Aquarian, Seven of Cups

Queen of Disks

One of the interesting things about the Aquarian is all of the odd details that pop up in the cards. The Seven of Cups is an example. In this card the seven cups with various figures in them are shown. One cup has a rainbow, another has a cobra, and a third has fruit and a butterfly in it. The other cups has a decapitated head, a flower (a crysanthemum?-I know that's spelled wrong-a marigold?) and a hand with a flower in it.

The last cup is amusing to me for some reason, because it shows a helmet with goggles on it. The helmet has wires and tubes sticking out of it. It reminds me of an older anime movie or something out of Star Wars or an old fashioned B-movie.

The Seven of Cups card to me is about dreams, illusions, and desires. To me the helmet reminds me of an older virtual reality headset. You could put it on and see what ever the computer program was programed to show. But no matter what you saw, the program still was not real. You still had to deal with reality sooner or later.



Aquarian Tarot: 7 of Cups

I like to think of the hand holding a flower (or wand, or scepter) as a hand holding an ice cream scoop!:)

Just once, I'd like to see things to eat in the cups: a sundae, potato chips, dip, olives, soup....:D

Remember the banquet scene in "Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom"? They served snake surprise, spider soup, & chilled monkey brains. You could use some of those to stand for the nastier things that life has in store. })

Getting back to this card, the helmet stands out. Everything else is found in nature, then suddenly you have a machine to support life in an unnatural environment.

Looking for the individual meanings in the cups, the snake stands for poison & trickery, the rainbow for good fortune, the head for intelligence, the flower for beauty, the fruit & butterfly for pleasure, the hand holding the scepter for power, the helmet for ????? :confused: Maybe a career. It might be a diver's or a test pilot's helmet.

As you say, the deck is full of delightful quirkiness.


I find the timing of this thread interesting. I came across the 7 of cups in the Aquarian deck for the first time on Wednesday night (I'm just beginning to study the tarot), and then I saw this post yesterday.

To me, the unusual headpiece is a diver's helmet, which I see as a tool / resource for exploration. I also see paradise, or the Garden of Eden, in the bottom level of cups: a rainbow, fruit and nature (the butterfly), as well as a serpet. =)

I'm not as focussed on the individual cups as I am on the "layers" or levels. For me, it's as though the diver is floating on the surface, weighing his or her options. If they stay on the surface, the outcome likely won't be good (the hand with the flower almost looks like someone starting to sink into the depths) - at the very least, they'll remain "lost at sea". As they first begin to dive down, they'll encounter an obstacle (represented by the corpse head), but one that is not insurmountable (I see the flower as rebirth). If they can get past this to the bottom level (paradise), the outcome should be fairly positive, although the serpet reminds us that nothing is perfect. =) But all of this to me centres around finding the necessary tool or resource - the diver cannot go down without the helmet to keep him or her alive.


Hi syrah,
Nice to have you with us.