2012 Edition Victorian Romantic


Releases of bundles and decks

This first release was a bit crazy. The shop fell over at one point, but we had our software guy on stand-by (we are learning!) so he got it up again quickly, and also changed some of our server settings to make it more robust when lots of people hit the shop at the same time.

Both lots of bundles (about 250) have now gone. However, it's worth checking the shop around the end of this week, as we usually have some people who order but don't pay or contact us, and we cancel those after a few days. At that point, those bundles will reappear on the shop.

We need a while to sort out these orders, make more bags and spread cloths and so on. Oh, and maybe to have a holiday too! So we will release the next bundles - at the same large discount - in August. Please join the special mailing list or watch the Facebook pages for up-to-date information. We also hope to offer separate decks at the same time, as we know not everyone wants both decks. We will also think about timing for people in Australia and Asia - it's a problem though as we also need to release at feasible times here so that we are up and awake to deal with any issues as they arise. But I expect the next releases will go more slowly in any case, so people will get a better chance.

This time, we are NOT distributing the Victorian Romantic second edition via Amazon etc. These days the payments we get from Amazon sales hardly even cover printing costs and so it simply doesn't make sense. So the deck is planned to be available only from us and from the specialist retailers we sell to. Sorry about that, but I hope you understand our reasoning.

Off to make strengthening cup of coffee and contemplate my scary in-box now...


Oh, that is wonderful news! I only need the mini decks, so I'm relieved that I can pre-order in August.

Will the mini decks come with their own bag?


lol at Karen about her scary inbox. :D

I missed it, too. I just didn't check my inbox at the right time.

I happened to get on the Baba site for a totally unrelated reason, only to discover that the Victorian Romantic was there, and all sold out.

So I found out about it before I found my own email! :p

I do so want both decks, the mini and the regular sized, and a bag. Hopefully in August.


Both lots of bundles (about 250) have now gone. However, it's worth checking the shop around the end of this week, as we usually have some people who order but don't pay or contact us, and we cancel those after a few days. At that point, those bundles will reappear on the shop...
... We will also think about timing for people in Australia and Asia - it's a problem though as we also need to release at feasible times here so that we are up and awake to deal with any issues as they arise. But I expect the next releases will go more slowly in any case, so people will get a better chance.

:heart: thankyou :heart:

I will lurk in the shop as often as i can, to try to find an unwanted bundle to adopt :)


Will the mini decks come with their own bag?

Oh, right! Two decks. I'm going to need two bags. :party: :| :D

I LOVE the perfectly sized bag they did for the BBC mini deck ... is there a bag like that for this mini?


So far I've managed to miss every opportunity to buy this deck. LOL I'll end up with one some day, I hope.


This first release was a bit crazy. ......... But I expect the next releases will go more slowly in any case, so people will get a better chance.

So this is a small print run deck? Is that why the limited releases?
Or are you releasing in small amounts to avoid a rush?

I tried to order a set but it was when the site crashed


I LOVE the perfectly sized bag they did for the BBC mini deck ... is there a bag like that for this mini?

I would really like to know this too, does the VR mini in the bundle come with its own small bag like the BB Cats Bundle did?

I was lucky enough to order a bundle, I chose the Devil bag as I liked the dark purple/blue colours and I always associate this image with the Victorian Romantic deck.
November will be something to look forward to now:))


I happened to be right at my computer when the email came, and jumped on it.

The Victorian Romantic was one of the few decks I pined for when I first started getting into tarot, so I'm really excited to be able to get one of the editions now.