2 Puzzling Cards in a Celtic Cross Reading


Hi all--

I just did a Celtic Cross reading about my writing/writing career.

Lately I have felt like I have a glass ceiling as far as my skill goes in writing; I can recognize really tight, super talented work but can't produce anything like it myself. I'm trying to figure out what actually comprises the glass ceiling, so that's why I did a reading.

Most of it made sense, and it picked up on my recent indecision (which has been a huge problem for me as I work through PTSD) and being rocky emotionally (ditto). However, there were two court cards that have me stumped.

Page of Swords, in the House Position: I mean, I think of this as maybe being advice to use my intellect and cunning, but that's all I got.

King of Wands, in the Hopes/Fears Position: This could fit a handful of other writers I know, but I don't know if this reading is suggesting I reach out to one of them for advice or mentoring or something like that. And, if so, still not sure why it would be in this position.

If anybody has insight as to how these fit the bigger picture, thank you. :)


I don't know about the 'House' stuff since I don't use the same position terminology, but as far as any card in the 'Hopes/Fears' position - the best thing that I can say is that 'what you are hoping for' or ''what you fear the most may happen' are both entirely illusory, and may never happen in the context of the storyline of your reading.

How do you define the King of Wands - meant as a statement and not as a question. Do you want to become like him, or do you fear becoming like him? Better still WHY do you want to become like him, or what frightens you if you DID become like him?

I would look at the progression of the outcome cards (#3, #6, and #10) before I'd let the illusory nature of the #9 card affect my interpretation of the reading.

Not exactly an answer to your question, I know.


Lately I have felt like I have a glass ceiling as far as my skill goes in writing; I can recognize really tight, super talented work but can't produce anything like it myself. I'm trying to figure out what actually comprises the glass ceiling, so that's why I did a reading.
The real talent in writing is having something that you're passionately involved in saying - a story or a teaching that you CAN'T NOT write. If you're swept away by your subject-matter, it will show, and the writing will have that kind of glow that you're looking for.

and it picked up on my recent indecision
If your current writing project has indecision attached to it, it's not all-engulfing. When you are writing something that totally consumed you, then the style will come together.

Page of Swords, in the House Position: I mean, I think of this as maybe being advice to use my intellect and cunning, but that's all I got.
Pages are learners. They're very far from mastering the skills of their elements. Swords are about the intellect, so perhaps you need to develop yourself further.

King of Wands, in the Hopes/Fears Position: This could fit a handful of other writers I know,
Or it represents the kind of drive and single-minded dedication to a given project that, when you find the right writing-project for you, will engulf your inner world with flames and have you at the keyboard twenty hours a day.

What you are hoping for is to develop "really tight, super talented work" according to you: the cards you are mystified by seem to reinforce or confirm my belief that your style lights up and becomes genius as-and-when you are passionately engaged by what you are writing and simply cannot put your pen down at all.


How do you know you don't develop writing like that? Go to authonomy.com. Post your writing for feedback.