Simple 3-Carder; my first posted spread!


Hey guys!

Tonight, I finally decided that I needed to get off my bum, and put up my first reading onto ATF.

I chose a simple, 3 Card spread - Past, Present & Future, which I may well now expand on, for further clarification, depending upon your opinions as to whether this is too clear-cut/simplistic.

Here's the actual spread:


PAST: The Hermit
It's certainly true that I am pretty introspective by nature, always looking for the deeper meaning in things, and have recently recommenced my spiritual studies (which is what brought me to this very fine forum!).

By nature, I'm pretty gregarious, but find myself - at present - with only one true friend (my disabled wife). We have no social life to speak of - it's all work (for me), and home and each other.

PRESENT: Death's where I begin to get a little puzzled. Death is all about transformation; leaving something behind, so that something new and beneficial may take it's place.

I'm inclined to hope that this is an indication that my material life is in the process of a kind of renewal, although I see no actual signs of that; we're still in a kind of status quo.

The only real change, of late, is my renewed interest in the inner worlds, so I have to assume that it's this that's being indicated here?

FUTURE: The Emporer
Stability, Achievement and Progress; not much more can be said about this card, until it actualises, though it certainly seems positive!

I was pretty taken aback to see that all three cards were Majors; life doesn't really feel all that dramtic at the moment, so this really made me sit up, and pay attention.

I'm now left with the feeling that I should really draw two additonal cards for each position, to show the surrounding influences, but was hoping to get some feedback from you guys first!

Thanks in advance for any comments which might help me clarify!

Love & Light,



In the past you were unsure where to direct your energy. You may have even been searching for your father (just something that came to mind) but you've given up and have decided to focus on maintaining your life as of now. You're entering a chapter in your life where you will have to be the leader, take control of your life. Actually, you may even be a new father.

Main thing is that you were wandering around lost in the past and you're ending that part of your life, soon you'll be forced into a leadership position, can you handle it?


Hermit Death Emperor

Starting with an elemental overview: The Hermit, an earth card, is next to watery Death; which in turn is weakened by being next to the fiery Emperor. This makes the Hermit the strongest card. So you were very grounded in your past, feeling very comfortable or complacent in a state of withdrawal. Perhaps too content in your inner quest for spiritual truth? Maybe there was to much focus on your inner state?

With Death, you've reached a state of dissatisfaction, a need for something different. There is discomfort on your path as you realize that something is missing. As the Emperor is likely stirring up the (elementally) passive Death, there is perhaps an inner struggle to identify with the need for more structure and practical action in your life.

You did start out by saying you wanted to get off your bum with this reading, so there is a small, concrete example. :)

Continuing elementally, there is no air, which suggests a lack of thought, or perhaps lacking a plan for action. Maybe you need to put more thought into the aspects of your life (spiritual or otherwise) that could benefit from a decisive and structured approach.


The Hermit sums up your rather solitary life well but the Death card suggests that necessary changes are coming into your life but currently you may be feeling somewhat in limbo, letting life take you along, waiting for fate to tip the balance towards something different and new, probably losing something in the process.
The Emperor suggests that if you work,then you could gain a promotion, or control issues, it could also indicate involvement in legal issues, or with the government.


Hi Starlight - very many thanks for your interpretation:

Starlight09 said:
In the past you were unsure where to direct your energy. You may have even been searching for your father (just something that came to mind) but you've given up and have decided to focus on maintaining your life as of now. You're entering a chapter in your life where you will have to be the leader, take control of your life. Actually, you may even be a new father.

It is certainly true that I often struggle to know quite what to put my energies into (aside for the normal day-to-day life stuff).

Unforutunately, my father passed last year, and I feel that my own fathering days are long past (I have two teeneage children, so I'm desperately hoping there's no more on the way! ;))

Main thing is that you were wandering around lost in the past and you're ending that part of your life, soon you'll be forced into a leadership position, can you handle it?

Whilst I could see how this may become true, if my wife's disabling condition deteriorates, I'm hoping this isn't imminant!...I'll keep you updated there though.

Many thanks once again!

Love & Light,



Hey rif - very many thanks for looking at this for me; it was certainly useful:

rif said:
Hermit Death Emperor

Starting with an elemental overview: The Hermit, an earth card, is next to watery Death; which in turn is weakened by being next to the fiery Emperor. This makes the Hermit the strongest card.

D'you know, I'd never actually considered the elemental qualities of the Majors in a divinatory sense, until your commments?!

You really opened my eyes to something that I was missing there :D

rif said:
So you were very grounded in your past, feeling very comfortable or complacent in a state of withdrawal. Perhaps too content in your inner quest for spiritual truth? Maybe there was to much focus on your inner state?

Although it's a little uncomfortable to admit to, you are definately on the right path here - I have been very, VERY laid back, over the past few years, feeling that I have been really lacking drive and enthusiasm for all manner of things.

rif said:
With Death, you've reached a state of dissatisfaction, a need for something different. There is discomfort on your path as you realize that something is missing. As the Emperor is likely stirring up the (elementally) passive Death, there is perhaps an inner struggle to identify with the need for more structure and practical action in your life.

Yes! I'm just hoping that the enrgies of the Emporer materailise sooner, rather than later; I'm really in need of some Mars energy at the moment. It's all very well, being content with life, but - with nothing to really be enthusiastic about - I'm worried about stagnation.

rif said:
You did start out by saying you wanted to get off your bum with this reading, so there is a small, concrete example. :)

LOL - that obvious, huh? ;)

rif said:
Continuing elementally, there is no air, which suggests a lack of thought, or perhaps lacking a plan for action. Maybe you need to put more thought into the aspects of your life (spiritual or otherwise) that could benefit from a decisive and structured approach.

This is odd (though true, to a degree), as I'm usually a fairly cerebullar person. Again, though, I feel that the lack of concrete thought is possibly around a perceived lack of direction into which to place active consideration.

Once again, Rif, very many thanks for the time you spent replying to my post; really provided food for thought!

Love & Light,



Hey willowfox!

Thanks so much for your kind input on this for me - very much appreciated :)

willowfox said:
The Hermit sums up your rather solitary life well but the Death card suggests that necessary changes are coming into your life but currently you may be feeling somewhat in limbo, letting life take you along, waiting for fate to tip the balance towards something different and new, probably losing something in the process.

Yup - just call me Mister Procrastination!

A question, if I may?...Do that cards here imply that the situation will result in a transformation of the situation with no particular effor on my part, or does the Emporer indicated that I'll be 'moving things along' myself, in relation to this?

willowfox said:
The Emperor suggests that if you work,then you could gain a promotion, or control issues, it could also indicate involvement in legal issues, or with the government.

Actually, I guess that probably answers the question which I asked above, but I'll leave it, unedited, so others can benefit :D

Many thanks, once again, for your kind thoughts about my reading :)

Love & Light,



As for Death, I believe that things are out of your hands so to speak, as you seem to be making very little or no effort to make any changing, then fate will do it for you.