2 of Pentacles as outcome - a yes to a creative venture?


How would you see this card as an outcome for a creative venture? A company is hmmming and harring over a proposal of mine; do you see this as a yes or no? I used a three card spread (the other cards fairly neutral) and used the Rider Waite deck. I'm tempted to think this outcome isn't entirely negative...

Yours indebted,


To get an answer you would have to mention all three cards and give your own summary on each. Have a look at the posting rules for readings.


Sorry, I thought I'd put this in Using Tarot Cards. Sorry mods.


***The 2 pents suggests no because the company seem to be handling their affairs the way they are happy with to the exclusion of all outside influences, therefore they seem to have no desire to take on your ideas.


I can see what you're saying Willowfox; it can be a card of juggling what they already have, with little or no focus on taking on new things at this time. However, it's a card of movement and change also. They may be willing to take on a new project that's a bit different.


However, it's a card of movement and change also. They may be willing to take on a new project that's a bit different.

***No, its a card of standstill, look at the figure eight wrapping the two balls the person is juggling, suggesting self containment, nothing gets in or out, no room for a third ball. Plus everything around is moving but not the company.


Two of coins means change to me. When I see it in a future placement I always think it means one should embrace a new development, even though it might be uncomfortable. Does that mean finding your niche with this company, or seeking out a new opportunity? Couldn't say, but my feeling is the status quo is shifting.


This card may also be implying that you aren't anticipating what they need as well as you may need to in order to sell them on this venture as it currently stands. They may like parts of it, but it isn't "quite there" for them yet. Perhaps, if you can change it to make it a better fit in some way, they may take it on (but again, maybe not exactly as you have currently proposed it.)

Of course, the other cards in the spread may alter this suggestion...