1st New Moon of 2009


Today is the first new moon in 2009. What will you be doing? Anything? Is there anything you feel this year needs to grow, be created new, develop?

I had a dream 2 weeks ago where this new moon was pointed out so for me it does mean something particular and I will be paying more attention tonight to what needs to grow and form itself in my life. Oddly enough, the dream which predicted that a certain thing would be in place by today, has actually occured so . . . so far, so good.


Well...I will be experiencing cramps! What a lovely way to celebrate! :D

But the past few days have been very revealing and this moon is sharing a lot of secrets and things held back to me, so it has a sort of release and move on theme to it. Interestingly I am also starting to do Light and Shadow work, which may get some attention tonight, depending on how I feel.

When I am feeling off I also dream very strange dreams and spend the rest of the day trying to figure them out! I think it is because the pain keeps waking me up off and on. And they have been related, in odd ways, to a few situations that in real life are being revealed, so there is an interesting cycle going on!

And if the coyote/wolf returns, I just might howl with it!! :D


HearthCricket said:
Well...I will be experiencing cramps! What a lovely way to celebrate! :D

Me too... stayed home from work actually.


The Good
~ this morning I went out to pay for our new grey hound dog
we adopted and thought gee, can't just have one, so got another
one. Oh, my daughter was with me and she said "I guess" :D
We pick the three of them up Saturday. :D

~ I've cried all day long.
(we put our other dog down two weeks ago,
don't know if this is why or what's going on?)

Hope there's no UGLY...
but I'm not looking too hot right now myself! :D :D :D
(the face swelling OMG!) :D

What a MONTH this has been.



((((((Ros))))))) - having to put down a dear companion is so hard!

Goodbye Wolf Moon!

New Moon and Solar Eclipse (not visible where I was, but I felt it) this morning - wow, quite a day!

I call it the Bear Moon, because it coincides (in early Feb) with the time during which Artio the Bear Goddess, or simply the Bear - male and female - was celebrated in these parts. The bear traditions went on a long time, and in some parts of the Alps are still alive.

The traditional name in the Northern Hemisphere, I believe, is the Storm Moon - let's see if it applies for this coming 28 days!

I had a dream last night, a sweet dream, something I've been wondering about...an answer of sorts.

I have been called upon to help out several people this week - with rattle and herbs. I also had some strong divination experiences in journeying (as well as last night's dream) and small, sudden experiences.

It's very strange, something I have been preparing myself for - but didn't feel ready for - and suddenly it's happening. And all because I took a few walks in the snow-bound woods and paid attention...

...and I've started writing again with joy. I believe it's all linked.

I'm also about to experience cramps ;) - but natural progesterone has taken care of the worst of it. I actually get far more attuned just before, during and just after my period, so I've learnt, reluctantly, to welcome the blood flow! BTW - found out today that oakmoss is very good to stay an overabundant flow! (maybe I should post this in the Red Tent :D)


Hello Fudugazi

Funny, so I learned something new today.
That The Moons have names.
Interesting. But not surprising.
Thank you ;o)



So hard having to say goodbye to them. My little cat was put down on New Years Eve - she was so sick and had had so many tests; we knew it was the right thing but she was little and so sweet, poor thing. We'd only had her for a month and still ... she really changed my life just in that time and I still cry for her.

So, for me this new moon is another new start to this year (New Year not being so good!); and the cramps ... well after the stress of last month I'm glad they are here! I spent the weekend with friends and was also outside at night in the countryside...oh! the stars were so clear and beautiful. I have teaching tomorrow for the first time in a long time and am looking forwards to the potential of the year again...


So sorry you lost your cat (((((Apellis))))))

This New Moon sounds like a new beginning for you. Solar eclipses also signifiy new beginnings, though they can be tough to negotiate.

NB - I'd originally written "lunar eclipse", but as this is a new moon, it was a solar eclipse, of course.

Gazel - yes, the Moons have names, and very poetic ones - so I allow myself the poetic licence to change them to one that fits equally well if I feel like it :D


We put in an offer on a dream house, which looks very much as if it's all going to go ahead- even though we weren't planning on moving!!!

Just call me spontaneous...or insane :)

Plus I've just started working on the next deck, a Transparent Oracle, as requested by Schiffer Books!

I'm an aquarian- is it particularly auspicious for my sign?

Em xx


Apellis said:

So hard having to say goodbye to them. My little cat was put down on New Years Eve - she was so sick and had had so many tests; we knew it was the right thing but she was little and so sweet, poor thing. We'd only had her for a month and still ... she really changed my life just in that time and I still cry for her.

So sorry to hear of your pusscat ((((Apellis))))