Tips for catching the "tarot spark" again?


I really need to catch the "tarot spark" and am looking for suggestions. I have the books, the's just nothing seems to be drawing me to it right now, despite wanting to buckle-down and work with it. All my other metaphysical interests have my attention 100% (some 200%), but I'd like to have the fire to study/work with at least the top 3 faves on a regular/almost college-like basis...I just need something to figure out how to fire things up tarot-wise : ) Any suggestions will be taken to heart : )

Thanks bunches!


I suppose it depends what stage you're at.

When I feel 4 of Cups about my cards, and I have no questions to ask (and it's always when I have no questions to ask that I feel this way), I seek out sitters who need me most and try to empower and help them through my Tarot.

But that wouldn't be applicable if you don't read for others.

Or sometimes I just buy a new deck. :)


Well, I buckled down and studied for quite a while and began to feel like it wasn't fun anymore - it seemed like work- so.. I got the Housewive's Tarot- a deck I thought I would never like but really did look like a lot of fun...and I had a great time with it!

Maybe pick out a deck that makes you laugh. Then see where it goes from there.

Good luck,



there is actually a tarot school with on-line courses
Maybe someone who has taken some will chime in with a opinion.

I forgot to look at your profile, but maybe if your other peripheral interests are still strong, then tarot isn't for you. There are a lot of other methods of divination that might light your fire. I Ching, tea leaves, domino's etc??
Please let us know what you come up with that works for you.


Or try working with a different system- if you use Thoth, get a RWS deck, or vice versa. One thing that really got my attention was Mary Greer's 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card. It really helped to stimulate other ways of thinking about the cards, and stretched my capabilities. Another thing to try is "pathworking" or entering into the cards while in a meditative state, and interacting with them on a different level. If none of the suggestions given appeal to you, it might be time for a little break- and there's nothing wrong with that! All of my passions go in phases- and then I come back around to them and see them from a new perspective.


marigold's said:
I just need something to figure out how to fire things up tarot-wise : ) Any suggestions will be taken to heart
Have you asked your deck what you should do? :D Seriously.


Sometimes I get re-invigorated for tarot by doing readings for other people here on our Reading exchange.


Sometimes it's just not there. I've been on and off for the last two years. At this point, it's probably actually about 50% on, 50% off. Sometimes it just strikes me. Sometimes I burn out. The last few months I haven't even felt like touching my cards. Then all of a sudden I did. I looked at them, felt they had been neglected, and brushed up. I still consider myself a novice, so I had to de-rust myself.

For me, I have "hobby cycles." I hate to call tarot a hobby, somehow that bothers me, but it's one of my "hobby cycles." I seem to go full-force towards one thing at a time, for the most part. I obsess, I buy new stuff/decks... It's tarot, cross stitch, sculpture, writing, etc.

Anyway, sometimes you just have to wait for it to hit you.