2013 Lo Scarabeo's Tarot Illuminati


I am so looking forward to this deck and are waiting for the reviews. ;)


Wowzers - looks awesome!


Amazon now has this deck available for pre-order. :)


The Book of Shadows is going to be just another mass produced deck, I don't feel the appeal towards it. Mibramig is a whole other story, though. I have meant to get the Magical Forest one for a while, but I just don't feel it is for me. Maybe this one can change my mind. It seems to be the Dark Fairytale to the Dark Angels tarot. You see what I mean?

Tarot Illuminati is just another Witches Tarot by Dugan, although the art seems more elaborate. There is nothing wrong with these decks, they just come and go.

We can't expect a Daniloff Tarot to come out every year, now can we?

I'm getting the Illuminati and Mibramig, they are worth the spin.


The colors in the picture on Amazon's product page alarmingly dull and brassy. The backs are a dull brass effect, as well.

This does not bode well.


The Illuminati has to be mine! Has to!


I am strangely attracted to these images, and I usually don't like this kind of thing. :) I may have to get one, too!

Tarot Illuminati

Thanks for posting that. I wonder if that is what the actual cards will look like, or if there will be the typical thick LS borders running around the card with about 54 different languages on it.

I always hope that LS will one day abandon their hideous borders (that ruin many amazing decks for me) but I fear it will never happen.

Why do publishers not make more borderless decks?

I just approved the final layout for my cards (Tarot Illuminati) and wanted to assure you that Lo Scarabeo has done a brilliant job, NO BORDER mucking up the art, but super card stock wit gilded edges!

Tarot Illuminati

Out of interest l googled the definition of illuminati, l really hope that the creator meant this to be a tarot of enlightenment, because the definition of illuminati has all sorts of....... what l can only say is darkness. Nevertheless l still think these cards are a masterpiece and maybe calling them what he did was coincidence and nothing to do with what the definitions say.

Illuminati is actually latin for "Illumination", no dark hidden covert meanings here, although I do enjoy a really good conspiracy theory now and then!


I just approved the final layout for my cards (Tarot Illuminati) and wanted to assure you that Lo Scarabeo has done a brilliant job, NO BORDER mucking up the art, but super card stock wit gilded edges!

Sounds FABULOUS! Thank you for the update! :)