FSC - June - Faerylvr reads for Jewel


Did ya see, did ya see???? I get to read for you again... another month of readings :) Any issues this month? Besides healing your friend in the yard?

I have posted the spread since at least one reading should be done with it :D

Originally Posted by miss apples
The Spirit Spread
This spread will help you get in touch with any spirit that may be surrounding you including spirit guides.
1) Represents the spirit, a little info about who they are
2) Represents why they are with you right now
3) Represents what they want you to know
4) Represents what actions you can take and/or how you can help them
5) Outcome of the entire reading


~giggles and hugs~ hi there, long time no see! I don't THINK I have any issues other than poor Arbolon at this time, so learning about spirit guides would be cool. This time around I will make sure to do a reading for you as well, it will be good practice for me, so if you have any issues you would like for me to explore for you please let me know! I can use the practice :D


I'll have issues after Wednesday (or maybe before) when I know where I am going to be placed next year... so we'll wait until then..

Spirit guides... how much fun will that be :D

(((Jewel and Arbolon (and husband :D) )))

See ya soon...


~hugs~ I will wait for your question then ... :D


Okay... tried to get a full reading... the fae were not cooperating... so the I asked for a 3 card spread about learning more about Jewel's spirit guides... so that I could then go from there...

Here are the three that came up (hehe) very interesting what I learned...

Singer of Intuition: So she says that you know there are spirit guides out there and that you think you want to seek them out... your intuition is strong and you will not have trouble finding them...once you start.

Guardian at the Gate: She is laughing... she says you have been here before and turned the other way... now you are ready and she is ready to let you pass through the gate... (kind of interesting because I am at the same place)

O'That Gnome: Well, well, well... your spirit guides are going to lead you on a merry chase and it will be wild and chaotic, but it will bring you to peace with something that is bothering you.

Hmmm.... well we now know they are out there, you are ready for them, but you will have to have a wild ride to get to them... I will try to do the full reading this weekend, now that I have a little more background on what is going on.


Okay... I have my question... and I trust you with it... if it turns out bad (and it might) can you pm me the results... if it is good, I am happy with them here... actually I have changed my mind, because if it isn't so good, maybe we can get faunabay involved (since you trust her so much) and she can help me too...

I have been moved to a school site I know nothing about, that is a 40 minute commute one way from my home (and family) and that is going through a rough time both with academic integrity and with morale among the staff and students. I did not want to go there (it was one of two that I didn't want to get moved to). Will I be strong enough to get through this without losing who I am in the process?

Thank you very, very much!!!!

If you don't get to the reading don't worry... we'll do it another time.


~chuckles~ Hey Faerylver ~hugs~. Yes well the assessement of my spirit guides does seem accurate ... and gues who is my guide and companion today??? The Singer of Intuition *LOL*. Thought you might get a kick out of that. Hey if they don't want to show themselves to you, because they want me to play hide and seek with them, then leave the 3 card reading as the seekers reading and I will keep you posted as I work with them.

As for your reading, don't worry I will do the reading as soon as I get my reading for Tabi done. I may however choose to do a Tarot reading on that with the Gold Victorian Romantic, as it is fabulous in dealing with the really tough questions and has proven to be a real gem in that area. When I do it, I will PM it to you and Faunabay at the same time (3 way PM), and she can add her ramblings to mine, and you can talk to both of us at the same time. How does that sound???


Like you are the best and it is sweet of Faunabay to get dragged in...

I would love to be updated. I still think, towards the end of the month I will do the full reading (especially if you keep me updated) to see what if anything will show itself...


Honestly I think 3 of them showed themselves to you already *LOL*. Yep that's right. Others include the Dark Lady and the Journeyman ... perhaps Soul Shrinker too. Oh that Gnome appears to much less, but the other ones are quite usual companions and guides for the day and are usually quite persistent when trying to get my attention.

For example, the Dark Lady likes providing guidance related to my relationship with my hubby AND getting more in touch with my feminine side if you know what I mean. The Journeyman came to me almost every day for a week before I got layed off my old job, and again right before I got my new one. He likes to tell me about work and possible little road trip adventures. The Singer of Intuition always comes around when I am focusing on spiritual work and has been around quite a bit lately. The Guardian of the Gate tries to help keep in line, and seems to like to turn me away gently so we need to work closer togther to see what I need to go to get through. Oh that Gnome ... he is the one that makes my head go mush and get all distracted. His guidance is a hidenrance really *LOL*. The Soul Shrinker well he is my special friend.


Maybe I'll do some work with O that Gnome for you and see what it is he is trying to say and do...