How do you organize your spreads?


Like others here, I've begun copying, printing, and saving various spreads. I want to put them in a notebook but ran into the problem of how to organize them. I already have 50+ and I've only been collecting them for a little while!

So how do you organize your spreads? Do you sort them by card number, by purpose, or by both? How do you keep up with them all? Do you actually use the spreads you have collected, or just stick with the Celtic Cross and the Horseshoe? :D


LOL I have the same problem. I print them off of here or write them up, then stick them into my journal. I have yet to figure out how to turn this into something other than a mess. Can't wait to see others' solutions!


I try and keep my personal readings in chronological order.
As for my spreads I try to keep them in order of how many cards are in the spread. Those I currently have on bits and pieces here and there and most together. I also have a "book" of spreads on my computer.

Note: the key word is try.
I end up with spreads and readings in a number of different notebooks.
On occasion I will go through and pull them from those notebooks and put them into a big three ring binder. I'm almost to the point of needing a second binder.
I hope to someday- {yeah right} sit down and transfer everything into typed form. But I won't even attempt to do that until I have a printer.

Because the readings I do for others are communicated in typed form. I have been keeping those in order by deck and date of reading, those are on the computer in a file called cards.

Wisp Wings

I have several notebooks. Here is what I have:

1 - large notebook with spreads
(all of the following are smaller 3-ring binders that are like a book size)
1 - for "Faeries Oracles" only called "Following Faes"
1 - Tarot Journaling
2 - Tarot Spreads
1 - Tarot Notes and Quotes. This one is things I have found to be key in understand individual cards from other people's insights, some from books, and quotes that are direct about tarot and others that I believe to be useful. There are Tarot correspondences, meditations, and prayers in it also.

I originally had my spreads in this notebook too, until then grew way to large for one book to contain all this. I have one completely filled notebook on spreads and another that is more that half filled.

The way that I have Spreads Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 organized is what is at the beginning of Vol. 1 is "Daily Card Procedure", another daily spread, a card mediation/guidance, various year spreads, a "Holiday Cheer" spread, a couple of new year's spreads, a where I am now spread, then quarter year spread, followed by monthly spreads, next is moon spreads, birthday spreads, wish spreads,......finally two card spreads, three card spreads, four, five and on up. With the three card spread I have them listed and "Three Card Spreads" and "More Three Card Spreads". In addition to this I have some that are topic organized regardless of the number of cards in them. I just I need to close this with telling you of my strays, lol..... I crunch. With the many spreads I have, where one will end and leave like anywhere from a fourth to almost nearly a full page, I make a squizzly inch line at the far margin and then I added a tiny post-it where this un-used space started. I would go insearch and use my filler space for added spreads until eventual I had one complete book filled. I have separated the larger numbered of cards in a spread into their own book, which is Vol. 2.

Sorry this is sooooo long.


Spreads, vol. 1 and vol. 2! Wow! *in awe of wisp wing*

Wisp wing, it sound like you have more organization in one little finger than I have in my entire body!

One thing I am getting from you and Lunafaley is: three ring binders.
*goes off to steal one of her son's binders*

Wisp Wings

I've been collecting spreads for a long time. (Giggles) I have my favorites but I like trying them all. With the binders you have the option to change their order somewhat. I changed to topics due to too many times of wanting to find one that would answer better to like relationships, or spiritual matters. All of the ones that don't fit into a common topic is just listed within the number of cards per spread.

I love the best the smaller binders, the down side is you can't get as many in these as the larger. I feel the plus side outweighs any of the negative for the smaller size, 7.5"x9.5". I like this size more cause it just feel more personal, like your own book. The best part of this is that being small it is easier to take and isn't bulky on to handle, especially like on the side of a spread or in your lap.

I am glad you thought to ask this question. Good luck with your notebooks.


Hello all,

One day, I was bored with my tarot spreads so I decided to do a mad hunt through the net to find some different ones. I gathered about 50, based on a variety of topics (some from here, some from other sites).

I got myself a small-hard covered journal (about A5 size) and a rectangle stamp. I hand-wrote one spread to a page, using the stamp to mark the card positions, and listed the spread title at the top of each page.

When I created the spread book, I listed them in a logical order and it was simply a matter of flicking through the book (or looking at my index).

The beauty of the book being so small is that I can fit it into some of my Tarot bags, so it's quite portable. There are a couple of spare pages at the back of the book, so I can add any further spreads that take my fancy. However, they won't be in order with the others, I'll just have to live with that ;).

Occasionally I will look through the spreads category and copy a new spread but essentially, I just stick to the spreads that I know. Or, I make up new spreads on the fly, as the need arises.

I guess I could always start a second and/or third, fourth, or fifth spread book when I fill the pages in the first one.


Ivy Rhiannon

I organize them in subjects, and from there how many cards. Hope that helps!


I just write them on index cards and I tend to keep the ones I like near the top. They're in a box with some decks and other things, and I rarely use them. I usually just divide what I'm asking about into sub-questions and lay a card for each, unless I'm trying a new spread out of curiosity. :)

I've got a few recent curiosities in my journal and in my email inbox, waiting to be scribbled on a card though. lol


My spread book is a little more organised than my Journal but still very simple but, for me, it works.

I bought a large sturdy hardback spiral notebook and numbered the pages, then I started off by trying to categorise the spreads but it wasn't working out that way so instead I just did a simple index at the back of the book. I write the spread on one page then turn to the back of the book and list the name of the spread, who made it, what it covers - relationship, work, etc and what page its on.

My favourite spreads have a little star by them so I can find them easily but when I'm looking for a spread its just a case of scanning the list in the back of the book then finding the page. :)