10 of wands

ana luisa

Depending on the surrounding cards it could be more positive and mean perseverance. Something like "hang in there", it´s almost over.


I think the 10 wands card illustrates the "feeling" of being burdened, whether the burden is optional or not. It is the drudgery, the exhaustion (mental or physical or both).

Queen of Disks

Carrying all that stuff around will not help you. Put your burdens down, and get some help. Also, you may have so much stuff going on that you can't see what's going on around you.

white ace

...LoL.. :D

I know why he wants to hold on to that heavy burden of many tasks/passions
- he can't lose face (the pride)

~ :D ~


10 of Wands upright could indicate fulfillment in some area that affects a persons sense of courage and strength, identity and drive...

Reversed this card could indicate fulfilling those things mentioned in the previous statement but in ways that ultimately weaken and detract and overburden an individual in some way...


a burden, and hopefully one that will release soon!


In a reading for me this card has suggested an ongoing situation that is taxing on your nerves, mind, and heart. Something you have alot of energy invested in. I look to the related card/s to show how long this is going to last and if theres going to be a break in the situation.