WhiteRaven's Astro-Twist: Annual


7th House

7th House "Partnerships & Committments"
Scorpio - Death / Knight of Cups / Pluto - Judgement

(Black Moon influence (natal)

First I would like to explain what exactly "Black Moon" is to those that have not
heard this term before.

Dr Kelley Hunter explains, "Astronomically it is the second centre of the Moon's elliptical orbit around the earth. The earth is one orbit,
Black Moon Lilith is the other. The Black Moon point is where we are lured into the mystery of life. It is a corridor into the heart through which we are lured to discover our deepest truth, the longings and yearnings of our soul."

In plain English, this means that if there are two "New Moons" in one calendar month (not astrological month), then the SECOND "New Moon" is the "Black Moon - Lilth"

With that cleared up, this influence seats itself in the 7th House for me

With this influence in this area, I develop "super-charged" relationships and a keen quest for perfection. The Black Moon relates to the deepest and most
hidden parts of the psyche. This makes me project extremely high emotional charges onto partners and close friends. Personal attractions as well as repulsions can be exceptionally intense. Relationships can thus bring profound healing and/or an exacerbation of the deepest psychological wounds. Black Moon - "Lilth" carries a profound longing for the absolute. Transposed to relationships this means I'm likely to have high expectations of my partners (duh!), and thus be profoundly disappointed when I realize they are not picture perfect. Most crisis are self-engineered because of it and I have learned that in order to be able to work on deeper conflicts that cause this to happen in my life, I can not run away from the said crisis. By not running, I am able to allow myself to look for resolution and be able to heal. Black Moon in this position also is a factor to attract people with qualities of independance and originality. In other words, people with qualities of "Lilth": full passions and emotions, rebellious nature, dislike of patriarchal establishments and a need for absolute perfection. Returns of the Black Moon can bring upheavals in relationships. The more prepared I am for this, which I really don't pay attention to this stuff in general, the more the upheavals are likely to take the shape of healthy new beginnings, rather than painful crisis....

and then I think..."Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm!" :confused:

Now, with that kind of influence in the house of relationships PLUS the cards that I have for this particular house, this is QUITE interesting.

I'm seeing that as I intensely work on healing myself within, I will become a different person. Change in otherwords because of more understanding of myself and being able to work on the issues that have caused me heart-ache in the recent past. (Change-Death) I am using the Hanson Roberts Tarot and the meanings for Judgement have a slight variation to the standard RWS interpretation. However, the basic interp is about the same. It speaks to me of atonement and making peace with people that I've hurt in the past with my
high expectations that the Black Moon gives influence to. It also speaks of "Rebirth". A new beginning...coinciding with Death, change, rebirth etc. If anyone around here knows me well enough, they know that what I wish for the most is to reconcile with my Ex. I see this "rebirth" telling me this is going to happen only if I do the internal changes that are necessary to make my Ex feel that she can be herself once again with me. I find that my high expectations come out the most when my insecurities are in the forefront. This is with past experiences and from intensive innerwork that I have done,
I now know where these insecurites stem from and have been centering my healing process on the said foundation of such. This is bringing "change" within me. A drastic change in my outlook and expectations and I've found the meaning of unconditional love and know how to give it. This is a HUGE change for me if you take into consideration the influence that the Black Moon DOES have within my natal chart. So, the Knight of Cups is, of course,
my Ex; meeting all the descriptions that are given for the "Knight". So, in my on going process of healing and the change that it makes with me, I can look forward to perhaps being with my Ex in the coming year.

Note: For this great event to occur for me I must be reminded that I have to continue upon the healing path that I am on in order for this to manifest itself. This too is what the Death card is telling me.

Now, again, I could be right off the wall with this one because this is an "emotional" thing and I'm trying very hard to see it as it is and not just what I want. I hope I've accomplished that very hard task.


8th House

8th House "Mysteries and Occult"
Sagittarius - Temperance / Six of Wands / Jupiter - Wheel of Fortune

(Mercury and South Node natal influence)

Mercury, planet of the mind, in the 8th house of mysteries, sexuality, magnetism and the Occult gives influence to my attraction to the mysteries of life. Digging into the "secrets" and investigating are a big attraction to me. I like to get to the bottom of things and find answers behind those misty veiled situations. Having Mercury in Capricorn intensifies this, leaning strongly towards occult energy.

Having my South Node in the 8th house indicates past lives in which the values of the 8th house (magnetism, sex, the occult) have been prominent. The 8th house being also the house of inheritance and the money one does not "earn", South Node in the 8th house and North in the 2nd can indicate that in past lives, I did not have to worry about securing my material sustenance. In this life, I have to learn to generate my own means of subsistence and not rely on others. Because the 8th is the house of sex, this position can also mean that in past lives, I have explored sexual energies in depth, and that in this life the time has come to use the sexual force in a transformed way.

Add the cards into the recipe and you get quite the balance of mind, body and soul, inner guidance, and healing that will bring victory to my destiny. Temperance also speaks to me about patience and that I need to take the time to heal properly to get the balance I need to be successful. The WOF tells me that I can also look forward to the dark cloud removing itself from over, around and under my entire being like it has been for most of my adult life. Because of the South Node being an influence and indicating that this lifetime I must learn to fend for myself; it adds to the blend. I can not be successful in healing others if I have not healed myself in a significant way thus, taking the time to do so properly(patience), it will finally lead me on a path of success in the type of business I'm looking to create. Mercury's influence in this house also highlights the metaphysical aspect of my future business.


9th House

9th House "Philosophy, Studies and long journeys"
Capricorn - Devil / The Sun / Saturn - The World

(Sun and Mars natal planetary influence)

This is suppose to be a good position, Sun in the 9th tends to bring broad mindedness, high ideals, interest in the philosophical and spiritual sides of life. It is an excellent configuration for spending one's life on a spiritual quest.
This seems to be what I have been doing in the last 2 years almost. It started with my entering what is known as the "Dark night of the Soul" and I am in the midst of slowly emerging from that gawd awful phase. However, without experiencing that phase, I would not have reached the depth of my spirituality and growth that I have so far. Quite the blessing in disguise I must say. This 9th position strongly emphasizes studying/seeking (9th house), Ego/Spirit (Sun), or Truth (Sun). It is a position to be a lover (Sun) of Knowledge (9th House). It is also classically considered that the Sun in the 9th can lead to the undertaking of long journeys. It is a configuration for great travelers, like Jupiter in the 9th. Even if one is not involved in long journeys, Sun in the 9th indicates that one has the potential to shine overseas, and that overseas contacts, enterprises or dealings may be a
powerful way of advancing one's situation at home.
(Look out all you Europeans! :laugh: ;) )

Mars' fire and stamina in this house gives a pioneering, adventurous nature,
and a need to explore new horizons. This can express as a need to undertake
studies of various times of one's life. (Mars energy, direction, and
enthusiasm focused into the studies.) My Systems Analyst course of which I started at the ripe age of 30 and my dive deeper into the studies of Earth Spirituality at the age of 39 shows me this influence.

Because of the fact that I have pulled a major here, I am led to believe that there is an important message that lies within the walls of this particular house. This house as well as the 3rd house and the upcoming 10th house as well. House of the Mind (3rd), House of Philosophical and Spiritual quests (9th), and House of Career (10th) all have a Major that I have drawn for the spread. With this I look at it as a triad, confirming what I have stated before that this year will be a focus on getting a new business of my own creation off the ground that includes Metaphysical and Healing as main components.
The "Mind", "Philosophy/Spiritual quests, and "Career" are the "Major" influence
in this particular spread and/or part of Luna's "Twist". In this particular house (9th) we focus on the spiritual journey that I am presently on. Now, I'm trying to understand what the Devil is trying to tell me and it's taken me some time to realize what it really is trying to say here. The Devil equals "oppression"...obsession is another aspect or side of the Devil that one of our members "Alissa" pointed out in a thread that she posted not too long ago. "Obsessive-Compulsive" to be more precise. A "Perfectionist" can fit nice and snug under the title of Obsessive-Compulsive..I think I'm on the right track here...Now, in the 7th House, "Death" indicated and was giving
me a message that I had to "change" to obtain what I desired in my personal relationships. The Devil is also telling me that I have to overcome some of the very same things to obtain what I want in my career choice. By overcoming the oppression that I have put upon myself in the last 15 months+ and working on the change and healing path that I continue to follow, not only will the change my intimate and personal relationships, it will open doors in my career/business as well. Getting over my perfectionism, my obsessions, and my high expectations, will lift the oppression that is now my
biggest obstacle and enemy. Giving me the freedom to choose is also another message this card is telling me. Again, if I can rid myself of all of this crap..the "Sun" card and the "World" card are self explanatory. This is what I'm getting from these three cards and the emphasis of the triad highlights it as well.

As for the natal influence, the emerging of the so called "Dark night of the Soul" could also land under the release of oppression. Mars gives me the stamina I need for not only the business, but also my healing process as well. The idea that "you're never too old to learn" can be applied here too because that is exactly my opinion. Also, I don't believe I will ever be satisfied enough to stop my ongoing spiritual quest.


10th House

10th House "Career"
Aquarius - The Star / Justice / Uranus - The Fool

Natal planetary influences are Venus and Saturn.

Venus' influence in this house gives a deep desire to mix
pleasure and career. This would fit because of the pleasure
I will get from seeing clients heal and find inner peace.
It also highlights doing the things that interest me and
allowing me to express my creativity in the career that I choose.

The almighty Saturn, planet of structure and perseverance gives
me great ambitions and the need to succeed which is supported
by the steady focus that Saturn gives me. It gives me some sort
of methodical and systematic approach to my advancement in life.
It also gives me the persistence, diligence and the capacity to
display long term efforts. I certainly don't give up easily.
Doing this Astrology Twists is a great example.

I like the "Star" here. It's telling me that I am going to
get a lot of my inspiration from my spirituality. With this
I'm going to experience an increase of insight, which will
help me get things off the ground perhaps in regards to possible
legal setbacks (Justice), or legal matters that are normally
involved when one opens their own business. Also, having
a higher vibration, being able to sense/feel what each individual
customer wants and needs in their particular situation. It's going
to be a total turn around in my life, leading me into new
adventures. Most definitely a new beginning in the onset
of the second half of my life. Justice also helps me realize
that I need to make sure I have a sense of balance and harmony
and not to get myself too wrapped up on all the legal procedures
and advertising etc..that with all that needs to be done to
open a business, that I don't forget the intention and goal of
my project. I should soon see endless possibilities, ideas
and creativity to help me along this new path. The Star reminds
me to tap into my intuition/clairvoyance when I feel "stuck".
In other words, listen to my little voice and stop ignoring it.
The influence of Venus also amplifies my intent and goal and
will help me to find a way to express my creativity in
my work. Good old Saturn should give me the kick in the butt
and the perseverance to reach any goals that I set for myself,
whether it be in my personal relationships or my career or both
in the coming year.


11th House

11th House "Friends & Social Groups"
Pisces - The Moon / IX of Wands / Neptune - The Hanged Man

No natal planetary influence

The 11th house deals with my way of relating to groups and social
structures. It also tells about influential friends and people
who will help realize my plans.

Well, where I sit at this very moment, I don't see the people
that could possibly help me realize my plans. Otherwise, things
would be in motion or almost anyways. This is the "Hanged Man"
telling me of the waiting period and ideas of mine hanging in
the air with no where to go. The Change in direction of my life
once this gets launched will bring a lot of different types of
people in my life, environment, SPACE! The IX of Wands shows
the protective nature I have with my friends. It also shows
the protective bubble/shield that I have for myself as well.
Being an empath and understanding how/why I absorb other peoples
energies has given reason for me to produce a solid shield
around myself when I'm out and about in the "social" arena. This
is going to help me when I'm working with the public.

My psychic abilities will be needed to deal with the different moods and
emotions that I'm going to encounter. The IX of Wands is also
telling me that I am very capable of dealing with challenges
and withstanding trials that I may meet along the way.
The mystery of the "Moon" intrigues this mind of mine and the
more I investigate and search upon my path, the more unique
ideas form in my head and most of all, the more my psychic
abilities become attuned; also an asset in the Metaphysical
and Healing aspect of my dream.


12th House

12th House "Spiritual Realization & Self Reflection"
Aries - The Emperor / Page of Swords /Mars - The Tower

Natal planetary influence is Jupiter.

In the house of trials in life and working out one's karma, reflecting upon
one's self and how they were/are/could be, Jupiter is regarded as
a factor of protection. On a spiritual level, this often corresponds
to the support of non-physical helpers who look after me. (Spiritual Guide,
Animal Totems etc...) When trying to overcome inner or outer obstacles,
I should automatically call on these non physical guides and open myself to
their support. In some astrologys, the axis of the 6th and 12th house is
regarded as the axis of compassion and unconditional service rendered
to others. Jupiter in the 12th can therefore indicate fulfillment through
benevolence, unselfish generosity and dedication. Cultivating these
dispositions aids in the communication between the non-physical guides to come and give assistance. If I push in this direction, there is virtually no
limit to what I can receive.

In the house of spirituality and self reflection, Jupiter, the philosophical planet,
the one which stands for cosmic order (dharma?), can indicate spiritual
tendencies of great magnitude. Jupiter also stands for spirit guides, gurus and third eye.

Well if I ever had doubt about my guides, they should all gather around me and non-physically slap me behind the head! I'm forever consulting my guides and hold each and every one of them sacred.

Inner reflection, looking at yourself straight in the mirror with no denial. How
easy is that for individuals to do? Honestly. Personally, I have had the honor
of ripping myself to shreds to find the root of my insecurities and why I am who I am and where/how to change the negative into the positive. This has been a very hard task to do, but as you go along, trudging through the mud that's almost up to your chin at times, you find that the mud is lowering ever so slowly. You notice that your steps towards inner peace are becoming slightly lighter as you peel each petal away, in search for your own individual light that burns bright within each of us. Envision yourself like the Lotus...and take it from there.

Jupiter shines on the Emperor, with the sense of security that the Emperor carries and tries to show us. Taking responsibility for myself, putting myself first in the center of a family of 5 children, is not easy to do either when you are a single mother with no support from "Papas". I have had to learn to put myself first in the last little while to achieve the progress that I have made on my path of healing and finding inner peace. Not only do I benefit from this, my children have and continue to benefit from this as well. This just tells me that I'm not alone. It reminds me that I have to play the "Emperor" in this case, in this family unit of mine. Now, after the drastic change that the "Tower" indicates, (and here come the famous power words...)I AM capable of doing things on my own and being independent.
I KNOW that I am also capable of standing on my own two feet, that I AM a strong individual that can achieve many things. This is one of my many Karma lessons in this lifetime. I believe it is stated somewhere in this thread. A need of self-worth, self-love (like for now), helps me to be strong for my kids and this "Emperor" tells me that they need this very much because they have seen their Mother in the last 5 years and some of them are old enough to know...that's as far as I will take that thought in here.

The Page of Swords shows the eagerness that I have to get this going..moving, out of the "air" and on the road. It reminds me that I still have to learn how to control my emotions, so I don't get myself into trouble when dealing with the public.

And finally the "Tower of Doom" as some look at this card as. Chaos and destruction etc etc...when a querant sees this card in their spread you can FEEL the anxiety and sometimes anguish. Well, the Tower to me is a gift sent by my guides, although I need to remind myself that 50 different times a day. It is giving me insight right this minute, showing me and confirming to me that the trauma was inevitable in order to create the drastic change that was much needed in my life. By this happening, and I do believe that there is a connection between the X of Swords and where it sits, (the "Dark night of the Soul") I was able to find the path of healing that was needed to enable all of this to come about in the coming year. I know that I can call upon my guides to lend me their sacred wisdom and ask guidance along this new path that I'm preparing to embark upon. Something else just popped into my mind
as I was fixing this text into the little white box provided (I've been using notepad and when I'm done I copy paste it in here.) The Tower card is something like a comfort to me, especially showing up in the 12th house of inner reflection. It comforts me to know that all of this happened for a reason and not just for nothing. :)

All in all, I think this is an excellent spread and gives me hope for the coming
year. Now I don't have anything to do anymore and I can sit here and count
everyones post numbers as they climb higher and higher and higher... ;)


Aspect Reference Area

This is just a spot that I'm going to post Aspects for each card in this part of the Twist. I will be adding as I get through it. (Kind of like a personal "Sticky Note"..lol)


0° Harmonious aspect

OPPOSITION: 180° Disharmonious aspect

SQUARE: 90° Disharmonious aspect

TRINE: 120° Harmounious aspect

VII of Cups :T7C


1st House

Taurus/Hierophant , Venus, Empress
7 of Cups - Venus in Scorpio


7th House

Scorpio/Death , Pluto/Judgement
Knight of Cups (Air of Water)
Pisces/The Moon , Neptune/Hanged Man

Natal Black Moon in 7th House
- Trine Jupiter-Black Moon, orb= 00,08'
-Square Uranus-Black Moon, orb= 00,08'
-Square Pluto-Black Moon, orb= 01, 48'


5th House
(Fixed) 6 of Swords-Mercury in Aquarius

Natal Uranus, Pluto in 5th House
-Trine Moon-Uranus, orb= 00,33'
-Trine Mercury-Uranus, orb= 05,00'
-Trine Uranus-South Node, orb= 01,29'
-Square Uranus-Black Moon, orb=02,31'

-Trine Moon-Pluto, orb= 03,47'
-Trine Pluto-South Node, orb= 02,51'
-Square Pluto-Black Moon, orb 02,48'

9th House

Strength/Leo , Sun/The Sun

Natal Sun & Mars in the 9th House
-Conjunction Sun-Mars, orb= 07,47'


4th House

(Mutable)10 of Swords - Sun in Gemini

10th House

Justice/Libra , Venus/Empress

Natal Venus, Saturn in 10th House

-Conjunction Venus & Saturn, orb= 04,04'
-Square Saturn-Neptune, orb= 04,21'



Four of Swords

IV OF Swords :T4S


2nd House

Gemini/The Lovers , Mercury/The Magician
4 of Swords - Jupiter in Libra


8th House

Sagittarius/Temperance , Jupiter/WOF
(Fixed) 6 of Wands - Jupiter in Leo

Natal Moon, Mercury & South Node

Natal Moon
-Opposition Moon-North Node, orb= 00,56'
-Conjunction Moon-Mercury, orb= 05,33'
-Trine Moon-Uranus, orb= 00,33'
-Trine Moon-Pluto, orb= 03,47'
-Square Moon-Jupiter, orb= 01,51'

Natal Mercury
-Opposition Mercury-North Node, orb= 06,29'
-Trine Mercury-Uranus, orb= 05,00'


6th House
(Cardinal) 4 of Wands - Venus in Aires

Natal Neptune in 6th House

-Trine Neptune-North Nord, orb= 06,17'
-Square Saturn-Neptune, orb= 04,21'

10th House

Justice/Libra , Venus/Empress

Natal Venus & Saturn in 10th House

-Conjunction Venus-Saturn, orb= 04,04'

-Square Saturn-Neptune, orb= 04,21'


5th House

(Fixed) 6 of Swords - Mercury in Aquarius

Natal Uranus, Pluto in 5th House
-Trine Moon-Uranus, orb= 00,33'
-Trine Mercury-Uranus, orb= 05,00'
-Trine Uranus-South Node, orb= 01,29'
-Square Uranus-Black Moon, orb=02,31'

-Trine Moon-Pluto, orb= 03,47'
-Trine Pluto-South Node, orb= 02,51'
-Square Pluto-Black Moon, orb 02,48'

11th House
(Mutable) 9 of Wands - Moon in Sagittarius


Bumping :) I'm getting lost in the crowd in here :(