning and the only clue there was a suggestion that there may be a wish to find a deeper meaning in life beyond the desire for material success. So perhaps this card represents a hope that the drive for achievement will be tempered by contentment with the little things in life? Like, strive for the pentacles, but don't go to any means to justify their acquisition?

Card 3: What is your primary gift to him going to be?

Nine of swords. Another confusing one. I know what this card means as it comes up for me a lot since I am a worrier! It's not a positive card and I'm not sure why it would be here. Perhaps it means that this card actually does represent me, myself---that his gift to the baby is giving him to me to mother, because I have the strengths and tools to give him what he needs?

Bottom Half of the Circle: Representing Lillian, My Grandmother

Card 4: What trait of yours do you most hope for him to inherit?

Eight of pentacles. Interesting that this card was a pentacle too, given that her counterpart in the other half of the circle put a pentacle here. This strikes me as the more hands-on aspect of success: the guy is actually working with tools and making the pentacles by hand, and he is hanging them up and displaying them. Both my grandmother and her beloved husband were makers---my grandfather was an expert woodworker, and my grandmother did knitting, weaving and handcrafts. Maybe this suggests my son will inherit the crafty gene? That perhaps he will find success not just academically, but through the work of his hands?

Card 5: What trait of yours do you most hope he will not inherit?

Two of swords. This is a card of denial. The sky is clouded, the woman is blindfolded and the swords are posed defensively. My grandmother was an optimist at times to a fault, and she had difficulty dealing with and discussing challenging topics. I inherited this trait a little, and often joke-but-am-not-really-joking that I would be so happy if only I could guarantee that everything will be perfect all the time. Might this card portend a hope that I can break that cycle with my own child and teach him to deal with the harder things in life a little better than I do?

Card 6: What is your primary gift to him going to be?

The hermit. Interesting, because that is my 'soul card' according to the workbook I did by Mary K. Greer. My stepson is a tiny clone of my husband. Might this card mean that his second child is going to be a little clone of me? On the pure visual interpretation, I like the lamp he is carrying. I like that he has a light to guide him through the darkness, and I hope for that for my child---a light to carry him through.

Card 7: What single card most represents him in both of your minds?

The moon. This is a card of uncertainty and confusion. Perhaps they are trying to tell me it's soon to ask a question like this :) His personality is still so malleable that I just have to let it unfold.

Using the Juliet Sharman deck. I welcome any feedback!


I would use the negative aspects of a card in the negative positions.

Hierophant - was the grandad unquestioning in what religious leaders tilt him? This is different than unwavering faith. Or perhaps he is cautioning to Not dispense advice unasked. Was he very ridged about some things? This can only be done this way, or this is the only way it's acceptable?

2s - I think you're pretty right on there.

There are positive things to 9s (just not many). It could certainly be saying that him having a worrier for a parent will help protect him. But as a gift directly to him it could be that she feels that being a highly sensitive person is a positive - it leads to empathy. Or that he'll be a light sleeper and therefore able to be alert to danger and able to protect his family as an adult.

The Moon -it is too soon - btw, if you're still pregnant it could be that he's surrounded by the feminine. But he is still a mystery.


Thank you so much for your reply! I found your comment re the 9oS to be especially interesting, attributing sensitivity as a positive trait leading to empathy. I had not thought of it that way. And yes, still pregnant :) In that context, definitely could explain the moon.