Dame Fortune's Wheel Tarot


Pagan X said:
Notice that The Star is a young man.
I was going to ask why the star had a penis but figured I'd be tarred and feathered ;)


Finally!!! Just ordered it... I've wanted this deck ever since this thread started. It looks stunning.

Le Fanu

I shall order it soon... anyone found anymore scans we can have a peek at?


I've had it on pre-order from Amazon.com since last fall.

Queen of Pentacle

Sure Alida mistaked the cards. Except for the box, it sure don't match!

The 78th Fool

I think Scarabeo changed the borders. The images on Alida show the same borders as the image on the Tarot Chest site.

Chris. xx

Le Fanu

Queen of Pentacle said:
Sure Alida mistaked the cards. Except for the box, it sure don't match!

ahhh, that explains it. I thought it was odd. And I was thinking "Im sure last time I looked at images of this deck it had a kind of historical-deck" feel. Then that cartoony "ship"wheel of Fortune got me thinking...

Very strange. Now I understand!


Alida seems to have switched the images for Dream Enchantress and Dame Fortune initially, but they've fixed it now.
