WhiteRaven's Astro-Twist: Annual


My name is Jo-Ann.
My Personality & Soul Card is The Chariot (7, Moon)
My Hidden Factor card is The Tower(Mars)
My Cycle Year is 11, Justice which will change in January 2005 to 12 - The Hanged Man
There is arguement in regards to the reduction of the said numbers above. However the 11 is a master number which never gets reduced. But in January, I fall into 12 which can be reduced to "3" and that would be Empress.

Sun - Capricorn
ASC - Taurus/Gemini
Moon - Capricorn
Mercury is also in Capricorn, the planets in my natal chart that aren't in Capricorn are Saturn and Venus in Aquarius, Neptune in Scorpio, Jupiter in Aries, and Pluto and Uranus in Virgo. North Node is Cancer and South Node is Capricorn.

Here are my cards...

Scorpio = Knight of Cups {Neptune}
Sagitararius = Six of Rods
Capricorn = Strength {Sun, Moon, Mercury, South Node}
Aquarius = Justice {Saturn, Venus}
Pisces = Nine of Rods
Aries = Page of Swords {Jupiter}
Taurus = Seven of Cups {1/2 ASC}
Gemini = Four of Swords {1/2 ASC}
Cancer = The Fool {North Node, Personality/Soul Number}
Leo = 10 of Swords
Virgo= Six of Swords {Pluto,Uranus}
Libra = Four of Wands


1st House : Balance of all four (4) Elements
2nd House : Earth/AIR DOMINANT
3rd House : Air/Water
4th House : Water/Fire/Air
5th House : Fire/Earth/Air
6th House : Earth/Air/Fire
7th House : Air/WATER dominant
8th House : Water/FIRE dominant
9th House : Fire/Earth
10th House : Earth/AIR dominant
11th House : Air/Water/Fire
12th House : Water/Fire

FIRE : 10
AIR : 11

NUMEROLOGY (reduced method)

1st House : 15/6 - Devil/Lovers - Oppression/Decisions
2nd House : 11/2 - Justice/High Priestess - Balance/Intuition
3rd House : 16/9 - The Hermit - Inner Wisdom
4th House : 1 - Magician - Assertiveness
5th House : 16/7 - The Tower/Chariot - Upheaval/Determination/Drive
6th House : 18/9 - The Moon/The Hermit - Secrets/Inner Wisdom
7th House : 6 - Lovers - Decisions
8th House : 3 - Empress - Abundance
9th House : 8 - Strength
10th House : 1 - Magician - Assertiveness
11th House : 3 - Empress - Abundance
12th House : 20/2 - Judgement/High Priestess - Atonement & Rebirth/Intuition


1st column = 118 (1 + 1 + 8 = 10) WOF (Fire)
(1 + 0 = 1) Magician (Air)

2nd column = 57 (5 + 7 = 12) The Hanged Man (Water)
(1 + 2 = 3) The Empress (Earth)

[SIZE=-2]WhiteRaven whispers to Luna, "Psst! Where's the Tylenol?"[/SIZE] :rolleyes:


Yup- we figure a taurus first house, for it's not so much about how you are astrologically- It's a Tarot spread :D and being that you are 28/05 Taurus and not 00/00 Gemini...might have trouble with that one.

as for the headache medicine. I'm sorry, I don't have anything like that...
I have some chamomile tea though.


Okey Dokey Luna...Taurus it is...anyone have a shovel? Lot's of Earth over here!!!

5 planets plus a Node in Earth is ALOT of Earth!! This could bring what could be a very "go lucky", outgoing personality in a person to lean more towards being grounded and in this case I think my feet are 4 inches into the ground with all the Earth in my Natal Chart. Taurus being in the 1st house explains my seriousness and straight forwardness as well. This is also amplified with the Sun and Moon both being in Capricorn (Earth).

What you get with this earthy combo is someone that is down to earth, not materialistic yet still wants/needs the comforts that life can bring. Being just comfortable and not needing excess is quite fine and brings contentment. This also conflicts with the Aries and Taurus normal descriptions of needing and wanting all the best and most in life. I believe that I may be tamed by the Capricorn in Moon perhaps? This I don't know...but I'm far from being
materialistic. Having so many signs in Earth also contributes to the Spiritual path I am on I believe. This being "Earth" based Spirituality...(Ecclectic Wiccan).

Now I'm going to be back with the 1st House as soon as I devour the rest of my Tylenol!



1st House - "Self"
ASC Taurus/Venus
Taurus=Hierophant/VII of Cups/Venus=Empress

The combination of business minded Capricorn (Sun), materialistic Taurus (normally), and party loving Venus gives me the impression that this coming year, in "Self", will be focused on business opprotunities coming my way. (I'm presently unemployed) Add the VII of Cups (creative imagination), you have Jo focusing on creating her own business and because of the "creative" end of it, it reflects my uniqueness and the present ongoing search for something "different". I have had it in my mind for some time now to start my own business and I think what this combo is telling me is that one of my focul points this coming year will be just that! The Hierophant leans to the interest of having a combination of Metaphysical (Spiritual) and Healing that would involve healing emotions. This is what I'm trying to figure out in my head at
this time. If I can figure this out the way I want, with the uniqueness that I'm looking for, I believe that the Empress is telling me that I will be successful.

*Note: Venus seems to be strong here and with the dash of Water (Cups) it seems to
lean toward my wish to heal others and working with that idea. (Helping others heal emotionally and otherwise.)

Am I getting this or am I WAY off?


2nd House

2nd House "Material Possessions"
Gemini/Air - Mercury
Gemini = Lovers / Four of Swords / Mercury = Magician

"Gemini energy includeS congeniality, curiosity, expressive,
adaptable, restless, scheming, scattered, and talkative."

Now that statement totally contradicts the Four of Swords.

But if I look at it from the angle I'm at now, it kinda makes sense.
Right now I'm a hermit and contemplating my next step. Gemini being in
the house of Material possessions makes me think that I have to get out
and advertise what I want to sell. By staying where I am now, I won't
reach the success or even the launching of what I wish to do.
So I have to start advertising and getting "me" out in the spotlight.
Gemini is also "balance". I will have to find some sort of balance
between the two because I need time for "me", otherwise, I'm going
to lose my sanity! lol...time for journeying...ahem...time for AT perhaps?
The 4 of Swords could be a subtle warning to make sure I do take time
out for myself. Time alone to reconnect once this business gets off the ground.


using my minimal formula
#Hs-HsSign-SignMjr / Card* {*} / sign ruler - rulers major
2nd Hs.-Gemini-Lovers / Four of Swords / Mercury-Magician

2nd house is about possessions, Gemini is a sign of duality, multi-tasking.
The lovers speak of a partnership and the four of Swords speaks of taking a break and the Magician is one of control, Mercury throws messages into the mix.

So what of these material things? Following the thoughts on the first house, there might be a move towards making something of a business? Maybe not alone. But I see what you mean about the 4 of Swords not seeming to be part of the flow. I think what the 4 of Swords might be saying is that in all your running around (multi-tasking)- do not forget to take time for yourself.
Burning the candle at both ends can weaken a person. If you get to weak- you can't work.


3rd House

Can you get rid of this post Luna?

I'll repost....screwed up!


Third & Fourth House

3rd House - "I Think"
Cancer/Water - Moon
The Fool - Uranus
Cancer - The Chariot / The Fool - Uranus/Aquarius / Moon - High Priestess

Well, this is an interesting combo I must say.

"The Third House represents the development of accurate and logical
practical reasoning which is essential to all higher mental
and spiritual development. "

The High Priestess fits right into the Spiritual aspect. My spirituality and
the structure and path that I follow. I think (no pun intended), that "The Fool" represents a new level of understanding or growth. The Chariot represents assertiveness, determination and will. By grasping firmly on my beliefs and the stucture thereof, I will be able to reach an entirely new level of awareness. Something like a new door opening for me. I think it's telling me that I'm on the right track and the further I pursue the path I'm on the faster I will get to a new level of awareness.
Kind of like a lightening bolt of enlightment.

4th House - "Karma"
Leo/Fire - Sun
Leo - Strength / 10 of Swords / Sun - The Sun

"House of Karma. It is associated with family, culture and traditions handed down through generations and as such can refer to past lives and those who we associate with in this life in order to help us work through our soul's purpose. The family teaches values and behavious which may or may not be appropriate as we grow up and leave the nest. A person with a strong planetary presence here may need to continue the role of perpetuating strong roots in a family situation."

The 10 of Swords screams "Karma debt!!!". What I believe to be
part of what I'm going through now. I see the "Strength" card telling
me or reminding me that if I can dig within myself to find "strength" to
pass this part of my life that there are much better things to come
in the horizon. 10 of Swords can also represent the "dark night of the soul"
of which I am slowly emerging from.


5th House

5th House "Creativity"
Virgo = The Hermit / VI of Swords / Mercury = Magician

Seeing that in my own personal natal chart, I have Pluto that has taken up in residence here in the 5th house of Creativity. This tells me that the influence of this planet brings me deep within my values and profound energies of myself. Being able to dig "deep" in these areas, opens up a flow of creativity and unfolds my potential of self-expression. The creativity comes out in the form of outbursts and also goes through different phases. During the times where creativity is dulled or blocked, there is less "fun" in general and I feel a constraint of a sort. (Pluto's values are regarded as "the dragon".) It is essential that I be able remain connected to these values to be able to manifest my true creative energy. The influence of Pluto in this house favours passionate affairs and irresistible attractions. I also have a danger of becoming excessively possessive. The passionate relationships and affairs are one of the ways I can get in touch with the values of Pluto within myself. The extreme nature of Pluto can lead to periods of intense sex and eroticism alternating with complete abstinence and states of great inner purity. The influence of this Planet in this house is significant to this and I believe should be considered within the interpretations of this, personalizing it in a greater deepth.

Uranus also resides in this house for me. It boosts the creativity which is an asset within the House of "Creativity". Strong artisitc creativity and lots of originality if not unconventionality are indicated with this planet in this position. This house also represents children and can lend to my interests in my search for originality and also being adapt with computers. (I took a Progammer Analyst course at Herzing Insititue here in Montreal...stems from the "logical" thinking Capricorn as well I believe..) Uranus in this house also gives caution in regards to contraception...rofl...is this why I have 5 kids at 40? :laugh:

The cards that rule and the card that I pulled are still following the thrend of my wish to open my own business that includes Spirituality and Healing as main components. The Hermit is allowing me to look within myself, finding the wisdom to be able to grow spiritually, grow individually. Pluto's influence within this house is also speaking about digging deep within myself to find the creativity that is needed to succeed. The extreme intensity and passion towards affairs can also be directed towards the passion of wanting to create something unique and different. With such a profound intensity of this that resides in my Natal Chart, I find that if I direct it towards my goal, that I shouldn't have much difficulty once I get the initial idea in my head. The Magician will empower me to bring this out into the business world once I decide exactly what I want. I need, also to dig with to learn more of who I am and then branch out from there, learning about other spiritualities that are connected, yet distinct in their own different ways. If one doesn't know what they are doing in a business, doesn't know anything about the business that they are creating, then it won't be successful. I think by being the "Hermit" right now and the 4 of Swords above also adds to this theory, that the stronger I will understand my path, other paths, healing methods etc...and give me the sure footing I need to get this off the ground. The VI of Swords tell me that once I gain the wisdom I need, this project should go smoothly.


6th House

6th House "Health and Workplace"
Libra - Justice / Four of Wands / Venus - Empress

Within my Natal Chart, I have Neptune residing in this house. Neptune's influence alows me to tune "into" people. Actually, in my case, it allows me to pick up on other people's energies and see right through the masks in real life as well as in the "online" life. Compassion, inspiration and artistic abilities are also some of the general influences that this particular planet gives to us. Depending on where this planet falls, determines where these influence will be most highlighted. In my case Neptune resides in the 6th House of "Health and Workplace".

With that said, Neptunes influence in this house leans towards specific talents
and my liking to work by myself as opposed to working within a "group" setting. Qualities that manifest themselves in this house are self-sacrifice and a devotion to others. It also lends to a certain amount of disorganization in handling daily matters. Thus, I have sticky notes and lists all over the place!:) This call for the almighty Saturn to kick in, especially within the workplace. Neptune's influence in regards to health issues include an excess of alchol, drugs (when I was a teen), and tobacco. I don't drink but I smoke quite abit in one day. This goes against my Spiritual path that I've chosen for myself and is a constant inner battle. It also indicates a caution to beware of the effects that emotional stress and psychic overload can do to
my physical well being.

Now after all of that, I look at the Justice card and it shows me the balance that I need to find. It shows me that I have to be careful not to allow myself to attach to my clients, which I see myself doing quite easily. This being one of the main reasons I did not pursue my interests in Social work. I wanted to work with abused women and I could see myself becoming emotionally involved and not being able to have the detachment that is needed and obligatory in that field. Thus, off went Jo to a more logical career, studying to become a Systems Analyst. (Programmer). You can't
get more logical than a Capricorn and the career itself...well..I am attached to my PC but I don't think it has anything to do with my educational training and choice of career at the time. It was a safe rebound. Within the type of business I wish to create, this is going to be an issue with me. Justice is telling me that I need to keep to the middle path. It also tells me that what I give out, I will justly get back. Thus, if my intentions are in the right place with the healing of others, then I shall get an abundance (Empress) back in return. The Four of Wands also indicates prosperity, security, contentment and peace. All the things that I wish for others, by helping them achieve
this, I will feel the benefits from within as well.