3 of Wands as longing


Could 3 of Wands be Longing?
Not actually doing what one wishes for but longing for doing it?
Anyway today I got that card, and Longing was my first thought, and I read the card as a encouragement to do instead of wishing for.
The Fool on one flank seemed to be supportive of this, all though the Fool seems to be more chaotic in his doing than would the 3oW.

Any thoughts?



In the NOVT, 3 of Wands is 3 Petro -- Guedeh Le Flambeau


The picture shows a man dancing with a woman in the fire, and he is stimulating himself during the dance.

The self-stimulation lends to the longing for an orgasm, for the continued feeling of excitement that sex and passion bring. He's dancing with a woman...so he's longing for such a feeling with her (he could bring himself to orgasm if he so chose).

Dancing in the fire...the longing for the heat of passion.

Petros refer to any kind of "hot" emotion like sex, passion, energy, though this card is more overtly sexual in nature.



Don't forget...the guedeh are the lwa (spirits) of the dead.

Orgasm is considered "the little death". :D


Hi Gazel,

I could see that interpretation for the 3 Wands. The images that pop immediately to mind are of someone who's waiting for his ships to come in. Longing isn't too far a jump from waiting. Plus if that's the thought that came to your mind, then regardless of what the card might mean, that's what it should mean to you in this instance.



the common thread here seems to be pain or longing --


afrosaxon said:
In the NOVT, 3 of Wands is 3 Petro -- Guedeh Le Flambeau


The picture shows a man dancing with a woman in the fire, and he is stimulating himself during the dance.

The self-stimulation lends to the longing for an orgasm, for the continued feeling of excitement that sex and passion bring. He's dancing with a woman...so he's longing for such a feeling with her (he could bring himself to orgasm if he so chose).

Dancing in the fire...the longing for the heat of passion.

Petros refer to any kind of "hot" emotion like sex, passion, energy, though this card is more overtly sexual in nature.


The NOVT really brings on some interesting connotations, I must say ;o)

The suit of Wands is the passionate and energetic suit, and so I take it that your answer is a confirmation, that yes, 3oW could apply to longing. This figure in the Universal Waite is not dancing in the fire. He is more passive, still, turning his back to us. But he could be passionately looking for, longing for, the ships.



rwcarter said:
Hi Gazel,

I could see that interpretation for the 3 Wands. The images that pop immediately to mind are of someone who's waiting for his ships to come in. Longing isn't too far a jump from waiting. Plus if that's the thought that came to your mind, then regardless of what the card might mean, that's what it should mean to you in this instance.


I know. It was what popped up, or more accurately the word, Længsel, in danish.
I'm increasingely getting better to trust my instincts or intuitions or whatever ... Just wanted to share.

By the way, ED's seem to enhance the process of reading the cards.



rota said:
the common thread here seems to be pain or longing --

I don't know about pain in relation to the 3oW, maybe if this person continues not to follow his longings.



Gazel said:
I don't know about pain in relation to the 3oW, maybe if this person continues not to follow his longings.


"Longing" inherently implies a sort of pain, does it not? I think of it as a painful wish for something...almost like a pining (which can be physically, as well as emotionally, painful). Like "I want that so badly, it hurts" or "I want that so badly, I can taste it." It is the shiny bauble held JUST out of reach of the child and if the child can just streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch a centimeter/inch further, he can reach it. :D


afrosaxon said:
"Longing" inherently implies a sort of pain, does it not? I think of it as a painful wish for something...almost like a pining (which can be physically, as well as emotionally, painful).

Well, I do follow you, longing can be painful. But it can also be wishful, like one knowing that the longing will be fulfilled, as the ships are set out and the in due time will be returning home.

The pain comes when nothing is done or can be done.

I do think that the figure longing in the RWS 3oW are conscious and clever aboyt what should or could be done to ease the longing. He knows what actions should be done. He just has to in fact set the sails ...

But, hey, that's just my story about this card - right know ;o)
