1 sitter for an experiment


You did a GREAT job getting these details to the situation!!!!

Do you feel me getting pregnant and marrying will bring peace to my mom and I? Just a thought as to why that would tie in.

That is exactly what I'm thinking but I will try to focus on that to see if I get something clearer. :)


Ok...so first I have to share a funny story of what happened today as I began my meditation. I chose to lie down in bed for this one...I was just getting into deep meditation when I heard my dog come in. He jumped up on the bed and flopped down with his head on my stomach. He's 90 lbs so this was hard to ignore but I kept my eyes closed and focused on my meditation. Pretty soon, I started seeing trees. It was like I was on the ground, crawling around looking up at trees...I realized these were the trees in my backyard. I was in my own backyard. I heard my son talking to me. Rambling on (like he does), chatting about everything and I felt this BURST of love. Like I just love this boy (which of course I do) but then I started scanning the trees...looking around, making sure there wasn't anything that could hurt my son. I felt very intense about this, like it was my job to protect him.

My son bent down and touched my head and said, "come on buddy!" I was really happy.

It was then that I realized that I was seeing MY DOG's thoughts!!! hahahaha. I was my dog! It was what he thinks about. omg. I didn't even know this was possible. I had to come out of my meditation and have my son move our dog outside. LOL hahaha. anyway...on to your reading...


Ok...so first I have to share a funny story of what happened today as I began my meditation. I chose to lie down in bed for this one...I was just getting into deep meditation when I heard my dog come in. He jumped up on the bed and flopped down with his head on my stomach. He's 90 lbs so this was hard to ignore but I kept my eyes closed and focused on my meditation. Pretty soon, I started seeing trees. It was like I was on the ground, crawling around looking up at trees...I realized these were the trees in my backyard. I was in my own backyard. I heard my son talking to me. Rambling on (like he does), chatting about everything and I felt this BURST of love. Like I just love this boy (which of course I do) but then I started scanning the trees...looking around, making sure there wasn't anything that could hurt my son. I felt very intense about this, like it was my job to protect him.

My son bent down and touched my head and said, "come on buddy!" I was really happy.

It was then that I realized that I was seeing MY DOG's thoughts!!! hahahaha. I was my dog! It was what he thinks about. omg. I didn't even know this was possible. I had to come out of my meditation and have my son move our dog outside. LOL hahaha. anyway...on to your reading...

Hahaha!!!! Love it! That's awesome you tuned into your doggy....not so awesom 90 pounds was bouncing on you! He REALLY wanted to play and let you know!
I have a dog too and she is so in tune with me it's scary sometimes.

A few times, I've sat on my bed to do a reading and laid cards out, and my dog jumps on my bed and lays on the cards! I can't get mad at her and I feel like she's telling me "enough cards for today, mom!"


So I resettled in and focused on you and your mother. The images came very quickly...

Setting sun closing like a book - The very first image was of a sun setting in the west, going into the land and low laying clouds...the horizon began to fold up around the sun and it closed, like a book. The message here is one of endings, moving on, a chapter in your life being over. I think this is clear in that, the relationship you have had in the past/present with your mother is about to change...that time is over.

The October Tree - I soon saw a tree emerge from the closed book and distinct path forming in from of it. I felt that I was now on a path to something new. I called it the October tree because of the colors. They were the orange, red, and yellows of Fall...it looked like a Maple tree in October where I live. I really think that something big is going to change for you in the fall...around October. I usually shy away from anything to do with timing but this was such a clear message that I'm throwing it out there.

The Couple...The Song...The Scent - I again saw the passionate couple embracing. My heart started beating wildly. This is off-the-charts love here. Whew. I started hearing a song...I thought I had heard it before but I didn't know the words or who sang it. I looked up the lyrics (the entire song played for me). It's Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding (never heard of her). Do you know this song? It seems to be a song about young love and passion. Then the scent. Oh my. Swoon. I'll admit there is nothing better than a good smelling man and who ever this guy is, he will definitely smell AMAZING. hahahaha.

The Man/Teacher - So I got a VERY brief glimpse of this guy, face on...all I noticed is he was standing in front of large board, pointing at something and talking...like he was teaching something. So maybe this guy is a professor??

The Couple embracing with the child and boulder/rock - So finally I saw the couple embracing again, the child in their arms as I saw in the first day of meditation. Behind them was this enormous boulder, casting a shadow on the young family. As the couple kissed, hugged the child (I keep wanting to say daughter but I honestly couldn't tell if the child was a boy or girl), and laughed together...the boulder shrunk. It got smaller and smaller until it was just a very small rock. The child reached down from the couples arms and picked up the pebble, and stuck it in her pocket. The message here is that your mom has been like this boulder over your life, casting her shadow on you, but the time is coming very soon that your light, your love, your life is going to be so bright, no shadow can touch you. It will shrink her influence over you to nothing. What made me laugh was that this child put this rock in her pocket. I have a feeling that this child will OWN grandma. haha.

I don't think there is anything you can do to fix this situation now but endure and put your sites ahead to a time, very soon, that you begin your own family...your new chapter full of love and light with no shadows from the past. You are going to be a great mom. I can feel it.

I felt that this information was final so I don't know if I will get anything more. It felt like all that you need to know had been shown. If that makes sense. Good luck, sweetheart. I really think something amazing is on its way. :)


Wow. Yowza.
Forgive but I'll need to process for an hour or so. My minds going a bit bonkers right now.
A question...was this man fit and muscular?


Wow. Yowza.
Forgive but I'll need to process for an hour or so. My minds going a bit bonkers right now.
A question...was this man fit and muscular?

Honestly, I'm not sure. It was so fast. I just caught a quick glimpse and the impression was more about what he was doing (the teaching thing) than what he looked like. I tried to get more but it didn't come back.


Still picking jaw off the floor...


Still picking jaw off the floor...

hahahaha! Now I'm DYING to know!! But seriously, take your time. If I don't comment on your feedback tonight, it's because I'm an old lady who has to get up at 4 am for work. lol

It's no rush. Thanks again for sitting. It's been a lot of fun. The energy from that first image to the last was so different...definitely like going from the dark to the light. :)



The weirdest part in all this is that my mom had a dream Easter weekend and predicted that i would marry and be pregnant soon. And at least be in a relationship with my future husband within 6 months. Holy cow. She's always right with this stuff and you have no idea how ironic it is that of all her attributes this is one of a few facets to her that's awesome.

My mom will be leaving this Monday and will be gone for a few weeks. Yay! The new chapter could be a month of peace. Also, I'm starting to study and feel stronger about boundaries with others and living for myself more. I pray to god every night asking for my mom to be kind to me. It's that bad. And my self esteem gets thrashed daily. No peace or space from her.

It warms my heart that when I have a child, they'll keep grandma wrapped around their little finger. At least someone can tame the lion! And my mom symbolized by the boulder! Perfect!!! So fitting! So glad this man will help it shrink in size so my sun is no longer eclipsed by the MOMster.

My mom is awesome with kids. We joke she has a magic spell she puts on kids. It wouldn't surprise me that she'd love a kid of mine. It would distract her from attacking me too.

Gosh, if this man smells nice, I will be sure to spray a paper with his cologne and send it to you! Hubba, Hubba!!!

Yes I do know Ellie Goulding and I think I know that song.
Teacher...so I'll be on my grad school campus soon and studying daily in the library. It's a place full of professors!!!! And I've always dated smart, creative guys. Intelligence is just as important to me as the physical attraction.

The chalkboard....interestingly I have someone around me who's a teacher of sorts in a lab too. Works with science stuff.

I wonder who this man is or will be! Is there timing on when I will meet him?
I wonder if this man is someone I already know. Hmmm

It's not a surprise I can't fix the situation with my mom or change it. But getting away from her will give me so much peace, I can't even tell you.

This reading comes at such the right time. I have been getting so down and feel I have to keep so much pain inside. All my life my mom has made it known that my feelings don't matter. I have always hoped someone would be my partner in life and I would finally have someone to lean on and someone to trust with my feelings. I've just come out of a really hurtful period. I am so looking forward to a happy phase in my life. One where I'm appreciated and loved.

And also...I secretly love when my boyfriends come up to me, pat me on the head and say "come on buddy!" Just kidding! Lol ;-)

Thank you so much for this reading. You truly have a gift and I promise I will update you when things happen!