3-card spread


Using the Aquarian Tarot deck, I pulled three cards for the question, "What is holding me back from becoming more psychic?"

Card 1: 7 of Cups

Card 2: 2 of Swords Reversed

Card 3: Death

They were in no particular order (not past, present, future) and I think it means that I am easily influenced by fantasy, perhaps to such an extent that I become confused, not able to listen to my intuition, and that I may need guidance to develop my psychic ability more. The Death card to me means that I am nearing the end of a phase, after which time I may enter a period of growth and rebirth as far as being psychic.

I've never posted a reading before. Does anyone have any advice about it?


Hi, I have been asking myself the same question! :)

2 of Swords rx: Open up your heart, pay attention to feelings during meditation.

Death to me shows you need to let go, espeically of you Ego and its concerns.


Being easily influenced by fantasy does indeed block true psychic growth (personal experience!), so I would take your interpretation there. Moreorless being unable to choose effectively between the scenarios your mind throws up.

The 2 of swords upright can be someone blocking off their true heart, for various life reasons, such as being hurt in the past or experiencing mockery. As it is reversed, it may mean that this phase is coming to an end. And that you are even asking the question may mean this is so.

You are likely right about Death which I would see as positive in this context.



Stop dithering around and start being more decisive.


Maybe the two of swords refers to the inner chatter in your mind that you need to silence so that you can be more open to the messages that come to you. Death may be personal issues that are causing that turmoil, and 7 of cups all the emotions associated with those issues.